Sleepless Nights Indeed

Tonight bedtime was at 7.30pm, like always.

Unfortunately, like every other bedtime recently, Amy didn’t go down until 9.15pm and only then with a LOT of coaxing.

I am fucking exhausted.

Add into the mix that this is what she has been doing for the last 2 weeks (ever since the novelty of the new house wore off) PLUS waking up 4+ time a night for a least 30 mins each time and I am tired. Just a little bit tired.

[During the night, the first wake up is generally about midnight where I will get up and resettle every 10 mins for an hour, then she will wake 3+ times between 1am and 6am, generally needing resettling twice each time. Sometimes the 3am wake up will need 4+ resettles]

Bear in mind, that we have the exact same routine as we were using when she was sleeping through and that nothing in her bedroom has changed.

Add into the mix, a puppy who can’t sleep through the night and a mother with a rather bad run of CFS [I am spending alot of time attaching my heat pack to my hands and wrists] and we have a meltdown waiting to happen. [Me, not Amy]

So yes, this is ME whinging to you, my loverly internets.

I’m not sure if it is the sleep thing, but today? I had trouble making anything I wanted to say come out of my mouth correctly. This would have indeed been fine, had we not been visiting family.

Who I’m sure thought I was odd when instead of saying, ‘I’m fine thankyou, how are you?’ I just looked at them strangely and smiled. I’m sure they will forgive me.

You know, I also forgot how old both Amy and I were.

And I couldn’t for the life of me manage to tell Nathan where to find the towels. I just kind of waggled my hands at him. [Luckily he understands my hand waggles]

My point being, does ANYONE have any ideas for how to help Amy sleep better?

-She doesn’t get boobs for bed.
-I try very hard to settle her in her bed before she is asleep.
-She has 2 bottles of water and numerous dummies, just in case she loses one.
-She has her soft toys.
-She is warm enough.
-The room is not pitch black because then she wakes terrified.
-Her teeth have stopped moving for the moment.
-The routine is the same as always.
-She goes down equally as badly for Nathan. She used to be better for him.

I mean, obviously I am missing something, or she would be sleeping through.

I can’t see it from where I am sitting though.



My finger has dried out nicely and is well on the way to healing as long as I don’t bump it.

I came off the pill 5 days ago and slowly my insanity is receding. I have had some very minor spotting since, but no period. I am waiting to see what happens.

Seven has had NO accidents inside today. I am very proud.

Amy runs around the house chirping, “I happy, happy, happy. I happy, happy happy.” She also jumps and exclaims ‘BOING!’or ‘BOUNC-EEEE’ as she does it.


20 responses to “Sleepless Nights Indeed”

  1. Tasina Avatar

    I wish I could help you – Noah is a bad sleeper too. I can say that he is turning 5 in a couple of weeks and it has gotten a LOT better.

    One thing we have noticed with him is sometimes it’s gassy tummy – even at this age. We sometimes give him children’s Pepto Bismal (don’t know if you have that where you are) to kill off the bubbles growling around in there.

    But also, hubby’s mom said he was the same way as a kid. Hard time getting to sleep, lots of night terrors, lots of waking. It might just be something to slog through.

    It’s a good thing kids are cute, huh?

    Tasina’s last blog post..Simply amazing

  2. Taz Avatar

    i really dont know hun..

    ya seem to be doing all the right things..

    glad to hear ya finger is better.. the puppy is getting better with toilet training and Amy cute little words..

    Taz’s last blog post..22 weeks old

  3. Myst Avatar

    You have CFS too??

    As does my son.

    It sounds like you are experiencing brain fog – broken sleep and CFS will do that to you sometimes. You may find you type your words out all around the wrong way too.

    I know there are a lot of different techniques to try but I am not sure what they are these days. hopefully someone else with little people can help.


    Myst’s last blog post..Easter Bunny!

  4. Ree Avatar

    I got nothing for Amy darling. Maybe changing it up a little will actually make a difference? A radio on a timer in her room?

