Sharing the Love #1

A long time ago when I first started blogging, things felt different. I found a few blogs I liked and from there, clicked through their blogrolls, subscribing to blogs along the way.

Slowly I gathered around me a group of women who commented here, who loved on me and who were generally amazing all around. I did the same thing for them. As well as that, we shared our traffic and our readers and slowly slowly, we formed a ‘group’.

I look back over my blog for the last 3 years and while I’ve still got a blogroll, I rarely link to other bloggers just to share the love. I don’t write a quick post to say ‘I found an amazing blog and you should read them too’ anymore. And looking around, not many people do anymore. Of course we all still link, but posts dedicated to sharing the love? I’m not seeing them as often.

And really, I miss them. Because while I loved getting linked and an influx of different traffic, it was even nicer to click to a friends blog and find her recommending a new read and finding amazing blogs this way. I’ve also noticed a downfall in blogrolls lately, not so much on the newer blogs, but on slightly older ones – ones who have been accused of favouritism by having a blogroll. I miss blogrolls.

I asked on twitter a few days ago for recommendations for blogs and while I got some great new blogs to add to my reader, I was also underwhelmed by the response. Surely we’ve all got an absolute favourite that we’d like to share?

So. I thought about it and I’d like to instigate a thing, wherein I write a post once a month, telling you about a blog I’m reading and why I love them.

Ideally, I’d love if other people would join in and write about their favourite blog too and then we’d all link up – but I’m not sure it would turn out like that.

The idea is simply, sharing the love. Letting your readers know about someone they should be reading too, if they aren’t already. I think finding new-to-me blogs this way will be easier and more fun too.

So, first blog for me:

Failure to Nap.

Statia has been blogging for a very long time, nearly 10 years and a few different domain changes type long. A looong time. There are 8 years worth of archives on Failure to Nap, so if you’re after some decent blog reading…

I found her blog via Shannon, a little while ago (I forget how long) and subscribed immediately. She’s funny and she’s real and she says fuck a lot. What more can I want?

Even more, now that we’re dealing with the whole aspergers thing, it’s been lovely to bug the shit out of her, asking questions about her son and how she copes with various behaviours. Statia’s run the gauntlet of infertility to fall and stay pregnant with her son, and then was surprised to find herself pregnant the natural way soon after with her daughter, who is now a full blown TODDLER.

Plus, anyone who allows me to get a good bitch about blogging out of my system is a winner, in my opinion. She’s one of four women I can bitch to, without worrying about what they’ll think – probably because we think similar things.

So, anyway, you should read her because she’s awesome.


If you’re playing along with share the love, add your link in the comments and I’ll link you up here. No, we don’t have a button, but if someone is offering? I’ll be in that. The idea will be to link to a blog you love monthly and tell your readers why they should subscribe.

Also, picture was shamlessly stolen from Statia’s header. I think she’ll forgive me. I hope so.


Others sharing the love:
…from Toushka
Our Park Life
Drovers Run
This Mid 30’s Life
College and a Novel
Gluten Free Soy Free
Drifting Through Life
Play, Eat, Learn, Live
In Search Of
Ramblings of a Broken Hearted Mummy
Mm is for me
The Tensile Times

Leave a link to your post detailing a blog you love in the comments and I’ll add it here for you.


58 responses to “Sharing the Love #1”

  1. […] again I am following in my daughter’s footsteps.Veronica’s most recent post is all about sharing the love or giving a shout out to a blog that you […]

  2. kim(frogpondsrock) Avatar

    Here you go Missy, I have shared the love as well with this post.

    The blog that I am recommending is written by a man who went to war when he was 16. The same age as your little brother. He is a brilliant writer, you just need to remember to breathe when you read his posts.

    1. Veronica Avatar

      It is a brilliant blog.

  3. Toushka Avatar

    I am sharing the love today.
    I apologise for the messy format of the blog but the editing in blogger is spectacularly shit today.

    1. Veronica Avatar

      Blogger has fantastically crap days sometimes doesn’t it? Thanks for playing along!

  4. Gill@OurParklife Avatar

    Hi Veronica! I just read about this over at Toushka’s blog and I realized how ridiculously long it has been since I popped over and read your great blog…

    I hope this is OK to link up to (seen as how the post has already been written and published)….You see, once a month we write about our favorite things and this normally includes a blog link…In October we linked to a lovely little blog we like called SassandSpice…The blog is at:

    And we posted about it here:

    Sharing the love is a great idea….I would love to do a proper post just for the linky next month..

    Gill xo

    1. Veronica Avatar

      I figured I would publish the post and then add links as everyone else did. I’ve added yours now!

  5. achelois Avatar

    Just as I am needing new stuff in my reader (as I mentioned in comment to your mum). There’s you making it easy for me. Although I must say wish I was one of those four women who you didn’t worry about biatching to! lol

    1. Veronica Avatar

      I think because I moan to you about real life stuff, EDS and kids and stuff, rather than blogging. You definitely count as one of my friends though. xx

  6. edenland Avatar

    Veronica, I LOVE this idea. As soon as I light the fire, have a shower because I stink, make the beds and plan dinner …. I will be back to add my link. I’m in – every month. Bloody awesome.

    1. Veronica Avatar

      Excellent! I’ll look forward to it!

  7. Mrs Woog Avatar
    Mrs Woog

    Count me in. When I first started Blogging seriously at the beginning of this year, A very kick ass blogger linked to me and I have found it really opened my eyes.

    Please add


    1. Veronica Avatar

      Hi Mrs Woog, would you like to write a post and tell everyone why you like the blog? That way they get a whole heap of love from you and then I’ll link your post up with mine.


