Children For Sale

I was searching for a book I read as a kid, when I needed to press the back button.

It was so good, I had to take a screenshot.

Is that where all the children actually come from? Oztion?

Damn, and all this time I thought it was The Stork.

[Sorry about the picture quality. Resizing the image seemed to mess it up]


22 responses to “Children For Sale”

  1. Taz Avatar


    Tazs last blog post..27 Weeks Old

  2. Lou Avatar

    I saw the title of this post on the feed and I said to myself “Wait a minute … She only HAS … ONE! So how could she possibly be selling plural?” You see – I’m gullible that way. I am SO easily mislead. It keeps things surprising.

    Lous last blog post..100 Word challenge – fringe, and more

  3. Karen MEG Avatar

    Cute!!!! happy weekend, Veronica!

    Karen MEGs last blog post..OMG, was that a Pick Up Line?

  4. maiden53 Avatar

    I thought you got them from a cabbage patch! Did you actually go to the link to see if it was really used live children for sale? Sometimes those search engines are too literal ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Suzie Avatar

    My mom told me she bought me from the grocery store with green stamps. I guess she was wrong

    Suzies last blog post..You Know You’ve Lost Yourself to Motherhood When

  6. donna Avatar

    That is too funny. Are the ones for sale the badly behaved children? Because if so, I want a warranty.

    donnas last blog post..Soggy Salad, Be Gone!

  7. Burgh Baby Avatar

    That’s awesome. I wonder how much I could get for the Toddler?

    Burgh Babys last blog post..LELLOW CAR!

  8. Sandy (Momisodes) Avatar

    OMG! That is hilarious ๐Ÿ™‚ I must admit though….the thought has crossed my mind a few times with mine ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Sandy (Momisodes)s last blog post..Haiโ€™suck

  9. zoe Avatar

    wow. i have 4 gently used children. how much do you think i could get for them? they are still in their original package.

    zoes last blog post..Back Off

  10. Jill Avatar

    Now I know where to go when I decide to sell my 3 year old. I thought about it on eBay, but it’s so common!

    Anyone want to go in on a Two’Fer?

    Jills last blog post..Spring Art Boutique

  11. Jenty Avatar

    hee hee ๐Ÿ™‚

    Jentys last blog post..3 hours is all I have

  12. Talina Avatar

    Now I am slow today! I had to re read it several times and still didn’t get it till like 5 minutes later..

    LOL, I get it now!! Geeze I am slow…

    Talinas last blog post..The job search continuesโ€ฆ Evansville, IN?

  13. Anja Avatar

    Do you get a free set of steak knives with the kid?

    Anjas last blog post..Hot Hunk Thursday.

  14. Cat Avatar

    Hehehe, that’s cute! What book out of curiosity?

    Cats last blog post..Jack, Peter, Europe

  15. Kelley Avatar

    Off to join up. I am having a buy one get two more and a husband free sale!

    Kelleys last blog post..The 10 Commandments

  16. river Avatar

    If I’d known I could buy them I wouldn’t have had mine the hard way….Are they cheap?

  17. Xbox4NappyRash Avatar

    I’ve tried a few flea markets and I can’t get anything to suit, thanks for this tip, I’ll check it out

    Xbox4NappyRashs last blog post..Allez Les Bleus!

  18. Kat Avatar

    Damn. All this time I thought it was the meeting of the sperm and the ovum in the mother’s uterus. Getting children has nothing to do with sex? My mom LIED TO ME.

    Kats last blog post..In Which I Find Out That I’m One Of Those Lazy Moms

  19. A Whole Lot of Nothing Avatar

    I’ve been looking for a good place to sell mine. Thanks for the idea.

  20. Mr Lady Avatar


    Mr Ladys last blog post..Rate the Hate the New Toy Edition

  21. tiff Avatar

    LOL, too funny, I wonder if they will sell pre teens?

    tiffs last blog post..Weekly Winners.

  22. frogpondsrock Avatar

    I contacted them Veronica but they wont accept teenagers *sigh*

    frogpondsrocks last blog post..weekly winners