I’m fortunate enough to get to work with Cadbury on a regular basis, so when they unveiled their new range of chocolate featuring whole nuts, I eagerly accepted a gift pack in the mail. AND IT WAS AWESOME. I prefer the whole nuts. I think they taste better.
Yay, chocolate.
Because Cadbury like to spread their message and we all like chocolate, I have 5 Cadbury gift packs to giveaway, including 2 x each new block of chocolate, in both plain and nut varieties. Pretty sure that is eight blocks of chocolate in each gift pack.
To enter, leave a comment below letting me know what your favourite way to eat chocolate is.
The fine print:
Entry is open to Australian postal addresses only. One entry per household – I will be checking IP addresses. Winners will be picked using random.org. Competition closes June 9th 8pm AEST.
Jenny, Chloe, Terese, Lightening and Anna, I will be in touch shortly.
49 responses to “Cadbury Chocolate Giveaway”
favourite way? in bed watching a very cheesy disaster movie and enjoying every single mouthful as the world is destroyed in very unlikely but highly entertaining ways.
My favourite way would have to be when I’m sharing!
It sounds crazy, but when I’m sharing, it is always good times, either with my kids, hubby, or girlfriends!
Oohhhh arrrggghhh chocolate!!!! I lIke to savor it bit by bit until it melts through my mouth. Then swallow and repeat. I love to watch my kids trying different flavours and discovering their favourite!!!
In my mouth and FAST. In my defense I have 4 small boys who can smell an open block of chocolate from 3 suburbs away. Bonus points if I’m eating it in bed with a good tv show or full blog reader awaiting my attention.
In a bath full of bubbles with a new magazine or good book to read. With the door locked. I am one very relaxed happy girl after that!
*swoon* Cadbury is like my dream company to work with – I’m fairly sure I am responsible for their profit every year, considering I cannot go a single day without indulging in some (even if its only a fun size piece)!
I don’t think I can actually pin down a favourite way to eat my chocolate. I just want to eat it, period. (Though it helped keep me sane the other day when I was stuck in traffic – that was a Godsend!)
In an ideal world I would wait until the house was quiet (which equals no sharing, how naughty!) and devour the whole thing in front of a favourite TV show.
The reality however is that I will scoff it any chance I get: patience and chocolate do not mix sadly with me!
Yum – Cadburys chocolate has always been my favourite!
My favourite way to eat it is after the kids have gone to bed (so I don’t have to share), snuggled on the couch under a blanket watching tv. I have a cup of tea with it so that I can dip it in and eat it when it’s all gooey. Yum!
My favorite way to eat chocolate is with my little sister, in a piggish fight to see who can consume the most & be the messiest 😛
My second favorite way would be when I find a bar by surprise, half melted and forgotten at the bottom of my bag, exactly when I need it the most. It is like my past self sending edible hugs to ward against bad things.
My favourite way to eat chocolate is with a kitty on my lap while doing some knitting,savouring every.little.bit.
In a bubble bath with a cup of tea and my kindle!
ummm behind the pantry door very sneakily so dont have to share hah ha yep true sometimes but favourite time to eat chocolate would be at the movies or on the couch watching a favourite family movie and passing the block around to share hhmmmmmm love that smell when you first crack it open too. Whole nuts sounds awesome my fave choc is roast almond or hazelnut. Fingers crossed !
My usual way to eat it is post child meltdown. I see it as a reward for myself getting through another ASD moment.
But in fantasy world I would love to be snacking on it as I do some crochet in a quiet house listening to the rain outside
I break up a block, and pass it around,
The looks on my kids faces, is worth an extra pound.
Sharing is the only way, to enjoy Cadbury treats
Because sharing is caring, it makes life sweet.
With a cup of earl grey, watching Gilmore Girls and knitting something warm for winter 🙂
With the whole family snuggled up under a rug watching a DVD.
It has to be Cadbury’s original dairy milk – and the Australian version, not the English one (I think the non-melty stuff they use must give it a better flavour) – it has to be room temperature and I have to have a hot cup of English Breakfast tea to dunk it in 🙂
Definite fans of all things Cadbury in this house
My favourite way to actually get the smallest piece of chocolate is to sneak down the side of the house, ring the doorbell and then run back around the house and grab a piece of chocolate whilst my four kids knock themselves out running down the hall to be the first to open the door!
