There is something about seeing a mouse and not being able to schwack it that makes my head explode. So, when I heard a scritch scritch sound and finally tracked it down to a mouse underneath the fridge, I may possibly have started to froth at the mouth.
‘Argghh! There is a mouse! Look! A MOUSE AND IT IS LOOKING AT ME.’
[I may have possibly have been shining a torch at the mouse, hoping that the torch beam would magically turn into a laser and burn the little fucker to death.]
Nathan:’Well? Not much I can do about it.’
‘It is looking at me! WITH BEADY EYES!’
Nathan might get a little sick of how I overreact when I see a mouse and can’t kill it instantly by mind power alone.
‘ARGHHHH! It is running up my FRIDGE! IT RAN UP THE BACK OF MY GODDAMN FRIDGE! AND ONTO THE FUCKING SINK! Kill it! kill kill kill the goddamn thing!’
This is where I’d like to point out that a torch is fucking useless as a schwacker. Especially if you are trying to schwack around the dirty dishes. Even more so if there is a nice little mouse hole at the back of the sink for the mouse to disappear into.
I have now moved the mousetrap. Nothing would make me happier than to dance around gleefully over the body of a dead mouse.
In other news, I am 6 comments off having 10000 comments on this blog. Will *YOU* be the ten thousandth commenter? No, you don’t win anything except my everlasting love and devotion. Sorry about that.
33 responses to “And POP! my head exploded.”
10,000th?? Hmm, I may have to comment again then…
Love your mouse-schwacking posts.
Marylins last blog post..Grumpy B*tch
Mice suck, my parents once had a cabinet invested with the stupid things, it was so gross and made one nervous to go into the pantry/laundry room.
Megans last blog post..Can’t Think of a Better Title
I hate mice, with their oily teardrop eyes, taunting you.
I’m faster than you, there is NO hope of catching me. Nar narny nar nah!
tiffs last blog post..A study in sleep.
By my calculations you’re only 3 off now and this should make you 2 off – how exciting.
I hope you kill that gosh darn mouse in a very splatty fashion.
Barbaras last blog post..67/365 – Poorly – Part II
I lived in an older, draftier house a long time ago and when we moved, we discovered the mouse family living under the dryer.
I was lucky enough to have never met him face to face. I am sure that I would react the same way. ~shudder~
Jenn FLs last blog post..Game Night
Looks like it is me!!!
Mice suck ass big time
I killed a mouse in my left over dirty dish water one night… it was gross to get out of the water… all bloated 🙂
congrats on so many commentators!
maiden53s last blog post..
YUCK! I hate mice too. Dirty, creepy, sly little buggers!!
Janet Bs last blog post..Friendships!
Ahh another hide for my lovely coat
Suzies last blog post..It Just Might Make Me Grumpy
The thought of you and the poor little mouse just made my day. You know he goes back to his home/nest and tells stories of the crazy lady, right?
I’m so jealous now that I’m not the 10,000th commenter…*sigh*
But I am a bit shocked about all of your mouse-stories (including the ones in the comments) I have never in my life encountered a mouse inside my house/flat etc… I guess I have to say that I’m lucky considering all the mouse-posts I have read so far…
Detts last blog post..International pedigree-dog show
I’m so jealous now that I’m not the 10,000th commenter…*sigh*
But I am also a bit shocked about all of your mouse-stories (including the ones in the comments) I have never in my life encountered a mouse inside my house/flat etc… I guess I have to say that I’m lucky considering all the mouse-posts I have read so far…
Detts last blog post..International pedigree-dog show
Damn…sorry about the double-posting
Oh my goodness, he looks just like Amy in that top photo! 🙂
What is the name of that beautiful rose? It looks like a Peace rose, but with a little extra pink in it.
Good luck with the mouse hunt.
Congrats on 10,000 comments. That is a lot 😉
We found a dead mouse up in the attic area of our garage yesterday… I think my cat killed it sometime ago because it was all decomposed and hollow. Nice huh?
You can enjoy my dead mouse as a substitute, want me to dig it out of the trash and send it to you? LOL… I am kidding!
