Well here I am at 24 weeks.
The baby still feels like he is breech and he spends alot of time kicking me in the bladder. Sigh. My boobs are leaky (man, I had forgotten how annoying leaky boobs are) and sore.
I feel stretched and my tummy itches an awful lot. I have less room in my lungs and I am just about at the point where I can’t put washing in the washing machine, or get it out. (Front load washing machine, sitting on the ground. Not the best place for a pregnant woman).
So far, aside from the occasional ‘Mmm, that would be nice right now’ I haven’t had hardly any cravings whatsoever, unless you count the craving for Amy to not need to sit on my belly. No midnight need for chocolate pudding, or dashes to the supermarket to procure pickles. Maybe it’s because I don’t really like pickles all that much anyway.
However the nausea that had been plaguing me? Is mostly gone. I just have to remember to eat small meals often and head to bed before 9pm (lack of sleep makes my nausea terrible) and it is mostly controlable. So much nicer to be actually able to eat! Fingers crossed that I can keep it at bay for the rest of this pregnancy.
Weirdest thing ever? I have been finding myself needing to snack on something (anything!) at 2am. I wake up hungry and can’t fall back asleep until I eat something. Foods of choice lately have been pears, apples or bread and cheese. Once I have eaten I fall back asleep without any hassles. Not sure what I can do to stop needing midnight snacks, but apparently eating right before bedtime doesn’t help me.
Not long to go now. I suspect that the 16 weeks are probably going to fly. It’s funny too, even when I am tired and sore and complaining that pregnancy sucks, I am still so happy – so LUCKY – to be here. Feeling the baby hiccup and wiggle, well that’s just awesome. I can’t wait to be done, but today? Right now? It doesn’t suck so much.
26 responses to “24 weeks.”
Now there’s a big stripey belly!
Xbox4NappyRashs last blog post..Irony travels
Yeah, it will fly by till you get to that last week and then it will. virtually. stop.
Even with all the inconvieniences of sore boos, throwing up. leaky bladders, heartburn, bladder trampoline etc etc, being preggers was still awesome. Knowing that you are growing a little person is pretty cool.
“Only” 16 weeks to go?? Ok, that’s funny. Remember this post later. ;]
Mrs. Cs last blog post..Watching.
Front load washer? KNEEL on the floor. gives you a bit more forward reach than sitting. And it’s easier to get up from too. Your bump looks lovely. bubs will probably turn in a couple of months. Hopefully he won’t almost engage his head too soon and grind your pelvic floor everytime he turns around like my boy did.
Yay for a tiny bit of respite! Do you have to sleep sitting up in order to breathe?
witchypoos last blog post..Chip Mittens
so lovely.. 🙂
Tazs last blog post..49 Weeks Old
Yeah to feeling better.
Megans last blog post..ACL
Gah – the time seems to be FLYING by.
Rees last blog post..Perfect Post – September
Nothing wrong with midnight snacks. You look great!
Suzies last blog post..And On and On It Goes
You look fabulous Veronica!! At least the 2am munchies are for fruits or cheese, healthy stuff. It is probably just your blood sugar getting a little low causing you to wake up for a snack like that!!
16 weeks left!! Wow, it has been going quickly!
Jenn FLs last blog post..Still Blooming
You look fantastic!
Jennis last blog post..The One Where I Let Oscar Run Amok and Wreck the Joint. Again.
There just something about a pregnant woman. It’s like babies. I don’t care who you are – babies are cute. And pregnant women are absolutely the most beautiful creatures on earth.
lceels last blog post..The End’s Beginning – The Kid – Part 10
I need to test something here. Please ignore this one … I guess I have to register at commentluv.com – no wonder my posts are always days behind in comment luv.
lceels last blog post..The End’s Beginning – The Kid – Part 10
I always had to eat then too, I ate cereal or some kind of cookie,snack cake or something like that and a glass of milk if I had one of those . Then I could go right to bed too!
Jenns last blog post..Diaper Rash and The Giveaway !
Your post made me smile so big. 🙂 I’m glad you’re feeling better. Not too long til January!
I have belly envy.
Actually, it’s not belly envy, it’s belly desire…
Glad you are having good days.
tiffs last blog post..She doesn’t remember but I will never forget.
Beautiful baby belly! Now I want to be preggers again. 🙂
Kathryns last blog post..Running For Beginners
Awe, that belly is so beautiful!
You just reminded me of the nights I’d be in the kitchen making stir fry at midnight because I had to have stir fry right then and there!!!
I’m so glad I’ll never be pregnant again. So glad.
Hyphen Mamas last blog post..Crab Apple Betty Ala Mud
I love the baby belly! I’m so glad to hear you’re feeling well.
Leslies last blog post..My Fellow Americans
I cant wait to be at that stage, you look awesome! I’m so jealous that your nausea has gone because I have just started to get it in the past few days, today is particularly bad. You are very lucky now and I’m glad you’re enjoying the pregnancy and not sick!
Adorable. So glad you’re not so sick.
Ugh, you’re reminding me of all the things I hated about being pregnant… I was not a cute or comfortable pregnant person! But can’t wait to see your boy!
Speaking of things I can’t wait to see – how ’bout a picture of you in your new shirt? =)
Just Kat Stuffs last blog post..Don’t Vote…whatever you do.
I just saw my obs yesterday who confirmed that my little one is breech (I am 24 weeks too). The last two babies stayed this way until about 36 weeks. I have found this time that not enough sleep = vomiting, so have had to become more disciplined about getting to bed.
PlanningQueens last blog post..Paid Maternity Leave In Australia
I’m chiming in with the baby belly envy!
Is it really common where you are to call the baby breech and pay attention to that at 24 weeks? Around here if the doctor even mentions the word “breech” you’re probably within 4 weeks of your due date and looking at how to get the baby to move, but at 24 weeks seems like just a fact that the baby’s facing up right now…does that make sense? Just curious about the differences in maternity care.
Great picture! =)
SusanBs last blog post..Living in the Moment
Looking good Veronica. Here’s to the next 16 weeks! And the wee small hours of the morning snacks? That’ll be your new little boy getting your body used to the mealtimes of choice hes got planned for you!!
already? Hasn’t it flown!
Get Amy to hug that belly for me.
Kelleys last blog post..Ara… Arac… Arachn…that totally rational terror.
Im 6 months now due March 3. Mine is breeched right now to,hoping she should turn soon.This is my secound child and I had my son all naturel.Good luck.