10 weeks. The countdown begins. (PS, I’m getting MARRIED, SOMEONE HELP)

The last few months have flown in a haze of interstate trips, small whiny children, rain and miserable weather. I looked at my calendar today and freaked out a little at how far into this year it is. September is almost over? What happened September, I was counting on you!

Anyway, today marks ten weeks before my wedding, which I am alternately excited about and panicking about the stuff! left! to! do!

I have to send invites out soon (the lovely Toni is making my invites) and make sure that my cake and cupcakes are coming along nicely (thanks Cat and Watershedd!) and then, I have to sit down and prepare with my family for what is happening when and who is eating what and where can I find enough haybales to seat people during the ceremony and does anyone have magic grow powder so that I can coax my orchard into a semblance of maturity?

In the middle of all of that though, I know that things will be okay.

I have my dress.

The Celebrant is booked.

We have food mostly organised.

Everything else is gravy, really.


Anyway, one thing that I thought I might do and haven’t yet had a chance to pursue, is to see if any brands, or small businesses would like to help out with the wedding, in return for my eternal grattitude, plus advertising/in content mentions on Sleepless Nights, Twitter and Facebook.

We’re also planning on trying to live stream the wedding for friends and family who live on the mainland/internationally, who may want to watch us tell everyone how much we love each other and try not to laugh inappropriately.

The dress is from a small shop somewhere in Melbourne and cost me $15 and the leggings I am planning on wearing are from We Love Colours.

So you know, if you’re a business, or representing any businesses that would like to be involved in my low key country wedding, I would love to hear from you.

And if you’re a friend who lives too far away to come, would you like me to live stream it? What is the best way to do that?


35 responses to “10 weeks. The countdown begins. (PS, I’m getting MARRIED, SOMEONE HELP)”

  1. Tina ~ Tina Gray {dot} Me Avatar

    10 weeks?! Oh wow, that went fast! I LOVE those tights! *sigh* I love weddings.

    1. Veronica Avatar

      I love them too, so bright and cheerful. They make me happy.

  2. Jo Avatar

    It will be fine. I promise.

    On the day, if something doesn’t happen exactly as you planned it (eg: the wrong song playing at the wrong time) just remember that no one else knows what was supposed to happen anyway, so if you just go with the flow it will all be ok.

    1. Veronica Avatar

      I’m planning to spend the day laughing. Our friends and family won’t be terribly bothered about music, or what happens when, so I won’t be either.

  3. frogpondsrock Avatar

    The dress in was a little shop in an arcade in Swanston Street. It wasn’t a DFO shop, it was just a funky little boutique. Just quietly I AM FREAKING out a little bit about your wedding. I like to have lists of who is doing what and who is bringing what and OMG is there really only ten weeks to go. *faints*

    1. Veronica Avatar

      It was a very cool little shop.

  4. frogpondsrock Avatar

    Ten Weeks, OMG. *faints again*

    1. Veronica Avatar

      If you keep fainting, you’ll make yourself sick.

  5. Marie Avatar

    YES! Live stream! or SOMETHING.

    and yes. everything will be fine. 🙂

    1. Veronica Avatar

      Live streaming, okay! I’ll have to sort out some trial runs so that we can make sure it works, but I shall try to get it streamed.

  6. Jayne Avatar

    Yes, live stream for us on the big island.
    You’ll ace it – there’s no right or wrong, just enjoy the day and take shedloads of pics to remember 🙂

    1. Veronica Avatar

      Yes, I’m not terribly stressed out by it, just a bit overwhelmed by all the small things I have yet to pull together. We’re aiming for a party atmosphere, not formal, just fun.

  7. Megan Avatar

    There is a site called USTREAM that allows you to broadcast live. It is a free site and a pretty big one at that. You might want to look into it for the live stream. Here is the site address http://www.ustream.tv/

    1. Veronica Avatar

      ustream is what I’d looked at before and thought that it would work. I’ve just signed up properly now and created a channel for everything. Exciting!

  8. anne Avatar

    well the alchol is sorted as we have to organise that.and we will be bringing some food;also a wishing well would be a good idea as people can put money in it.cause some may not be able to put as much as others or at all.

    1. Veronica Avatar

      You’ve got no idea how much help you sorting out the alcohol is. Makes it so much easier! Wishing well is the idea hopefully, but frankly, we’re not terribly fussed about how much anyone can throw in. I’ll have a chat to you about food when I’m down next too.

