Weekly Winners, as brought to you by the lovely Lotus. I’m still having loads of fun playing with my new camera too.
Cicada that Dad found. Amy thought it was facinating.
I was trying to get her to smell it for me. Hehe, things never work as planned.
A bee on the lemon tree at Mum’s.
Mum’s bookshelf.
And before anyone asks, yes, I am still very much pregnant. Ah well, he’ll be out when he’s ready, right? Right?
48 responses to “SnapSnapSnap”
He will be out when he’s ready and think of all the gorgeous newborn feet shots you can get.
I love jumping. LOVE it and the macro shots *drool* I covet a good macro lens.
My fave is the bookshelf though.
tiffs last blog post..Weekly Winners.
Love the bookshelf shot. Artist.
Enduring Wanderlusts last blog post..Recycled Masterpiece: Chandigarh’s Rock Garden
great pics!
I have camera envy………
All my kids were two weeks late. They just aint ready till they’re ready.
Mistress Bs last blog post..Andrew John THOMPSON – Can you help find this missing child?
I never realized you had so much talent with photography!
I’m VERY impressed.
Dinas last blog post..This was supposed to be a business post, but I ended up getting terribly emotional
Very nice photos Veronica. Amy is just the cutest thing. As for baby, I had a doctor that used to say “When the bun is baked, the oven door opens.”
Great pics hun! 🙂
Re the bub – at least you *know* he isn’t going to be there forever, although it seems like it now! hehe
Marylins last blog post..Not-So-Wordless Wednesday
Lovely photos. That macro lens is awesome.
And, yes, WHEN he’s ready he’ll come out. I think it’s preparation for the teenage years when they can’t seem to get out of bed during daylight hours especially on school days! Anyway what’s another couple of weeks, after all you can breathe now – and play with the new camera!
You KNOW I’m lusting after that camera, right? Absolutely gorgeous photos, my dear.
And yes, that little twerp will be out when he’s good and ready. Just let him know we’re waiting, okay?
Rees last blog post..Sharing Saturday – Mish and Mash
Okay – what camera did you get – it’s wonderful!
Tonis last blog post..Crafty is back
amy is cute and the bug is HUGE and scary!!!!!!
I’m jealous of your macro skills. I’ve been practising a bit and got a few good results. Well, I think they’re good. Amy’s hair is getting so long now. I love the jumping shot.
Ooooh I like my bookshelf.. and my fingers holding that cicada for you look pretty darn good as well.. hehehe Great shots. I adore the one of Amy and the flower and because you haven’t sent it to me yet I will just have to pinch it.. xoxoxoxoxoxox
frogpondsrocks last blog post..Weeekly Winnners
yay when baby comes you can be picture happy!!!!!!!!!!!
(I know I will be, poor baby will have no peace)
Tanyas last blog post..Christmas is due in May
Oh, I wish I could take pictures like these. I love the ones of Amy and the one of the bookshelf!! You are so talented!!
Andis last blog post..Miracle
beautiful pics..
baby will come when he is good and ready.. hehe
remember her is a boy.. 😉
Tazs last blog post..63 Weeks Old and 5 Weeks Old
Another couple of Amy photos for me to pinch Yay, you are getting very good with the new camera
She is just too cute! Looks like she was having a blast jumping on the trampoline. 🙂
Smoochiefrogs last blog post..Weekly Winners 1/11/09
I love the clarity and the texture and the crispness of these! The purple flower shot might be my favorite.
Maggie’s Minds last blog post..Weekly Winners Sunday 1/11/09
Wow. You must be having fun with the new camera!
The cicada’s wings look backwards to me, for some reason. I used to have lavender somewhere in one of my yards. Now I have bushes that are dying from the dogs’ pee. Somehow just not as lovely.
Really awesome photos.
julies last blog post..Weekly Winners
Oh wow at your photos! Love the lavender and the cicada is fantastic!
Jeanettes last blog post..Weekly Winners 4 – 10 Jan
Thanks for answering that question before we could ask yes!! I’ve been looking for woohoo’s at your mom’s blog all week but nothing happened. You made amazing photo”s with that new camera. Your mom’s bookshelf looks just like mine!! Love the ones with Amy, she’s so cute!
Jientjes last blog post..Weekly Winners A Photo Walk in the Snow
Gorgeous photos! Your new camera is awesome!
