Remembrance Day

Lest We Forget


10 responses to “Remembrance Day”

  1. Jenn Avatar

    It’s called that at home too, in Canada.

    Jenns last blog post..The Winners Are …..

  2. Trish Avatar

    Yes, Lest we forget !
    Thanks for this tribute.

    Trishs last blog post..Better watch out …

  3. Kat Avatar

    Beautiful picture.

    Kats last blog post..Perspective

  4. Taz Avatar

    very nice…

    lest we forget..

    Tazs last blog post..55 Weeks Old

  5. lceel Avatar

    Not for a minute, of any hour, of any day. Never, ever, do I forget.

    lceels last blog post..Happy Birthday, Marines

  6. momisodes Avatar

    A beautiful photo and tribute.

    momisodess last blog post..LEEP of Faith

  7. Cat Avatar

    Thank you for the reminder.

    Cats last blog post..My Scarlet Letter

  8. Talina Avatar

    Great photo with a powerful message.

    Talinas last blog post..Lookie what I got…

  9. Bobbi Avatar

    Great picture.

    I for one will never forget the sacrifices anyone gives for their country.

  10. tiff Avatar

    Amen to that.

    PS Happy birthday!

    tiffs last blog post..Preschool preparation.