Whine Whinge Whine STOP

I have been sick. I have been very very sick. My morning sickness seems to have metamorphasized into OMG I am going to die right now sickness and I am very miserable.

It would even be okay if it was happening at the same time each day. If I knew ‘I will vomit each morning until 11.30am and then I will just feel slightly queasy’ then I could deal with it. However, it changes every day. Like yesterday? I was fine in the morning, rotten sick from 12pm-4pm and then queasy until 8pm when I was rotten sick all night.

Today, I was mildly queasy until about 8pm and now I think I am going to die.


So I am whinging to you.

Anyone know any morning sickness remedies? I am already drinking lemon and ginger tea alot (from real gigner and lemon, because the tea bags don’t work too well) and trying to eat small regular meals, but I am just wondering if there is anything else I could be doing.

Otherwise I will be off to the doctor for a prescription for Maxalone (anti-nausea tablets).

In other, much happier, more exciting news, I GOT BROADBAND!!!

Can you all jump up and down and scream alongside of me now? I am currently writing this, using my wireless, in bed. So pleased and OMG do you know how fast things are loading for me? I had no idea how slow my dialup was until I got to use the fast stuff.

So now, I can view videos and comment easily! YAY!

And I have a new addiction, it’s called Plurk. Lotus sent me an invite and told me it was like twitter on crack. It’s definitely like twitter on crack, but I like Plurk MUCH better. And even better, if you sign up using my linkies just there, you get to become…Da da daaaaaaa…instant friends with me! I mean, what could be better?


So yes, there is my not so exciting news. I will be off to the doctor next week to get a referral for another ultrasound to see the little one. And probably a prescription to stop me being so sick.

7 weeks 1 day. Yay!

[Also, Lotus is running a Boobs competition with voting! Head on over and check out the boobs. Mine are there *cough* 13 *cough*}


26 responses to “Whine Whinge Whine STOP”

  1. Marylin Avatar

    I’m trying to sign up to Plurk but the damn site is down!! *cries*
    YAAAAAAY for broadband and booooooo for the sickness 🙁


    Marylins last blog post..Why do I keep leaving my posts till the last minute?!

  2. Suze Avatar

    Geez, I haven’t even got myself twittering or tweeting or whatever it is yet, and now there’s another one?
    Oh ffs 😉

  3. witchypoo Avatar

    You might want to try the purple plates. Or the disk. I swear by mine.

    witchypoos last blog post..The Queen

  4. Memarie Lane Avatar

    Mint is what always worked for me. You can drink peppermint tea or eat a breath mint that contains peppermint oil, or just sniff some peppermint oil.

    Also for most women with morning sickness, the sickness is actually a sign that they should be eating more. So it’s important to eat before it can happen. In the first trimester I always ate a banana and bread with butter or something before bed to keep my stomach busy, then in the morning I have peanut butter toast or some eggs first thing. If you’re diligent about it your body will get the point that you’re not going to starve it in it’s new condition, and will lay off, but only while you stick to it.

    When I got sick near the end of the 3rd trimester I just couldn’t eat, so I had illness AND morning sickness and never could get that balance back.

    Memarie Lanes last blog post..Jane Austen goes to Hollywood

  5. Memarie Lane Avatar

    I mean when I got sick near the end of the first trimester, not the first, I’m still in the second LOL. But I found this eating pattern to be effective in all my pregnancies.

    Memarie Lanes last blog post..Jane Austen goes to Hollywood

  6. Ree Avatar

    It’s Twitter on crack AND steroids. Argh.

    How about saltine crackers?

    Rees last blog post..Updatarandomeme

  7. Leigh Avatar

    nothing really worked for me. not even eating constantly. i hope you feel better soon!

    Leighs last blog post..Outsmarted….

  8. Suzie Avatar

    Sick is a good sign. Feels horrible though. I ate crackers and those ginger candies. Still threw up. Hopefully it will pass soon.

    Suzies last blog post..24 Hours

  9. Lou Avatar

    I find it difficult to generate a lot of sympathy, here. I WARNED you – I think I said, “And you want another one?” But, okay – I’m saddened to think you don’t feel well. I know how hard it can be to cope with the simplest of things when you don’t feel well. And that makes me feel for you. BUT .. I think at times you may exaggerate the negative. For example, many, many times you have lamented the condition of your ‘deflated’ boobs. Well, I have seen your boobs. You lie like a rug. Those girls sure look nice from here. Man, I thought you had those paper thin saggy things a lot of women get. No. You’ve got …. a nice rack. Take it from an EXPERT. Of course, my judgment is from afar, and from a picture of undetermined age. But man — NICE!!

    Lous last blog post..tired and sick

  10. jessica @pianomomsicle Avatar

    What i was GOING to do was quickly sign up for Plurk, just to try it, and then continue playing my game while my son naps.

    And then i made friends, and i’m practically chatting on plurk on. You don’t know what you just got me into!

    i’m SO glad you got broadband. Yay fast internets!

    jessica @pianomomsicles last blog post..Two kids? It’ll maybe be ok.

  11. Jenn Avatar

    Sorry I don’t , I never had it at all with the first then with the second it was all day everyday from the time I got up till about 3 in the afternoon for the first 12 weeks, then the next I never knew when in the day it would hit for that long and then this new little one it lasted for about 14 weeks and I never knew when it would hit, but I never got sick puking sick I just felt like I had the worst damn hangover ever and felt sick just never was. So I don’t know how to make you feel better sorry , just take comfort in knowing you are not alone and once all this sickness is over pretty soon you will then feel your little one kicking away in there and it will have been worth it!

  12. Kat Avatar

    Hi Sweetie, I have a long list of remedies I got recently for another friend from a woman I know who could hardly eat at all through her 2nd, 3rd & 4th pregnancies. I’ll email it to you.