      AND I just bought a bunch of balloons to fill with helium and tie to the fences. Who wants to volunteer to fill them?

  9. louisa Avatar

    Dress is gorgeous! Live streaming sounds great & I am so very excited for you! What kind of brand assistance are you looking for/thinking of?

    1. Veronica Avatar

      I love the dress. Mum found it and I loved it, even more so when I saw the price.

      Brand assistance, I hadn’t really thought of past a hazy “wouldn’t it be nice”. Financial would be great, but any assistance would go towards food and drink anyway, so anyone in food and beverages is more than welcome. I probably need to think about tables to put food on too, and cups and plates and table clothes (oh god, I think my jobs just got more involved!).

      1. Veronica Avatar

        And pots of flowers. Do nurseries work with mummybloggers? All these things I haven’t thought of!

  10. anne Avatar

    Yeah thats not a problem, i will pass on blowing up balloons though 🙂

    1. Veronica Avatar

      We’re going to hire a helium tank. I’ve just bought the balloons and clips, so that we don’t have to tie them either.

  11. Marita Avatar

    So exciting 🙂 Only 10 weeks.

    Love the dress and tights 🙂

  12. Melanie Martinelli Avatar

    I design very unique hand made jewellery and would love to help you out if you need any jewellery for the day. I can also make little crystal beaded gems for your bouquet and beaded food picks which would make a lovely gift for your guests (i can email you photos). Sadly that is all that I do, I wish I could help you out more!
    You can see some of my work here http://www.facebook.com/pages/MM-creations/207913045901739 and here http://www.etsy.com/shop/melaniemartinelli?ref=si_shop. I have a lot more than what is shown here, but never seem to find the time to take a photo of it and put it online.
    Good luck for your special day

  13. Fiona Avatar

    Awesome tights. I love we love colours .

  14. Kym - Mumma's Mini Me Avatar

    Oh Veronica so exciting!! love weddings and everything about them!!

  15. river Avatar

    The dress is lovely, you’re going to look beautiful and EVERYTHING.WILL.BE.JUST.FINE.
    Trust me.

  16. Tanya Avatar

    YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! So exciting babe! x

  17. Beet Avatar

    Very little of my wedding went according to plan… and one of my friends told me it was one of the nicest weddings she had ever been to. None of it matters really. You have the big stuff, don’t stress on the gravy.

    Do you need any jewellery to wear on the day? Would be happy to make something for you 🙂

  18. amandab Avatar

    The dress looks lovely, and what a score! And i love that you are adding so much colour with the leggings. Some people are odd about colour at weddings, but it’s a happy day and happiness means colour!

    Whilst I would love to see your wedding, to watch a live stream of it seems like taking the blog-stalking thing to a higher level and I feel odd about that. Whilst I know you are happy to go with it I feel like I am invading your personal space/life by going there.

    Are you having the kids take part in the ceremony? How aware/excited are they about what is going on?

  19. Alex aka Whoa Mumma Avatar

    It’ll be wonderful, no matter what happens. I spent a year thinking about our wedding, and we just had a tiny ceremony on Hamilton Island followed by a sunset cruise with a few of our best friends and the kids. The little girls (born since then) keep telling us we have to get married again so they can wear pretty dresses like their big sister did.

    Don’t stress too much (ha ha, all brides do!)

  20. JJ Avatar

    Hey V, what’s the date of the big day?

    Happy to consider photographing the wedding, post processing the images then handing over all copyright for you to use at will.

    If you need someone with the right gear that is 🙂


  21. Donna @ NappyDaze Avatar

    Oh wow, ten weeks (or less, as I am late to comment sorry!) will fly by and before you know it it will be over in the blink of an eye! Enjoy and soak up every moment, it goes far too fast!

  22. BendyGirl Avatar

    It’ll be wonderful & so exciting to be able to watch you! BG Xx

  23. Marylin Avatar

    Yes yes YESSSSS to the live stream!!! Or at the very least, someone record it so we can watch it afterwards!! *grins* xxx

  24. Liz Avatar

    So excited for you!

    I thought that we might have been in Hobart near/on your big day, but it doesn’t look like the dates will work. Boo! But will definitely let you know when we make it down there next 🙂

    The time will fly – before you know it you’ll be husband and wife!

    If there’s anything I can help with from Sydney town, let me know!