Sneaky and underhanded but hey you’ve got to be resourceful if you want chocolate at my place!
My favourite way to eat chocolate is to eat it while cleaning the home everyday by allowing each bite to melt in my mouth. It gives me happy hormones and i clean home peacefully without any frustration.
Chocolate for breakfast is my absolute favourite!
Breaking it into the individual squares and savouring each one whilst reading in bed.
With a cup of Earl Grey tea, reading a magazine, or watching a film on tv. And not having to share.
with abandon.
Of course.
My favorite way to eat chocolate is to have a cup of hot chocolate or coffee, sip slowly and not count how many pieces of choc I’ve had :p
Mmmm with coffee, the flavours are very complimentary.
Also far away from my children and I love the nut chocolates because I have the best excuse ever not to share.
By the block lol..
When it’s just about to melt but the piece of chocolate is still holding its shape 🙂
I have two favoured methods of eating chocolate.
The first involves keeping the chocolate in the fridge and I break off two rows telling myself that’s all I’ll have. The extra steps i take returning to the fridge multiple times counts towards the 10,000 steps we are supposed to take daily. The other way is to break up the whole block into individual squares, put them all in a bowl and settle in with a good book, a hot coffee and the chocolate. Mindlessly eat until it’s all gone.
Curled up on the couch with a good book and a cup of coffee 🙂
Alone! So I don’t have to share!
Has to be dipped in a cup of tea by the half row, hiding from my daughter, with a good book. Bonus marks if that book is a Real Book, not my iPad, and if that chocolate has whole roasted almonds or hazelnuts. With uni exams around the corner I will no doubt come up with further criteria in due course.
When the kids are in bed fast asleep and the house work all done than i relax with a nice big mug of hot chocolate than dip in big blocks of choclate and melt and eat very yummy indeed….
I could eat chocolate all day long. But since I can hear my mother’s voice in the back of my head, I eat a few pieces after lunch and a few more in the evenings while we watch TV.
I love to eat chocolate curled up on the couch, watching a movie.
Out of the fridge 🙂
Don’t know if it is my favourite way but I seem to be inhaling it I am eating so quickly these days!
My favourite way to eat chocolate is hiding in the pantry so I don’t have to share with the kids.
One row at a time, carefully, and hidden away from the other chocolate-crazed women in the house.
Outside, underneath the full moon, in a thunderstorm, at a party near a bonfire, anywhere really, hoping that we don’t get sprung by the kids. 😉
Plain chocolate…slightly melted and gooey! Yum! Now I want chocolate….
On my own!
Could do with it right now, am at sleepschool for my 17 month old arrrrggghhhh
I like to eat chocolate with company. I usually restrain myself a bit more then and don’t end up gorging myself on it.
My favourite way is in the evening enjoying a good tv show with hubs. My usual way is sneaking into the kitchen when the kids are driving me nuts and guiltily eating a couple of squares, before going out to continue my day 😉
Row at a time, sucking the end until my fingers melt into the last square. Plain and fair trade.
My favourite way? Alone. In a locked room. I’m not good at sharing.
Alone, while partner’s on nightshift and children asleep!
Oh My Chocolate Goodness.
My Favourite Way is this-
1. must be Cadbury
1. must be milk chocolate from Cadbury
1. must be broken carefully into chunks that are neat, across the base of the block first.
1. must be popped into the waiting mouth…sigh…two pieces at a time
1. must be allowed to melt that Cadbury goodness (glass & a half!) on the tongue
1. must slowly slip like silvery threads down the … You know!
And it must always be at night, in bed …..mmmmmm
Love me a pack of Cadbury chocolate & I am a Cadbury Nut!
My favourite flavour is is just the plain chocolate. Nothing beats the original. And if I really want to treat myself I’ll wait a few hours and freeze it so it’s rock hard and I have to naw on it. It’s the only way I’ll eat chocolate, it tastes magical frozen.
Quietly!!!! (So I’ve got more chance of having it all to myself). Bwahhaha!
watching a movie every night after dinner trying every possible flavour…or melting the plain dairy milk or fruit n nut in the miscrowave and pouring it over good natural vanilla ice cream.. yummmmmmmm