Only Hearts Should Be Worn On Sleeves… + giveaway

Only Hearts Should Be Worn On Sleeves: The snotty truth about motherhood is an eBook by the lovely and very talented Kellie O’Brien. I was lucky enough to receive an advance copy to read and review, and eagerly settled down in bed the other day for a bit of light reading.

Kellie is funny. Her take on motherhood made me giggle and remember only too well my first few months of parenting Amy.

Taken from Kellie’s column in The Advocate, you can see why Kellie drew such a big following and had strangers in the street wanting to meet “Baby Ella” and congratulate Kellie and her husband.

Below, Kellie talks a little bit about the ebook:

Only Hearts Should Be Worn On Sleeves is definitely funny and I would say a must read for mums-to-be, or new mums. I thoroughly enjoyed it, but I had to keep stifling my urge to send Kellie emails filled with commiserations and “I have so been there” type thoughts, as I reminded myself that Kellie now has a second daughter and knows exactly what she is doing.


It can be purchased here.

Kellie O’Brien can be found blogging at Three L’il Princesses, or on twitter here.

And! Because Kellie is lovely, she is offering one lucky commenter a free copy of her eBook! Just leave a comment below to enter.

Entries close 1st May.

I wasn’t paid or compensated in any way for participating in this virtual book tour. I did receive a free copy of Kellie’s book.


12 responses to “Only Hearts Should Be Worn On Sleeves… + giveaway”

  1. […] Tuesday, April 24: Veronica of Sleepless Nights will show a YouTube of me revealing the story behind the ebook and include a giveaway. […]

  2. suzanne Avatar

    sounds amazing,im trying for a baby and i believe it would a fantastic read before bubs comes along!!

  3. Brian Lee Avatar

    I love the cover and the colors and I’m sure this gonna be a good read 🙂

  4. Cat@jugglingact Avatar

    Would love to read it.

  5. Suzi Avatar

    I love Kellie’s blog and this book sounds fabulous.

  6. Bec Avatar

    Sounds like an awesome book! I would love to check it out!

  7. del Avatar

    Been there twice and not going back again however this would be great for friends who are just beginning the journey into love, sleep deprivation and funky smells!

  8. Renee Patterson Avatar
    Renee Patterson

    Would love to read!

  9. Nicole Avatar

    Love Kellie’s writing, always makes me laugh, would love to read this.

  10. London Van Avatar

    Hi, there! Our little baby-girl come into the world 2 minths ago. She is the greatest thing in our lives. This post aroused my interest. I would love to read it for sure 🙂

  11. Kellie @ Three Li'l Princesses Avatar

    Thanks so much for hosting me on the Virtual Book Tour, V. I really appreciate it. x

  12. Suzi Thompson Avatar
    Suzi Thompson

    Oh wow – As a long time reader of the Advocate newspaper ( I live on the NW coast of Tassie) and a mum to 4 I would love a copy of this book – a chance to catch up on the columns that I missed reading from the newspaper! It does sound awesome though, thank you for the opportunity to win it! xx