Food, eating and broken tongue ties.

by Veronica on March 11, 2010

in Blogging, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome

So, my son. He of the not swallowing and the tongue tie and the issues.

He turned around the other day and poked his tongue back out at me. I was stunned, in a good way. I prised open his mouth, which was harder than it sounds, and checked. No tongue tie. The frenulum that I used to be able to see easily, gone.

I don’t know if he bit it, or snapped it somehow, but it’s fixed. Suddenly, instantly, he can swallow properly and poke his tongue out. He is talking heaps more and trying to have conversations with me. The issue now is trying to work out what the hell he is saying before he gets frustrated with me and gives it over to yelling or screeching instead.

It’s insane.

It’s fantastic.

He took 2 steps the other day too. Wobbly ones and after two steps he threw himself at me, content that I would catch him. I did and we giggled. He is still very wobbly and can’t manage any more than 5 seconds standing unsupported.

Now that he is standing alone though, I’m noticing more issues. His left foot turns out, badly. Like, 90 degrees badly and when he steps, it doesn’t straighten.

With my untrained eyes, it looks like the turn is coming from the hip, but I’ll ask the physiotherapist about it next time we see her. I don’t know what impact it will have on his walking, but to be honest, I’m not expecting him to walk any time soon. It’s enough that occasionally he lets go with his hands, and walks holding my hands. Both things that Amy was doing at 11-12months. And I KNOW that you’re not meant to compare, but really, I can’t exactly compare him to ‘normal’ children with their development, can I?

Can we just come back to the fact that he is swallowing? Properly? Thank GOD.


In unrelated blogging news, I’ve been updating my food blog again, after months of …. um …. not. I’m enjoying it and maybe you will too.

There are new posts up on the other blog. I mean, one new post. You’ve probably seen it already. [yes, this is me telling you to go read my other blog. now. make me feel better about the lack of readers over there, okay?]

Also, I want to address the sponsored posts issue. Yes, I’m doing sponsored posts here for Nuffnang. Mostly because being a poor penniless writer doesn’t appeal to me and Nuffnang doesn’t pay badly. Funds are tight here, Nathan is my full time carer, so he doesn’t work at the moment. That might change as the children get older, but my body is failing and I need him home. So any money I bring in from writing goes towards the household and things like that.

Sunday, I will be announcing the winners of my advertising competition. Maybe sooner – I’ve made my decisions and some of you have been notified already and some haven’t. Please, bear in mind that if you didn’t get a free ad spot at this time, I will probably be offering spaces again in a month. And I love every single one of you who entered, so thankyou so so much.

So that’s me! How have you been?

Tanya March 11, 2010 at 9:42 am

YAY FOR THE UNTIED TONGUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

One less thing to worry about!

It doesn’t sound as though Isaac is behind with his development, there are a lot of babies who don’t have the issues Isaac has and they take longer to walk, among other things. People have been comparing to Emily and it annoys me just a little.

If you keep encouraging him, and the physiotherapist has a look at things, then that is all you can do, isn’t it? How old is he now, 14 months? It’s only a few months difference to Amy at 11-12 months. He should be grateful he has a mummy who cares about these things!

But it’s easy for me to say this to someone else. If it was Emily, I would be worrying too.

Keep us informed of how it all goes.

I LOVE your food blog because I know they are things that can actually be made. Not like the things you see on tv where you don’t even know half of the ingredients…or they are $4 million per kg.

achelois March 11, 2010 at 10:12 am

I love your food blog too. Am I being stupid but where’s the fourth one?

On the tongue – yippeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

Don’t fall apart I need you on the internet to help hold me together too.

Just on a font thing – has the font shrunk from before or do I need to get my eye’s tested again? Or can I make it bigger somewhere?

I don’t even understand the nuggnang thingie being from the UK but I don’t mind – I get the need for pennies though, how sad am I don’t even know what your equivalent of pennies are over there – cash I guess is the same thing in any language. Of which I could do with a great deal more of also.

My two kiddie’s all grown now were/are like chalk and cheese. Son didn’t crawl he bottom shuffled and I am afraid to say I can’t remember how old he was when he walked. Neither of them really ever got the hang of running for different reasons!

bye bye xoxox

Veronica March 11, 2010 at 10:15 am

Achelois – there is the food blog (, the horse blog (, the writing, snarky blog ( and then this one. Four.

Also the text hasn’t shrunk I don’t think, but I can look into making it a touch bigger. Also I think it might need to be a bit darker.

Jenni March 11, 2010 at 11:26 am

Great news about the tongue tie and the walking – WTG, Issac!

I’m going to check out your food blog, and you know I read VeronicaFoale already. I’m a devoted fan.

And, I’m glad you got a paying gig. So, Nathan is home full time now helping you because of your EDS? Since when? For how long? I guess I assumed things were getting better w/your therapy.

