
Somehow as I was cutting vegetables for soup, I tried to chop my finger off.

Can we say ouch?

So after lots of bleeding (many many tissues and a tea towel goot soaked through) I have a finger that is just about useless and a touch painful.

You know, I took photos, but I don’t think they are entirely appropriate for a blog. I mean, unless you are all into blood and gore? I didn’t think so.

So, without too many words, because it is hard to touch type minus one finger, I present you with truthiness.

[Because all the cool kids are doing it. Because I had nothing better to write about, unless you really want to see photos of my finger? I thought not.]

I think Sweetney came up with the idea. Then a whole other bunch of cool bloggers shared, so I am going to as well. You can totally blame these ladies for this horrible photo of me. Her Bad Mother, Oh The Joys, IzzyMom, Mrs. Flinger, Motherbumper, Mamalogues, Breed ‘Em And Weep, Redneck Mommy, Sarcastic Mom and Dawn.

Here I am, first thing in the morning.


You’re totally jealous of my hair, aren’t you. I can see it in your eyes (hiding away behind the mirth).

The scarier thing? It is now nearly 8 hours later and I haven’t brushed my hair yet. Run my fingers through it and tied it back properly, but I haven’t brushed it.

Maybe because the toddler and the puppy have lost the brush.



30 responses to “Truthiness”

  1. janethesane Avatar

    My hair looks like that right now and it is nearly midnight. I think it is a mommy look. You have beautiful eyes!

    janethesane’s last blog post..Squat Toliets

  2. Dawn Avatar

    I *am* jealous of the hair!

    Dawn’s last blog post..Morning Me Trilogy

  3. Anja Avatar

    Oh honey. You look tired and pissed off. *hugs*

    So who gives a frig about the hair?

    I so agree with janethesane – you have amazing eyes and old trouts pay a crapload to get lips like yours.

    Heh, first thing in the morning I look like cousin Itt after he has had an epileptic fit.

    Anja’s last blog post..Getting your five serves a day.

  4. river Avatar

    What, you don’t have a secret stash of hairbrushes in every room in the house!?
    Did the finger need stitches? Was it hanging by a thread? Can you tell I’m into blood and gore? I love those CSI shows with the “bloody” murders and the open autopsies……..

  5. Tiffany Avatar

    I wanna see the finger too!
    Oh and my hair looks like that on a good day and how come you have no Mummy wrinkles????

    Tiffany’s last blog post..Ivy update or A lot of money flew out of my wallet just to tell me what I already knew and A camping we will go.

  6. Myst Avatar

    I am jealous of your hair – I have extensions to make mine look half that thick!

    Plus you’re gorgeous and wouldn’t need make up – I always admire lovely skin (ex mary kay ‘lady’ he he),


    Myst’s last blog post..Update

  7. Taz Avatar

    ouch.. ouch to the finger..


    i dont do mornings.. 🙂

    Taz’s last blog post..21 weeks old

  8. Just a mom Avatar

    your beautiful good morning hey I sometimes go most of the day like that.

  9. frogpondsrock Avatar

    hehehehe.Sweety is that your “don’t fuck with Me!!!”

    So I went and asked your little brother and he says that is you looking exasperated…

    Unfortunately Hun.. I think you just look tired and ill. and slightly gorgeous too (because I only made gorgeous children)

    frogpondsrock’s last blog post..wordless wednesday

  10. Tracey Avatar

    Yet somehow you still manage to look gorgeous! No fair!

    Tracey’s last blog post..Happy Easter!

  11. Bettina Avatar

    Hope you find your brush!


    Bettina’s last blog post..The Magic Rule.

  12. Marylin Avatar

    I’m jealous you look so good first thing in the morning – NOT FAIR!!

    As for the brushing hair thing… I’ve lost count of the amount of times I’ve just run my fingers through my hair and put it up only to realise this when I’m out in public! /headdesk

    Marylin’s last blog post..Wordless Wednesday

  13. Redneck Mommy Avatar

    I haven’t combed my hair in two days…not that I’ve left the house, but still. Why bother?

