Firstly, any questions you asked about Tasmania will be answered sometime this week (in the next few days). I really want to partner them with some photos of Hobart and surroundings and to do that I actually need to go into town.
So please, if you have any more questions about what Tassie is like, or how things work, don’t hesitate to ask, I promise I will answer. With linky love too! (so, delurk and I will love all over you). And I promise I won’t find any questions stupid, or obvious or anything. No mocking allowed.
Quite a few people have enqired as to how this pregnancy is going and my answer is wonderfully. And by that I mean that today I was too sick to function, had to nap as soon as Amy did, and haven’t really been able to eat anything.
I think I can rest assured that at this point the little one is firmly attached and sticking around for a while yet. The bleeding/spotting has gone away and everything is feeling right on track (heartburn! bloating! nausea! aversion to smell!).
I have been trying to make an appointment with the doctor, but I haven’t been able to get through (I think the Locum has broken the phone, cos my regular doctor is in Italy).
I will be ringing them again tomorrow and asking for ANOTHER appointment, in order to get ANOTHER referral for ANOTHER ultrasound. Yeah, I want another ultrasound. I really REALLY want to see that little heart beating.
My little sleepless angel (hahahaha) has been, um, sleepless lately. Waking up every 90 minutes between 12am and 6am. I know she has teeth cutting, but she also seems to be having nightmares. Generally all the wake-ups require is a pat on the head and a kiss and she is back asleep. Worse wake ups need a drink of water.
Unfortunately, we have been having some times when she hasn’t wanted to go back to sleep AT ALL. I’m sorry sweetheart, but 3.45am is not morning time.
Not at all.
Damn teeth, silly nightmares.
It’s a phase, it will pass. Sigh.
Amy trod on me the other day and was generally being rough, I cried ‘Owwwwwwwwwwwww’ at her alot, mimicking what she does when she hurts herself.
Her response? To cuddle my head into her chest, rub my hair and say ‘Shhhhh, Mumeee, is allright, I godda you. Shhhhhh’.
Which strangely enough, is exactly what I do when she hurts herself.
22 responses to “Snippets. Sort of.”
Shhhh. I godda you. Right here. <3.
Lous last blog post..Framed!
Adorable! They learn to be parents very early on, don’t they? I wish I had known that early on when I did all the swearing.
What I want to know about Tassie (and see pictures of!) is the snakes. Snakes fascinate me, and I think I would freak if there was a possibility of treading on a poisonous one while mowing the yard.
witchypoos last blog post..Perfect Post and More
*Trying to think of wonderfully intelligent Tassie Qustion*
It’s scary enough when the kids echo what I say, but it’s damn right terrifying when I hear myself sounding just like MY mother! God I hate that!
Awwww. Ivy does that to. Cradles my chin and says,…’shhshhshh, you owe – kay, you owe – kay…’
Noah just pats my head and says…’ I no snuggle with you, Mummy, I snuggle with Daddy…’
Way to break a girl’s heart.
tiffs last blog post..People are amazing.
That’s so sweet!
Jennis last blog post..UGH!
awww so sweet! That is about the only thing I miss about toddlerhood! lol
Bettinas last blog post..Screw Up Tuesday
Same thing is going on with my little S up all nigh again. Once again I think they are emailing each other to figure out jointly how to make us crazy.
Suzies last blog post..Thank You Thank You
Awww. What a sweetie.
Rees last blog post..May’s Perfect Post Award
No one snuggles me…
I’m off to throw stones at the neighbourhood cats.
Xbox4NappyRashs last blog post..I can’t get off
How cute !
Awe, how the tables have turned. Is in lovely to have the child comforting you? She is trained well I think!
I’m so pleased you’re feeling so crap – if you know what I mean! I don’t mean that in a mean way. I cried the other day and my girl just came up to me, poked my face and said “mummy wet” – I like to think I’m a little more sympathetic than that!
Barbaras last blog post..155/366 – Relaxing
Yay for morning sickness! Not in a literal sense, but at least ya know the lil Bean is stickin it to ya!
SO cute what Amy’s been saying!
When Max cries for no reason Zack will go up to him and say “Hey hey hey, whats a matter? I here s’ok!” – heart! melting!
Marylins last blog post..Is it just me who finds Lost to be infuriating???
Glad pregnancy is going well. Been thinking of you.
Mrs. Cs last blog post..
She will be the BEST big sister! She’ll mummy that baby very well. Until then, she can mummy you! I love hearing Wynnie repeat things like that back to me… it means some of the nice mommy has stuck in her memory and hopefully some of the not-so-nice mommy has been forgotten.
Currently Wynnie has “3 babies in her tummy”. The babies eat all the food she eats. Tonight she had a tummy ache and was POSITIVE she was going to have the babies come out tonight. Instead, she pooped.
Hyphen Mamas last blog post..Age. The Great Equalizer.
Damn. Colin and Amy are in cahoots. He was up at 3:30 this morning. I repeated, “its still nighttime, Colin, go back to sleep.” about 20 times between 3:30 and 5:30, when I finally gave up.
So… my question is… which one of them thinks up this stuff first? And how exactly do they communicate? Telepathy?
Kats last blog post..What Takes Me So Long
Stuff the Locum, make an appointment with your regular doctor. I’m sure Amy and Nathan would love a quick trip to Italy. Mmm, lunch in Rome.(It’s on my list of things to do when I’m a gazillionaire.)
Maddi has 3 teeth..
Tazs last blog post..Because I Love Her….
Re: The pregnancy. Great news (if nausea and bloating can be considered good…)
Re: The nightmares. Did Amy see Seven get run over by any chance? Or was she there during the whole race-to-the-vet drama?
Re: Tassie. What can I say? One day, I WILL see it for myself.
Re: Toddler comfort. Too, too cute. When Mollie was tiny, if I was crying she would bring me tissues, a glass of water, and rub my back!
Kids are just so precious during the toddler stage, and even the anti-social sleeping habits improve with time. Teeth are an awful nuisance though. all that hassle to get them and then they fall out and you have to PAY for them. I think that’s called adding insult to injury!
You’re pregnant. How did I miss that? Congratulations.
Shamelessly Sassys last blog post..Bits & Pieces and Ask Adam Day
I haven’t been over here to visit in so long it’s embarrassing….but I haven’t actually had time to blog at all anywhere….so let me just tell you that I’m jumping up and down I’m so thrilled to hear that you’re preggers, and that last tidbit about amy soothing you almost had me in tears! Bad still only has one word (mama) but he gives very nice kisses. Congratulations honey!