    As for the foggy brain, inability to get words out? I do that, too. Good thing Mr. Hot usually just fills in the blanks.

    Ree’s last blog post..The Hotfessional vs. The Inflated Ego

  5. Latte Mommy Avatar

    I know from reading your blog that Amy has always had a tough time sleeping, but I don’t really know what kind of sleep schedule she keeps. So, maybe my bit of advice is going to be totally out of touch. But, I’ll leave it nonetheless…

    It has been my experience that an over-tired child will sleep poorly, with frequent waking, night terrors, etc. It sounds like you put her to bed at a good time, so that’s not likely the problem. Does she nap during the day? Maybe by the time she goes to bed she’s so overtired that she can’t settle properly. If she doesn’t nap during the day, try to introduce one, even if it means you have to push back her bedtime by half an hour to make it work.

    I’m also an advocate of minimal intervention when children wake at night – no stories/songs/cuddling/etc. when they wake at night. Just directly back to bed, quick tuck in, and kiss on the forehead, then out the door. That way, they’re not encouraged by extra parental attention to wake at night – in fact, my kids have largely learned to self-soothe at night and put themselves back to sleep.

    Sorry to be so long-winded. Just my two cents. Hope you find it helpful.

    Latte Mommy’s last blog post..Some Friday Frivolity

  6. Marylin Avatar

    I really wish I could come up with some advice for you hon, I reckon it’s probably the sheer lack of sleep that’s causing the lack of proper speech!

    The only thing that eventually worked for us was literally leaving Zack to cry. and cry, and cry. screaming happened a lot too, and so did throwing things around his room. It was hell for about two weeks but then he just seemed to get it all of a sudden and has been sleeping on average 7pm-7am ever since. Have you got, or can you get a stair-gate for her room so she can’t get out? that’s the only thing I can think of hun. I’m sorry I can’t be of more help 🙁

    Marylin’s last blog post..Photohunt: Metal

  7. zoe Avatar

    put her in bed with you. just give her a boob when she wakes up and go back to sleep. it works for me and ava. it’s called the lazy mom method.

    zoe’s last blog post..Pass the Guiness!!

  8. Anja Avatar

    Damn, no wonder you’re doing amateur surgery on yourself. You’re burnt out.

    I’m not a mum so I can only sympathise with you here. *sigh*

    From what I’ve seen happen, the minimal intervention that Latte Mommy described can be successful.

    Hope it sorts out for you before you go a little bit nuts.

    Anja’s last blog post..Smiley Saturday.

  9. Dawn Avatar

    go to – search sleep. you will at least be able to read a ton of comments – and I want to say that 18 mos may just be a shit time for sleep – which would only mean that it’s the age and nothing else.

    however, what the fuck do I know? my kid is screaming in his crib right now b/c it’s the 3rd time of “lay down or crib” threatening.

    Dawn’s last blog post..Showin’ off Prezzies

  10. bits & pieces Avatar

    My son just turned one and my daughter just turned 2, so we’ve battled thru a few rounds of restless sleeping. As Latte Mommy suggested, we just let the little ones cry it out after checking in to make sure nothing is wrong. The more we tried to help, the more used to our help they got. It’s tough at first, but works well. Best of luck to you, lack of sleep is tough!

    bits & pieces’s last blog post..My 100th Post!

  11. Sarcastic Mom Avatar

    Saying prayers for you that your health improves quickly.

    You know, I have similar bouts of mental weirdness when I don’t get enough sleep that is considered symptomatic of the Hashimoto’s, and I found it was aggravated by The Pill. My ability to type and write posts was severely compromised, even. (I actually have had to try to write the same sentence up to 10 times before getting it right.) Maybe you will feel this recede after more time off the pill, as well.

    Braden seems to stopandgo with the bouts of crap sleeping. And like Amy, it can happen out of the blue. We gave him a few cryitout sessions, and that seemed to help. I hope you guys can find something that works for you… you definitely need your sleep!!!

