Oh How The Place Has Deteriorated

You remember how I posted a photo of my lovely clean office? Well, she has deteriorated just a little bit since then (read: the room is a shambles.)


Clean office





What is that you ask? Does the washing get dried in my office? Why yes! Yes it does. What gives me away? Is it the MASSIVELY HUGE (okay, it is probably the smallest pile of washing I have ever had. EVER) pile of washing in the corner?

Also, why is Amy carrying around my percolator? I might need that tomorrow. Remind me that it is in my office when I need coffee tomorrow.

Now, on my table is – a cup, 2 bowls, the foil from a packet of chocolate coins I was saving (the foil, not the chocolate. How can you save chocolate around me?) an air freshener (a present from Amy) and the empty packet from a block of chocolate. *sniff*

Also there is a baby wipe and a sponge. More presents from Amy.

I think I need to clean my office. *sigh*

This post shamelessly inspired by Sandy from Momisodes. Thankyou.


16 responses to “Oh How The Place Has Deteriorated”

  1. Courtney Avatar

    To be fair, you posted the clean pictures almost two weeks ago. In my house, it would’ve stayed that clean for about….4 seconds. On a good day.

    So I am actually impressed that it took that long to mess it up! (And it’s not even THAT messed up! Work harder next time, Amy!)

    Courtney’s last blog post..Unplugged Project: Puzzle

  2. Jenty Avatar

    That pile of washing isn’t big at all, if that’s any consolation!
    I don’t think it looks too bad, sounds a bit like mine AND I have a cleaner at home.

    Jenty’s last blog post..Starting to talk

  3. Taz Avatar


    i feel ok about mine now.. 🙂

  4. Marylin Avatar

    looks like my house on an average day 😉 toddlers = mess and lots of laundry!

    Marylin’s last blog post..Just. Too. Tired.

  5. Marlee Avatar

    Hey, I just threw out a pile of foil from some chocolate coins last night…what was I supposed to save it for?


    Marlee’s last blog post..It’s One Big Ass Debate

  6. Burgh Baby's Mom Avatar

    That looks SPOTLESS to me. You will never see photos of my “office” for that very reason.

    Burgh Baby’s Mom’s last blog post..Complaining About the Same Old Things

  7. Badness Jones Avatar

    You think that’s bad? You should see Hubs’ home office….that’s where I am now….I’m supposed to be doing his paperwork while the boy’s at the sitter’s….

    What? I can fax and blog at the same time….lol! The man is getting what he pays for….I’m not getting rich over here!

    Badness Jones’s last blog post..Christmas, you b*tch!

  8. Leslie Avatar

    You think that’s messy? Girl, you don’t know messy! You’ve never been to my house!

    I’m not sure I’ll ever be brave enough to post pictures of my mess.

    Leslie’s last blog post..Some Guys Have All The Luck, Rod Stewart.

  9. Lou Avatar

    Those were the two main ingredients of my wife’s survival kit when our boys were little itty bitty, ball busting, diaper wearing tyrants – chocolate and an air freshener.

    Lou’s last blog post..bfcl, bfcl (blog first, comment later)

  10. Robyn Avatar

    Looks like my whole house……

  11. Tanya Avatar

    Funny…! Before and after photos. I should take some when Jordon comes, except his mess is usually only in his room or the loungeroom. He has been up last weekend so his bedroom door is firmly shut until I get the courage to go in there and make it beautiful again.

    Because we both work, if the house gets a mess it stays liek it for about 2 weeks. At the moment there are messy bedrooms and a clean kitchen because thats as far as I’ve gotten. The best bit is that if its clean and no one comes to visit for a few weeks, it stays clean. But all of Nathans friends have children who for some reason are allowed to help themselves to everything in the pantry and bedrooms.

    So it doesnt stay clean for long. Soon we get a rumpus room with pool table,bar, tv and lounge. Then my upstairs will stay clean because everyone will be downstairs.

    Tanya’s last blog post..My Place

  12. Nicole Avatar

    Grin, thanks for that good laugh this morning.
    At the first picture combined with the headline I thought “Huh? Looks good to me”, but then I saw what you mean, grin 🙂

    I start do dislike laundry and I DON’T have kids. It’s always there, never ends. At least I can get hubby’s work shirts ironed downstairs for decent money….

    Do you think the airfreshener, Babywipes and spongue are a hint?
    Can Amy stop by here and give me the same presents? With a bucket of water and soap maybe?

    Thanks for playing along 😀
    I post a link to mine, just in case you need a reminder that you’re not alone 😉

  13. Sarcastic Mom Avatar

    Ha! Looks like every room in my house! 🙂

    Sarcastic Mom’s last blog post..When it rains, it pours!

  14. Dorothy Stahlnecker Avatar

    Isn’t it hilarious that you spend so much money for toys and they still like your pots pans or percolator..go figure. I remember my kids playing with my colanders and wearing them like hats. Some things never change.

    Regarding the mess..who cares. You’ll have your time for an organized house..enjoy and love your family. It passes all too soon..

    My best,
    Dorothy from grammology
    remember to call gram

    Dorothy Stahlnecker’s last blog post..My Brother, Precious Moments with his Grandsons

  15. Boneblower Avatar

    Oh Veronica – I remember my house being that tidy a few years back when the boys were toddlers *sigh* Now – well lets just say, they’re fond memories 🙂

    I have to say I think Dorothy’s on the money – enjoy them while you can. They don’t always want to be around us………….well now, that’s something to look forward to, what? Oh, I’m only kidding!!

    PS Your office is cleaner than my desk!!!

    Boneblower’s last blog post..Where oh where can it be????

  16. Dawn Avatar

    sigh. yeah. I need to pick up, I’m just facking tired.

    Dawn’s last blog post..Mommyhood – New Chapter on Baby Discipline