    And your lips? Totally kissable.

    Now show us the finger. We can totally handle it.

    Redneck Mommy’s last blog post..Meatloaf…The Answer to A Parent’s Prayers

  14. Ree Avatar

    You look a heck of a lot better than me in the morning. (um, because I’m more than twice your age maybe?) I still can’t bring myself to participate in this little carnival.

    Ree’s last blog post..What would you do if you knew you could not fail?

  15. Mrs. Flinger Avatar

    I am jealous of your hair!! That’s exactly what I want to grow mine out to be. Ferra Faucett hair is so hot and all, but I’d rather look like you. 😉

    So glad you played along, too! I’ll add you to my link list. If I can remember. I promise I’ll try (bug me about it, ok? Please? thank you.) 🙂

    Mrs. Flinger’s last blog post..Don’t you wish your emails were hawt like me?

  16. Oh, The Joys Avatar

    You look pretty good to me!

    Oh, The Joys’s last blog post..Doves

  17. Xbox4NappyRash Avatar

    You’re right.

    I’m jealous of the hair…

    Xbox4NappyRash’s last blog post..ET phones home…

  18. […] The Wink Hot Chocolate Mamma Loves Cheese Blog Sarcastic Mom Alex Year One Liv Melanie Sarah SueBob Sleepless Filed Under: Just fun on March 19th, […]

  19. zoe Avatar

    i think long hair looks so much better in the morning. ava and i both look like psychotic don kings. careful with those knives love!

    zoe’s last blog post..Pass the Guiness!!

  20. Widdle Shamrock Avatar

    I wanna see the finger…. kidding.

    Ouch, hope it heals quick.

    Widdle Shamrock’s last blog post..A camping she will go.

  21. elektroseyir Avatar

    i like ur eyes

    elektroseyir’s last blog post..V?ZELER?M BA?LADI

  22. Memarie Lane Avatar

    No way in hell am I posting a first thing in the morning pic. I have a hard enough time taking all gussied up pics.

    Memarie Lane’s last blog post..On the Tee Vee

  23. Tasina Avatar

    You post the finger pics and put up the pictures from INSIDE my knee when I had surgery! 😉

    You’re really pretty and I’d kill for your skin. (Notice I didn’t play this game!)

    Tasina’s last blog post..Ka-boom!

  24. lceel Avatar

    Sorry about your finger. If I could, I would kiss it and make it better. And if you saw my head, OF COURSE I’m jealous of your hair. And lastly, from the look on your face – please don’t hurt me?

    lceel’s last blog post..100 Word Challenge #7 – Openings

  25. LunaNik Avatar

    You’re cute as a button…even fresh outta bed in the a.m. without a stitch of makeup.

    LunaNik’s last blog post..A Challenge of Confessions

  26. Jennifer Avatar

    Your hair looks better than mine when I fix it.

    Jennifer’s last blog post..Following Up on Stories I First Brought You Months Ago

  27. Nascar Avatar

    great blog, very interesting information.

  28. Leslie Avatar

    The great things about this photo is your expression. You looked so pissed. It’s kind of awesome.

    Leslie’s last blog post..The Fine Print Of Wish-Making

  29. Sarcastic Mom Avatar

    Brushing is highly over-rated. 😉

    You look gorgeous no matter what. In fact, that “kind of pissed of about being awake” thing looks sexy on you.

    Sarcastic Mom’s last blog post..Freak-Me-Out-Elmo

  30. […] Sweetney Her Bad Mother Breed Em And Weep Oh The Joys Mamalogues Red Neck Mommy Mother Bumper Mrs Flinger Amanda Mama Loves Gwendomama The Cheese Blog Mamified Me Loralee Heather B Lostus Mackenzies Momma SuperTiff Karen Dawn Veronica […]