    Kats last blog post..This Blog is a Work of Fiction

  13. Hyphen Mama Avatar

    I got nothin’! I couldn’t help myself when I was so sick. I did get a tiny bit of comfort from orange juice blended with ice to make a smoothie. I lived on those for a long time.

    Oh and my second pregnancy I realized several months into it that my prenatal vitamin was adding to the nausea. If I stopped the prenatal vitamin, I wouldn’t get as sick. So I had to start taking it before bed.

    Hyphen Mamas last blog post..Meme Friday

  14. Sandy (Momisodes) Avatar

    Oh man, I wish I had a remedy for you. I felt so sick for 3 solid months. The only thing I could consume was flat ginger ale and bread.

    Congrats on the broadband!

    I’m a PLURKER too. Although keeping up with it all on the screen makes me a little nauseous.

    Sandy (Momisodes)s last blog post..Hai’school

  15. tiff Avatar

    I can’t get the hang of twitter and or Plurk or anything else like that…my brain is so fried. i don’t think I’ll be able to remember how to catch a baby soon… bridging school, here I come.

    As for morning sickness… ginger ale helped me the most. I’ll have to have a look at my reflexology book but there are all sorts of pressure points you can use for the nausea… Have you tried holding your earlobe between your thumb and pointer finger and applying just a bit of pressure? Try it, go on, you know you want to.

    There are lots of other things I have writeen down somewhere that have worked for women…off to look in the diaries…

    tiffs last blog post..Stop Press

  16. Xbox4NappyRash Avatar

    Soup, soup always worked for my nausea.
    Granted they were always hangovers, but you never know.

    Plurk is twitter on saltine crackers.

    Xbox4NappyRashs last blog post..Coming all over Dr. Phil

  17. Talina Avatar

    I am debating signing up for plurk… Seems fun, perhaps I’ll give it a try!

    Congrats on your 7 weeks 1 day, sorry you are sick though…

    Talinas last blog post..Same ole crap different day.

  18. Bettina Avatar

    plain potato chips.

    Was the only thing I could keep down with TJ.

    Yay for broadband!! It’s about freakin time they got their act together!!

    Bettinas last blog post..Discipline Tactics?

  19. Sharon Avatar

    Great news about the broadband. It is sooo much better than dial-up 🙂

    Sorry you are still suffering with the dreaded puking. Perhaps it might be best to go straight to Meds from the Dr if the natural remedies aren’t doing much good.

  20. tanya Avatar

    yucky morning afternoon and night sickness. lol.

    broadband…fantastic isn’t it!!! I love it! I nearly fainted when I could download a you tube clip!!!

  21. katef Avatar

    ah morning sickness sucks…. I didn’t feel bad all day every day but I did puke at least once a day from about 6 weeks till the day my kids were born, and for some reason I’d wake out of a dead sleep to spew at 5am every day… weird!

    I tried a lot of things… Vit B12 is supposed to be good but didn’t help me, I also tried those ‘sea bands’ but they didn’t help either. Acupuncture worked great but didn’t last more than a day or so and is not cheap.

    Ginger snap biscuits helped a little… a bit of sugar, a bit of ginger and a bit of something in your stomach and taste ok going out as well as going in.

    That is my only real useful tip – learn to eat things that aren’t horrendous to vomit… stay away from potato chips (of any variety.. spiky) rice (especially with veggies)and coke (someone told me it was a good remedy but when I spewed it not five minutes later it had already congealed into a tar like black mass!). Strawberries were a good option, bananas are not bad coming out either, ice cream is ok too..

    Also do keep an eye on your weight… I dropped nearly 10kgs while pregnant with the girls and was force fed nutrient shakes in the last weeks to try and keep us all going (despite the fact I was about 10kgs overweight to begin with), though I also lost weight with Muski (still weight less a year later than I did when I got pregnant! bonus!) and no one cared so I guess it is different if you are only having one…

    Hmmm… you know they say you spew more if you are having multiples… how many you got in there???
    (sorry just freaking you out – in fact I spewed about the same with my twin and my singleton pregnancies – just longer for the singleton because I was pregnancy for 13 extra weeks LOL)

    Hmm why do you posts always inspire me to write an essay for a comment????

    katefs last blog post..When I am rich…

  22. river Avatar

    Woo-hoo on the broadband and bleh on the 24/7 morning sickness. I have no suggestions for you on that, except you’ve tried sweet things and everyone else has suggested sweet things, if they don’t work try sour. Dill cucumbers might help.
    I’m not signing up for anything, no twitter, no plurk nothing…….

  23. Taz Avatar

    cant help ya with the sickness hun..


    i aint too flash today either..

    BOO to morning sickness..

    yay to broadband..

    on a happier note..

    Maddi said MUMMA can i say proud mummy or what.. 🙂

    Tazs last blog post..Because I Love Her….

  24. Sarcastic Mom Avatar

    While I was pregnant, someone told me that nibbling on real cinnamon sticks helps. I never tried it, b/c I was too lazy to go buy them. Lemon wedges helped me.

    Btw, YAY! at Broadband! I’m glad you’ll be able to watch my silly videos from now on. 🙂

    Sarcastic Moms last blog post..Operation Paci Removal: A Story of Triumphs and Failures

  25. Widdle Shamrock Avatar

    Strawberry thickshakes from Maccas.

    I ate alot of potato and grated cheese. It was just about all I could keep down.

    Also, if you bring it back up, it doesn’t burn your throat.

    Widdle Shamrocks last blog post..Smiley Saturday

  26. Trish Avatar

    hope you are feeling better soon with all these remedies
    hooray for wireless broadband dialup is so slow.

    Trishs last blog post..Weekly Winners