Kelley @ Magnetoboldtoo March 11, 2010 at 11:30 am

DUDE! You managed to get carers payment/allowance? Go underground NOW, before the fuckers change their minds.

Oh Centrelink, how I despise you. (but OMG if you have it I am sooooo very happy for you)

And YAY for no tongue tie. At least something is going right!

Veronica March 11, 2010 at 11:30 am

Jenni – it’s not so much a paying gig, as occasionally I do sponsored posts. I try to make them as much ‘me’ as possible though.

The EDS just continues to get worse, I have good days but if I’m home alone with the kids, I get very bad very fast, plus it’s a safety issue with the dislocations. And I can’t turn on the taps properly myself.

achelois March 11, 2010 at 11:37 am

… and I can’t count! I wish I had a Nathan at home not your Nathan obviously. I need one.

Brenda March 11, 2010 at 11:39 am

Hallelujahs for the tongue thing!

And ummm, didn’t even know that there was an issue about sponsored posts. No harm in doing that, IMO. I was actually approached by a company yesterday. And they wanted to find out my rates for that. And would I be interested in doing a sponsored posts for them? I said yes but on the condition that they personally send me at least 1 product so I could more or less judge it fairly. Seriously, Veronica you and I know that we are not gonna get rich blogging. But every penny helps, right?xoxo

Brenda March 11, 2010 at 11:40 am

Gah, hate typing on my iPhone. Can’t edit properly, gah!

Jayne March 11, 2010 at 11:48 am

Yay on the tongue-tie being gone 🙂

katef March 11, 2010 at 12:00 pm

Yay for the tongue tie resolving on it’s own… how ace is that!!???!!

Veronica March 11, 2010 at 12:09 pm

Brenda – yep, every cent counts. Even if it means I get to buy myself a book once a month. Or like lately, get to replace broken shit.

Jayne and Kate – YAY! I’m so pleased to see him eating and talking.

Leah March 11, 2010 at 12:31 pm

Brandon’s feet do the same thing, only it’s both of them and they go inwards.. he has to go see a doctor next month about it cause he may have to have leg braces (its a family thing, from my dads side) and i was told to put his shoes on the wrong feet but it only made it A MILLION times worse *sigh*

Veronica March 11, 2010 at 12:38 pm

Leah, Amy’s turn in too, one worse than the other. Kids are stressful!

Pop and Ice March 11, 2010 at 1:20 pm

So glad to hear that Isaac is swallowing properly. One less thing to worry about! I’m sure the language will get straightened away in time. He just needs some practice. But the walking thing, that I would have checked out because of the possible EDS. You don’t want him to get into any sort of compensating habits that end up hurting him walking properly. But it all sounds like things are going well (as well as they can, I suppose) for the moment. Try to enjoy it!

statia March 11, 2010 at 3:01 pm

I also think that comparing boys to girls is like comparing night to day. Girls do things so much sooner than boys do. My daughter hit 95% of her milestones much sooner than my son did. It’s ridiculous. People always told me that girls just do things quicker. Never believed it until I saw it with my two.

Kristin March 11, 2010 at 3:20 pm

Yay for medical issues that resolve themselves. That’s always a plus. And for sponsored posts, I say. No need to apologize for that.

Mrs. C March 11, 2010 at 3:48 pm

WOW… don’t look a gift horse in the mouth LOL… but wheww. I was afraid of reading the snipping post later. 😛

Sharon March 11, 2010 at 5:56 pm

WTG Isaac! So glad he won’t have to have the tongue tie snipped 😉 As for the walking, you know he’ll get there in his own good time. Lots of babies turn their feet at first, even those without EDS, so I’m going to hope that will improve without too much intervention.

Great that the Carer’s Allowance has enabled Nathan to stay at home with you now. Shame the amount isn’t higher though…

river March 11, 2010 at 7:06 pm

This is such exciting reading! The broken tongue tie and the two steps. I’ve been reading over at Veronica Foale, but I haven’t checked your food blog, oh, forever….going there now.

Jeanette March 11, 2010 at 8:05 pm

yay re the tongue!! And wow at the walking all of a sudden 🙂 such great news!

Marylin March 11, 2010 at 9:51 pm

Yay for the tongue! Zack still can’t stick his tongue out properly, but his speech is fine, so I’ve not felt the need to have anything done about it.
I have no idea if Max’s is or not – he won’t usually let me anywhere near his mouth. (yes, toothbrushing is… er… full of me getting bitten fingers)
Glad Nathan is at home to help you sweety, must be a big relief knowing that you’re not on your own with the littlies. xx

Marie March 12, 2010 at 12:55 am

Sounds like he’s doing well! Yay! Post more pics of those cuties of yours? 🙂

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