Still nothing.

Except a good dose of nausea and more bloody show.



8 responses to “Still nothing.”

  1. tiff Avatar

    You must be so tired.
    Hang in there friend.

    tiffs last blog post..Donating blood…or not.

  2. Sharon Avatar

    Grit your teeth sweetie, there’s not a lot more you can do ;-( Hope you’ve told him he’s grounded for life when he finally puts in an appearance! At least it’s cooler today.

    Big hugs

  3. Jenn FL Avatar

    ARGH!! You must be so frustrated!!! I keep checking in on you!

    Jenn FLs last blog post..A Virus

  4. littlg Avatar

    Thanks for the update. Have been thinking bout you all day. He’ll be here soon.

  5. Jenn Avatar

    Hahahaha, I just looked 1.5 ok so my pregnant brain is working overtime !

    Jenns last blog post..Nothing Really !

  6. frogpondsrock Avatar

    Did Amy like the stickers???? *whistles and tries to look innocent*

    frogpondsrocks last blog post..Wordless Wednesday (with some words)

  7. Taz Avatar

    big hugs..

    bloody men.. 😉

    Tazs last blog post..64 Weeks Old and 6 Weeks Old..

  8. Marylin Avatar

    Bah, and here was I hoping that I could scare him into coming out! hehe

    Was wonderful to chat to you last night/this morning!

    Marylins last blog post..I’m free!!