Talinas last blog post..Time flies… When it Rains, it pours… We have some more news too!
That’s a lot of comments! Wow!
Yuck re the mouse… rather you than me!
Jeanettes last blog post..Weekly Winners – CANSA Shavathon 7 March 2009
I demand a recount
Xbox4NappyRashs last blog post..Entertain me
You need an industrial strength fly swatter that you can use to schwack mouses! Satisfying and effective!
Sarahs last blog post..
Mice….yuck yuck yuck. Just the thought of them roaming around the house. We used to have one that came in the laundry window at night, go around the whole lounge, then to the pantry, eat the crumbs off the floor then go back out the laundry window again! We tracked him, he was harmless because he didn’t touch anything or poo anywhere except the laundry! When we got power we didn’t need the laundry window open to run an extension lead so he dissappeared.
Tanyas last blog post..Perfect
I have had the same thing happen to me, except with a pack rat! Quite alarming. The cat and dog were of no help, so we had resort to giant sized mouse traps. Yuck! Good luck….
have you tried peanut butter? best mouse bait EVER — and it really helps if you bait the trap once without setting it, then set it the next time. But I guess you’re not gonna go for that option LOL
I like the plastic traps that are like giant pegs. You can throw the whole thing in the bin and they don’t snap your fingers when you set them.
Toni Lawss last blog post..folded corner
Steel wool to block up mouse-holes.
Remind Nathan meeces can eat out the wiring in a fridge,leaving you foaming at the mouth even more than before…
Jaynes last blog post..Triumph Trivial Tuesday March History 10
eww to mice
hopefully you kill them all soon.
another cat or two may help?
of course when you have the time..
Tazs last blog post..72 Weeks Old and 14 Weeks Old
Peanut butter is seriously good bait, those little shit machines love it! We used bits of scrunched up aluminium flywire to block any minute gaps we could find, seems to have worked – so far, touch wood! Also helps a bit with the bug problem 😉
Ewww, mice. I don’t blame you for screaming. Mice on top of sleep deprivation, Nathan better get to some serious mouse killings. lol
Congrats on all your comments!! Also, love the photos of Isaac and Amy in the last post.
Joyce-Annes last blog post..It’s Over
Awe crap, that reminds me that spring is here in my neck ‘o the woods, which means Mickey will be visiting us again. DAMMIT.
Hyphen Mamas last blog post..Mr Hyphen’s Fantasy Comes True
Get one of those big industrial sized packs of steel wool, (you know the stuff that comes in one huge length and you tear off what you need?)Don’t be asking me where from, I’m just saying it’s available. Anyway, tear off pieces and stuff them tightly in all the mouse holes you can find. The little buggers can’t chew through it and will pack their bags and move to easier targets.
Here’s hopin’ for a dead rodent carcass in your near future! Wooo hooo!
Cats last blog post..On Hotel Stationary
dammit, unlucky 1022th (or thereabouts!) – congrats tho!
we had mouses (3 of em) 4 wks after lukas was born….we live on a buildin site, so i wasn’t too surprised at the first sight of 1, tho not thrilled either! convinced self they can’t climb (cos i’m a mouses expert!), til i saw 1 limber up the brick wall a few inches from my nose!!! cue freakin out, followed by comin-to-terms-with-mouses (“look lukas, it’s our friend!”), followed by traps & all-out carnage…i also learned that the mere power of my voice isn’t enough – well miffed i was!
You’re so funny with the mice. I’m the same about spiders, though your spiders are pretty intimidating! My husband drives me mad when he doesn’t do the “manly” thing and get up to save me from a nasty spider. Lame, I know. I kill them myself all the time.
Kats last blog post..Satan’s Brew
I have no problem murdering mice. With poison, a one feeding kill. Then I don’t have to touch the traps. Dirty, filthy, vermin.
witchypoos last blog post..My Big Day
Only thing I hate more than a mouse is a goddamn fucking german cockroach.
I’m obviously not 10,000, but hey, congratulations!!!
Rees last blog post..Real time posting