Honestly, a NEW version of WordPress? AGAIN?
Seriously, what the fuck? I just updated the damn thing and now they are telling me to do it again? I wouldn’t have an issue with it if my Automatic WordPress Upgrade Plugin (gah, name is too long. Sapping brain cells) would just work for me! I have used it numerous times with no issues, but NO, apparently NOT today.
It tells me that Database Backup cannot be completed, step 2 failed, YOUR HEAD WILL NOW EXPLODE.
So my question is, WHY won’t the damn thing work? Has it got anything to do with my ISP? I haven’t changed what server I am using, and it doesn’t mention anything about server error, so I would assume that everything is good there, right? Right? Sigh.
Any and all help gratefully accepted.
Since my head had exploded (Nathan is stuck cleaning up the mess, and I am actually typing this from the other side) I can’t be bothered spending the next 2 hours resizing and uploading photos for my Weekly Winners.
Lotus, you can smack me later, okay?
This SHOULD be the last week I am stuck with dialup (can you hear the mad cackling? I can totally hear people cackling madly saying ‘YOU IDIOT! YOU WILL NEVER GET BROADBAND! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!’ What? You can’t hear that? Dammit) so hopefully maybe next weeks WW will not take me all evening. Heh.
I got the small problem with my emails sorted out (can I get a WOOHOO over here please?), there was some issues with my ISP not letting me send emails from an unauthorised internet address (the somedaywewillsleep one).
I think that is a little weird that they are able to tell me what email address I can and can’t use, but hey, I am living in the dark ages where internet companies left me to my own devices. Just sayin’.
Now my emails appear to come from my somedaywewillsleep account, BUT NO! You would be wrong! They are really coming through my ISP email address, even though they show the domain email. Strange really.
Yep, I think that is everything I needed to address today. I have a few posts and projects in the making so look for them this week.
[Veronica gets dirty! Digging up the back yard.]
[Our government ignores SAHParent’s. Veronica’s head explodes. For a second time.]
[Fruit trees]
[Our outside toilet and bets on how long it takes to a) freeze the water in the bowl or b) freeze me to the seat at 3am] Stay tuned….
7 responses to “Needs Some Techie Help”
sorry hun unfortunatly i cant help you.. 🙁
but fingers crossed for broadband for you..
WOOHOO for emails..
Taz’s last blog post..27 Weeks Old
I am clueless… maybe wait a week or so and see if the update plugin is… well, updated? I’ve not done mine yet either – I heard that 2.5.2 could be being released in the next couple of weeks so I think I may just wait till then!
First, you have to configure your database backup, which is quite simple.
It is not your ISP, or your server causing problems.
(in this particular case)
Your server should provide webmail and email forwarding so you needn’t have those problems with your cranky ISP.
witchypoos last blog post..Contest Winnah! And Puzzle!
Sounds like you’re having a very frustrating time 🙂
Jentys last blog post..Weekly Winners #15
ha…don’t you love the internet!!!!
We got wireles (fantastic!!!!)
But it wont let me have a windows email address because I don’t exist. Only Nathan exists on our computer. I am just a figment of the imagination….
Ok, that’s it. I’m staying with blogger and just suffering through it’s moodiness. Upgrade versions? OMG, I’d have to kill somebody. Not pretty.
Good luck! I can’t wait to hear about the outdoor potty and how long it takes to freeze to the seat. I almost married a guy who had an outdoor toilet and just couldn’t understand why I bitched about using an OUTHOUSE in the year 1996. Hello. COLD. SPIDERS. MICE. Ugh.
Hyphen Mamas last blog post..Oh Man… This is Gonna Hurt
Just one more reason for me to never have a blog…..heh.
For your 3am problem you need an old fashioned chamberpot. We had them when I was little because our toilet was waaaaay down the backyard. It was my job to empty it every morning. Ugh!!
Fingers crossed for broadband.