  8. statia Avatar

    Aw shucks. I’m all embarrassed and stuff. Thank you. Also, I know I’m such a lame commenter. I blame google reader. I was devoted to bloglines (I am so stuck in my cogedy ways), and now I have to use google reader. Blows.

    1. Veronica Avatar

      I’m a terrible commenter too, reading in the Reader is just much easier.

      And you’re welcome!

  9. kelli Avatar

    hi, I am joining too at

    great idea Victoria, thanks for hosting.

    1. kim(frogpondsrock) Avatar

      Victoria? Isn’t that a state? Oh wait I remember she was a Queen.

    2. Veronica Avatar

      Yay! Thanks for joining in!

      (also, I’m Veronica. Not Victoria. Although it’s not the first time I’ve been called Victoria and it probably won’t be the last.)

  10. Ness Avatar

    Heh, I also recently started sending out “these blogs are cool” posts again – because I also struggle to find blogs that ‘stick’ with me, in the hopes that others would do the same.
    My post that talked about linkage is here

    1. Veronica Avatar

      I hadn’t seen yours! But yes, same problem, finding blogs is harder than it sounds!

  11. kelli Avatar

    DOH!! I knew that, think of Victoria as I wrote it LOL

  12. […] following Veronica’s lead today and sharing some link […]

  13. katef Avatar

    despite a super cranky baby who hates me typing while he is in my arms (I know how could I possibly have given birth to a baby like that?? ) I’ve popped up a quick post to join in today! 🙂
    off to add some new reads!

    1. Veronica Avatar

      I think they’re all like that, they hate anything taking our attention away from them.


  14. Amy Avatar

    Here is a ‘new-ish’ one that I’ve just begun on my lifestyle

    1. Veronica Avatar

      Hi Amy – the idea is to write a post and link to someone else’s blog that you enjoy, then I’ll link your post up to mine.

      1. Amy Avatar

        Thanks, Veronica – I shall have that ready sometime tomorrow!

      2. Amy Avatar

        Here it is! I have ‘shared the love’ (or I think I have, anyway!! lol)

  15. Claireyh Avatar

    I currently have my find of the week up at,
    It is a great review on Mrs woog at woogsworld.

    1. Veronica Avatar

      Yay! I’ve added your link, thanks heaps for joining in.

  16. Brenda Avatar

    Off to check Failure to Nap now! Thankus V. Mwahs.

    1. Veronica Avatar

      You’re very welcome – she’s definitely worth reading.

  17. Kim Avatar

    I love Bluemilk – she is a feminist mother of a 5 year old daughter and 17 month old son and her blogs are witty, intelligent and beautifully written. Find her at and check out her list of Favourite Rants. So so good!!

    1. Veronica Avatar

      Excellent, thankyou!

  18. This Mid 30s Life Avatar

    Don’t suppose I can mention 2 blogs?

    I highly recommend them both. More info in my last post:

    Thanks for the opportunity. I have been overwhelmed by this blogging community I didn’t know existed. People are so welcoming, and the quality of so many blogs is staggering.

    1. Veronica Avatar

      Of course you can mention 2!

  19. river Avatar

    Do I really need to write a post explaining why I like a certain blog? Because I just spent 3 hours composing today’s post…..
    I will if you insist, but if you don’t; I like
    Kath is the first blogger I ever read when I first discovered blogs, I still follow her now, and from her site I linked and linked and eventually found you.

    1. Veronica Avatar

      I’d love if you did, then I’ll link to you. Any time today is fine (my power is off all day, so won’t be able to email, or add new links until tonight though)

  20. Shannon Avatar

    I love you, Statia, AND Ness at Drover’s Run. I almost never comment. Not the same as not lovin’, just so you know 🙂

    1. statia Avatar

      I love you too, babe. And I miss you.

    2. Veronica Avatar

      I’m all blushy now. Hehehe.

  21. Megan Avatar

    It’s a short post but it is sharing a blog I just found the other day, and although I like it I want to discover more of it before describing more about it. But here is the link

    1. Veronica Avatar

      Thanks Megan!

  22. […] enable each of us, as bloggers, to ‘share the love’ after having recently looked onto one particular post from Sleepless Nights and another by […]

  23. river Avatar

    I’ve written about Kath’s Blurb from the Burbs on my blog

    1. Veronica Avatar

      Yay! Thanks River!

  24. Kathy Avatar

    Okies, I’m done:
    I chose three, because I couldn’t help myself!

  25. Bobby Avatar

    Great idea! Word of mouth is far & away my favourite distribution method. Here’s one of my faves:

    1. Veronica Avatar

      I find word of mouth the best form of sharing. Thanks for joining in!

  26. Tammy Avatar is where you’ll find my sharing the love page!!

    1. Veronica Avatar

      Yay! Thanks for joining in Tammy.

  27. […] joining in with Veronica from Sleepless Nights‘ Sharing the Love. When I came across a cool blog I hadn’t seen before I used to add it to my blog roll. Then I […]

  28. Ash Avatar

    I’ll still be doing Sharing the love at #2 000 001 at this rate. There are so many cool blogs out there. Thanks for starting this!

    1. Veronica Avatar

      Excellent! I’ve added your link.

  29. Lindie Avatar

    I don’t blog but love to read lots of blogs all around the world. My way of armchair traveling. I found you and your mom through the blog awards. I checked out a lot of the nominees. I also check out lots of blogs that are listed as favorites on bloggers sidebars. Some I read daily, some weekly some others maybe monthly. One favorite is She is an expatriate American living in Cornwall with her new love.

    1. Veronica Avatar

      I loved finding new blogs through the bloggies. Best thing ever!

      Thanks for the link – I’ll check her out.