Alien Abductions?

My hairbrush is missing and the only thing I can think of is Alien Abduction.

I mean, it is entirely plausible for a shipload of Aliens to float down to earth while I am busy and abduct my hairbrush.


What definitely in no way could possibly have happened would be a Toddler Abduction. A toddler abducting my hairbrush? DON’T BE SILLY. That would NEVER HAPPEN.

No matter that the hairbrush went missing right after I brushed Amy’s hair and made her scream. Right after she looked at the hairbrush and told me it was a ‘Bad bad bad NO HURTS ME!’ naughty hairbrush implement of TORTURE AND DEATH.

No, the Aliens totally took it.

Wanna know why?

See, I have this theory. Mothers will agree with me; aliens all over the world are RIGHT NOW carrying out ‘Operation Hairbrush Removal’ from the bathrooms/bedrooms/toy boxes of sleep deprived women.

They plan to test our DNA and work out why we can cope with many nights of teething, puke, screaming, crying and NOT SLEEPING, when our hairier, stronger counterparts tend to fall apart a little bit. I think it is the sleep that gets the men in the end.

[I have to add, there are some men completely cut out for puke and sleepless nights and those men had better lock their hairbrushes up, because damn if those Aliens won’t want to test their DNA too]

The only other reason I can think of for an Alien abducting my hairbrush, is that said Alien is on a mission to make all women look like haystacks. That way, their husbands won’t want to have sex with them and then, when they move onto abducting people, they won’t complain half as much about the probing.

But that is just my theory.

What do you think?


24 responses to “Alien Abductions?”

  1. Marylin Avatar

    Totally agree. In fact, where IS my hairbrush? Aliens – obviously- must have taken it.

    Marylins last blog post..Inspiration Lost

  2. Taz Avatar

    i agree..

    Tazs last blog post..28 Weeks Old..

  3. frogpondsrock Avatar

    Oh No.. I can’t find my hairbrush either..


    frogpondsrocks last blog post..Let’s talk about sex..

  4. Annabelle Avatar

    That’s funny!

    Annabelles last blog post..New Pet, New Do…VBS!

  5. Ree Avatar

    Well, obviously, you’re a shoe-in for the next Nobel Prize for UFO-isms.

    Because, darlin’, this theory rocks!

    Rees last blog post..Sam and the Peninsula

  6. witchypoo Avatar

    I think the mice took it. All that hair makes for comfy nests.

    witchypoos last blog post..Witty Peeps Awarded

  7. Bettina Avatar

    I reckon it’s so they won’t mind about the probing LMAO!!

    Or would they still call it probing or would it be pollinating our flowers? *snigger*

    Bettinas last blog post..The bastards in charge don’t like fat chicks

  8. Hyphen Mama Avatar

    When they return your hairbrush, can you ask them where my missing steak knife went? I hate having a steak knife on the loose in a house full of little tiny eyeballs, just waiting to be poked out.

    Hyphen Mamas last blog post..Kickin’ Butt and Takin’ Names…and a Meme

  9. Memarie Lane Avatar

    Brad and I share a hairbrush, so I guess mine is safe?

    Memarie Lanes last blog post..Warning: this will make you pee.

  10. Suzie Avatar

    These alien are also responsible for all the baby socks in my house having disapeared.If you see them please tell them to give it back.

    Suzies last blog post..My Little S

  11. nikki Avatar

    Are aliens also causing brain farts that make people of the male gender forget to replace the toilet paper or empty the garbage?

    nikkis last blog post..Teenage Birthday Parties Are For Sissies

  12. lceel Avatar

    Probing? Did soemone mention PROBING?

    lceels last blog post..Okay, now I’m gonna say PLEASE.

  13. Xbox4NappyRash Avatar

    I have an aunt that’s bald….

    Xbox4NappyRashs last blog post..Unlucky for some

  14. Talina Avatar

    Sounds like you have figure it all out, I hate when stuff goes missing and I don’t even have a toddler!

    It has to be aliens because I have experienced the same thing! Ha!

  15. Robyn Avatar

    The aliens steal single socks..(although only God knows why..) why not hairbrushes????

    Robyns last blog post..

  16. Leslie Avatar

    I’m so sleep deprived, you could probably convince me that I am an alien. But I’m not after hairbrushes. Just chocolate. Lots and lots of chocolate.

    Leslies last blog post..Beware The Sleep Deprived Mom

  17. tiff Avatar

    Hairbrushes and socks…that’s why I never have any matching ones.

    tiffs last blog post..Ivy update – playing with fire?

  18. missburrows Avatar

    did you check the ice box? I always tend to leave things in there.

    missburrowss last blog post..Stimulate your environment.

  19. TheMama Avatar

    Ok, Twilight Zone moment. I am currently missing one hairbrush, and it is driving me nuts.

    It is actually a replacement for an identical brush with a broken handle. Broken brush = still here. Intact brush = gone.

    Clearly the aliens have upped the ante.

    TheMamas last blog post..Bloggy Love In

  20. river Avatar

    Aliens are also stealing nail files and tweezers. Especially the pointy ended tweezers perfect for grabbing that tiny, tiny (my god it’s huge, get it out of me!) splinter.

  21. Suze Avatar

    Happens in our house too – it must do, ‘cos why else would my teenage sons get around looking so unkempt? By choice? Never!!

  22. Tanya Avatar

    thats funny cause mine went missing on friday and I had it since I was 12, it was a really nice one with a mirror on the back….

    I voted for you!!!!!

    Can u do me a huuuuuuuuge favour in return?

    Vote for my mum in sea fm hot mumma? she is number 9


  23. imaginary binky Avatar

    That’s strange, because aliens must have abducted my Sharpie marker, Wilbur’s cat toys, the newspaper, and a photo album. Oddly enough, they all show up later with significant amounts of “drool”. Kinda like that sticky stuff that the aliens drip in that Sigourney Weaver movie.

    imaginary binkys last blog post..Suri likes the ladybugs

  24. Laura McIntyre Avatar

    Yes those Aliens, they visit at least weekly around here. More than once i have been forced to take myself and kids out with unbrushed hair (and Rebecca’s is long and always tangled so not a pretty site)