Leslies last blog post..Beauty Is Pain
The lavendar shot is stunning! And bathtime looks like loads of fun!
lauras last blog post..Weekly Winners
I love the bookshelf shot… but I am very partial to books.
Tara R.s last blog post..Weekly Winners ~ backyard
I love Amy’s smile in the bathtime shot. Beautiful.
Secret Mom Thoughtss last blog post..Weekly Winners-Winter Mix
I love jumping! Great shot!
kompostelas last blog post..10 Things My Toddler Teaches Me Every Day
I love the jumping shot! Nice pictures
Cathys last blog post..Weekly Winners – 1/11/09
I really like the bookshelf shot. Frayed spines, worn covers, lovely.
Xbox4NappyRashs last blog post..Third time lucky?
Oh, dear, you and your mom both have it. It=The Eye! And I’m loving it. Please keep doing the winners, ok? I know you will be busy. With a baby. Yadda yadda yadda. But, please keep honing this craft. You are good, Reaaaaaaaaaaal good.
I love the bathtime shot!
Tarasviews last blog post..Weekly Winners- Snow Play
Great pictures. Maybe if you come scrub my bathtub you will go into labor…….
nikkis last blog post..Pride
Great photos! I love them all! To hard to choose a favorite!
photomommys last blog post..Weekly Winners Jan. 4 – 10
♥ all of these~you’re doing great w/your new camera 🙂 My faves are the cicada=WOW, your daughter’s expression in bathtime & the one of her holding the flower; although she didn’t smell it like you wanted, I still ♥ the composition of her holding it 🙂
connies last blog post..Weekly Winners=January 4th-10th 2009
Congrats on your upcoming little one! I love your photos. It’s really inspiring me to learn how to shoot close-up.
The jumping one is my favorite!
Marias last blog post..weekly winners – jan 3-10
While it may not have been what you planned, I really love the flower in Amy’s hands!
merrymishapss last blog post..weekly winners
It could almost be called landing rather than jumping! I love them all.
Love the seagull, but really, REALLY love the books, very nice angle.
Karins last blog post..Weekly Winners: 4 – 10 January
Those are great pictures!
Bobbis last blog post..Confessions Of A Massage Therapist, Part Three
Great shots, all of them, though I particularly like the Bathtime, Flower in her hand, and Bookshelf shots. I am so envious of all these new cameras everyone is bragging about – I KNEW I shouldn’t have bought anyone else a Christmas present and just got that DSLR I want…heheheh.
Good luck with the bub. I had a friend who went to 44 weeks…both she and the bub were well and truly ready by then! 🙂
mountainmamas last blog post..Anniversary
Beautiful shots! Wow! Cicadas are great, that brings back a lot of childhood memories. I love the purple in the 6th shot and I love the perspective on the books.
PS: Thanks for voting for my blog in the Weblog Awards!
Christina | AmiExpats last blog post..Week in Photos – 11 January 2009
Like the photos, I see you’re getting comfy with your new camera and that tummy full of arms and legs 😛
Jaynes last blog post..Tangling Trivial History January 12
Hope you’re having a baby today!
Love the cicada – I remember climbing trees as a kid and putting my hand down on their hard shells, eeew! Great pics of Amy too!
Kats last blog post..Weekly Winners
By the way, what’s your camera?
Kats last blog post..Weekly Winners
You are very talented. You have so fantastic macro shots. I love your sense of depth of field. Nice set.
Corinas last blog post..Weekly Winners Jan. 4 – Jan 11
Book shelf photograph is STUNNING!!
Holding thumbs that all goes well!
Janet Bs last blog post..It’s Friday …
I love the flower in Amy’s hand and the lavender . You are learning quickly.
Trishs last blog post..Sat Day – did you ?
Sometimes you have to stop and smell the…. NOPE… pluck! the posies.
It’s lovely to see summery flowers, we shoveled 5 inches (5 times 2.25 equals roughly 10.5 cm????) of snow this morning.
Hyphen Mamas last blog post..Driving with the brakes on…
Love the shot of Amy holding the purple flower. It may not have been the shot you intended to get, but its lovely just the same. Think of it – in 20 years, you’ll see how small her hands are and recall the story of how she *just wouldn’t* smell the flower like you wanted her to…
Lovely set!