    Sarcastic Mom’s last blog post..Freak-Me-Out-Elmo

  12. Just a mom Avatar

    Hang in there and ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, this too shall pass.

    Just a mom’s last blog post..DAY 80,,, LIFE GOES ON,,,,,,

  13. Tracey Avatar

    Maybe you should try flogging her? Kidding, just kidding.

    Have you tried ignoring her? By the time mine was two, I was over it. I put her to bed, gave her a bottle, put on my sternest mummy voice and said “you’re a big girl now. Go to sleep.” And bugger me, she did! Fluke? Maybe. But by God, we never had another sleepless night. Ever.

    Tracey’s last blog post..Smiley Saturday

  14. river Avatar

    First think up a brand new bedtime go to sleep nothing deviates from this routine,then push back her bedtime by about an hour and use the hour to do the routine. Quiet time is a must, reading stories to her while she sits in bed, if/when she starts to rub her eyes or whatever her tired signal is, lay her down and tuck her in. Keep reading with just a lamp so the room is dim.Do not choose books that require exciting animation sounds etc. Then tell her it’s time to sleep and she has to stay in bed. With her favourite cuddle toy of course. Now comes the hard/harsh part. Every time she gets out say no, it’s sleep time, put her back in bed without saying anything else. You and Nathan have to present a united front on this. I’m sure by now she knows that night time is sleep time, she just enjoys having you both run around after her. A gate across her door is a great idea, for the first few times you can just call out no, go back to bed.It WILL be hard because she WILL cry/tantrum etc and your heart will break. But bedtimes are necessary and the lesson must be learnt. Put this off for a few more months if you feel none of you are ready.
    Is her bed near the window so she can lie there and look at the stars?

  15. river Avatar

    Oh and if she does come out of her room make sure you and Nathan aren’t doing anything exciting like watching tv or playing on the computer, for a few nights anyway, let her find you doing nothing but boring old reading a book. That way she won’t think she’s missing out on playtime.

  16. Widdle Shamrock Avatar

    Zoe: it is not lazy Mum parenting, it’s called co-sleeping, part of attachment parenting which is knowing your child and finding what is best for you.

    Anyway, will get off soapbox now.

    ((Hugs)) Hope someone here has given you something that will work for you.

    Widdle Shamrock’s last blog post..Autism

  17. tiff Avatar

    I’d love to give you something. I would. You know that but Ivy is cracking on 2.5years and she still wakes up through the night.

    Thinking of you though and hoping things get better soon.

    tiff’s last blog post..Weekly Winners on Monday…what? It’s a public holiday!

  18. Leslie Avatar

    I wish I had some advice to give, but truly, I have nothing. I’ll just send some sympathy instead. I hope you get a break and a chance to sleep soon!

    Leslie’s last blog post..Ew! Ew! Icky-Poo! Yuck!

  19. Kat Avatar

    We recently started seeing a new natural doctor/nutritionist/chiropractor, and for the sleep she gave us some B vitamin supplements and also loads of an EPA supplement. He’s taking 12 of those a day now. He’s gone from waking up every hour or so to only waking up once a night, and not fully waking up even then, just over the last 3 weeks.

    Kat’s last blog post..My Birth Story

  20. Trish Avatar

    I hope things get better for you soon CFS is no fun with a non sleeping toddler and non toilet trained puppy in the mix.

    Thanks for your lovely comments on my birth story.I came here looking for yours … hope you will soon be posting baby #2 ‘s.

    I can’t offer any advice either … my twins don’t go to bed till much later (shamefully I confess) and we co sleep and still nurse through the night .So while they wake a few times they resettle I don’t laways go back to sleep.

    Hugs to you I can really sympathise and empathise.I don’t think it is anything you are doing wrong or not doing – it is just a phase that unfortunately for some parents lasts a long time …let me know if you find something that works.

    My Little Drummer boys