Dear Libido,

OystersWelcome home! I’m not entirely sure where you have been, the Mediterranean perhaps? Because goodness knows you have returned perky and in good health. Which is rather contrary to the last month of drought, dry and despair you left me with. Nathan thanks you for that by the way.

Now Libido, you timed your return brilliantly in order to be here for the impending baby making of this month, however we seem to have a small problem.


[Not properly anyway]

And you know, that makes me just a touch stressed (like head explodingly stressed) because my rather unliked friend, The Period has decided to stick around for a little while longer.

[It has taken up nearly double it’s alotted time frame for ruining my quality of life and of sex for that matter]

Now, I know my doctor told me that if The Period decided to hang around, then I should take another month of the pill, but honestly Libido, I know that it scares you away and that in turn makes me rather grumpy.

[No orgasms make for an uptight housewife. Just sayin’… You know, I scrubbed my walls today and did all the laundry…]

Hopefully we can come to some sort of arrangement because Nathan’s Libido is missing you and somehow blowjobs just aren’t doing much for me.

[Go figure]

So Libido, what I am asking you is can you talk to The Period and tell it (and it’s goddamn cramps) to fuck off already? Because I am rather over it and my wrist is going to get sore sooner rather than later.

And plus you know, the baby making can’t start until I stop facking bleeding.

Lovingly (because I missed you)


21 responses to “Dear Libido,”

  1. frogpondsrock Avatar

    Yay for Libido!!! Boo for Periods!!! Giggles for sore wrists!!!! Mmmm Carpal tunnel anyone…


    frogpondsrock’s last blog post..Busy Busy Busy!!!

  2. Marylin Avatar

    WOOOT Hello Libido… can you direct mine back to me please? Grrr at your period taking so damn long, and seriously, Nat can make his own wrists sore! 😉

    Marylin’s last blog post..Just! Too! Tired…

  3. Ree Avatar

    Sore wrists suck, how are your jaws? (Sorry, snirk.)

    That whole bleeding shit does tend to make baby-making impossible. And that sucks even more.

    Ree’s last blog post..Stupidity, Personified

  4. Suzie Avatar

    You could always just do it for doing its sake. I know I tend to forget this after awhile but sex can also be for fun not just baby making. Just a thought.

    Suzie’s last blog post..No No Rules

  5. Memarie Lane Avatar

    My libido has visited me three times. Each of those visits resulted in a child.

    Memarie Lane’s last blog post..All I Ask of You

  6. Burgh Baby's Mom Avatar

    This is the first post you’ve ever written where I was saw the little tiny font betweenthe lines:

    “Not married (yet)!”

    Enjoy it while you can!

    Burgh Baby’s Mom’s last blog post..A Letter for Two

  7. Kat Avatar

    You? Are funny. Oooh, don’t go back on the pill, those hormones are evil… …your libido will thank you.

    Kat’s last blog post..Sigh.

  8. julie Avatar

    funny stuff, Veronica…I hope things get better pretty soon…

    julie’s last blog post..Thursday 13…13 photos from Venice!

  9. Xbox4NappyRash Avatar

    Poor poor Nathan….

    a hard life.

    Xbox4NappyRash’s last blog post..Brace Yourself

  10. Sandy (Momisodes) Avatar

    Geez, if only no orgasms could make me want to clean…this house would be freaking spotless!!!!

    Hope Aunt Flo hits the road soon.

    Sandy (Momisodes)’s last blog post..Just when you thought I couldn’t be more strange

  11. Barbara Avatar

    pmsl at both your post and some of the comments. Please move to the uk so we can have coffee together on a regular basis.

    Tell Nathan your wrist already aches from cleaning too much so you can’t possibly help him out any more.

    Barbara’s last blog post..87/366 – Wasted on a Boy

  12. Jennifer Avatar

    Good luck. I hope that Libido heeds your call and can’t kick out that bitch Period.

    Jennifer’s last blog post..What IS the Difference between 24 Mos and 2T

  13. Jennifer Avatar

    It was supposed to say “and CAN kick out that bitch Period.”

    Maybe I should proofread BEFORE hitting submit?

    Jennifer’s last blog post..What IS the Difference between 24 Mos and 2T

  14. Anja Avatar

    A letter to your libido.

    May I now say that you are one of the wittiest and most talented writers I have seen. That had me in fits of laughter and it takes quite a bit to make this jaded bitch giggle.

    And what a caring and sharing gal you are. I would be telling Nathan to grab the lube and go solo.

    Don’t go back on that damn pill. Let nature run its course and then get back on the baby making routine.

    Anja’s last blog post..Wannabe a bimbo?

  15. Taz Avatar

    yay to libido..

    sucko to sore wrists..

    good luck with baby making..

    get stuffed to periods..

    Taz’s last blog post..i just couldnt help myself..

  16. Toni Avatar

    Well if it makes you feel better…..I bleed for 13 weeks after having Kate. After 2 operations and 6 weeks of twice weekly Iron shots It stopped. And I got pregnant with Amy. 4 months after having Kate. So, put up with the shitty bleeding, tell Nathan to play with himself, and wait…..It will happen. I promise.

  17. Tracey Avatar

    OMFG: Your mother reads this? And leaves comments?

    Hey, since you’re not using your libido at the moment, maybe I could borrow it?

    Tracey’s last blog post..Happy Birthday Mollie!

  18. river Avatar

    It’s a bit worrying that your period is still hanging around longer than it should. Perhaps the pill is not the answer. A more detailed examination may be needed to determine the cause. Don’t want to worry you unnecessarily, just sayin’.

  19. frogpondsrock Avatar

    Yes Veronica.. What river said.. Get you off to the gynie my girl… You need a proper examination of your bits…

    by someone qualified I mean….

    frogpondsrock’s last blog post..Busy Busy Busy!!!

  20. Bettina Avatar

    Yes! the gyno’s do have a few more tricks up their sleeves than the GP’s almighty pill in my experience too!

    Bettina’s last blog post..I’m so stupid

  21. Xbox4NappyRash Avatar

    Sorry but Bettina’s comment about a Gyno having a trick up his sleeve has totally made my day.


    Xbox4NappyRash’s last blog post..Plant in a moist, shady spot