Washed away

So for the last few days, it’s been raining.

And raining and raining and raining.

Did I mention the raining?

The river, that runs about 1km away from our house broke it’s banks and we spent just a leeeetle bit of time peering at it concernedly. Eventually it turned out we were looking in ENTIRELY the wrong direction, as it broke it’s banks closer to the house and flooded a paddock or two.

Not my paddock though, I didn’t need a river to flood it. A badly drained highway will work for that.

I haven’t been out into my paddock since the rain ended, but I have stood and looked at it. I looked at it hard. Unfortunately, simply looking at it didn’t drain the water, nor did it dry up the ankle deep mud that is everywhere. Or the puddles Amy keeps escaping to splash through.

Anyway, the water that ran in off the road made it’s way in a steady stream through my yard. Where it ran under the house. I’m too scared to look under the dining room, although I can guarantee that there is a pond under there.

Another pond that is.

Two sides of my bedroom got a little soggy. Just a little bit though. I mean, it wasn’t like there was water seeping up through the carpet.

Oh wait. There was.

But today! It’s sunny! And I weeded the garden and picked all my leafy greens for lunch and reduced half a dozen dislocations, all at once. I’m making the most of the sunshine, because the rain is meant to reappear later this week.

And honestly, I’m not sure if my yard will cope with anymore rain. We might just drown in a pit of mud.

Which would be less than pleasant.

My front paddock

My front yard.

Flooding River

The river, after the levels started to drop.


20 responses to “Washed away”

  1. Ali Avatar

    Poor you. I find I get a bit down when it rains a lot. I could never be a Tassie dweller.
    Is there something you can do about the drainage situation – wet carpet is not ideal!

  2. frogpondsrock Avatar

    If only it was as easy as giving the puddles a stern look and forcing them to behave.

  3. Brenda Avatar

    Crossing all my fingers for you Veronica.

  4. Toni Avatar

    Oh Veronica — I know wet carpet and an imminent flood are serious problems — but MY GOODNESS it’s SO BEAUTIFUL where you live!! I have red dust and the vegetation is saltbush and scrubby looking gum trees all in shades of drab. I am sooooo jealous.

    Not of the ponds under the house though. That is a worry.

  5. river Avatar

    Scatter a few handfuls of rice in the front yard, you’ll have a rice paddy to rival China in no time. Or plant a tree that will soak up a lot of water, and hope it doesn’t die next summer when the rains refuse to come……
    I worry about the ponds under your house, are you sure the house won’t sink into the mire? it’s already creeping into your bedroom….
    You may all have to grow tails and be mermaids.

  6. taz Avatar

    i love the rain..

    ya can send some of that water to the beloved murray river if ya like lol..

    good to see ya enjoyed a bit of sunshine.. 🙂

  7. Tanya Avatar

    I’ve been taking photos too…it is beautiful but also annoying.

    Today I went for a long walk and hung out all of my washing! It’s amazing how everyone gets out and about after the rain, I saw people everywhere!

    We have creeks that were bone dry the whole time I have lived here and they are gushing now.

  8. Ree Avatar

    Stay safe. Stay dry. XXOO

  9. Antoinette Avatar

    I have to agree with everyone else. Your view looks AMAZING. Just love the rolling hills. The pond under the house, eh, not so much. It’s really worrisome, actually. Any way to fix it?

  10. A Free Man Avatar

    We’ve been getting loads as well, but I’m pretty sure we need it. The Uni I work for flooded slightly, which was a bit of a drama. I’m ready for some of the sunshine that I moved here for.

    You’ve got a gorgeous view.

  11. badness jones Avatar

    That’s a hard country you live in….I was feeling guilty taking baths when I knew you had to conserve every drop of water, and then a few months later you’re dealing with a flood. Hugs, darling – you’re an amazing woman and I know you’ll make it through with strength and grace.

  12. Miss Ash Avatar

    Make sure you’re getting enough Vitamin D with all that rain! It’s good for happiness and not getting sick. 🙂

  13. kyslp Avatar

    I have to chime in with everyone else – Great view! It’s really beautiful. I hope you dry out soon.

  14. Dett Avatar

    Oh my! I can only imagine what it’s like to live in a wet house. I hope for you that it will dry soon! (At least before the next rain starts!)

    The last picture…I have to say WOW! The area where you live is just breathtaking! And are the dots behind the trees sheep?

  15. kath lockett Avatar

    Crikey! I used to wish for world peace and ten million bucks when I blew out my birthday candles or got the bigger piece of the wishbone but seeing these photos and being married to a meteorologist means that I now wish I had some kind of invention that would suck up the excess water (say, at your place) and then put it somewhere where it’s desperately needed (like, say, the lower reaches of the Murray).

    That’s not such a hard ask, is it?

    Seriously though I hope that it dries out for you soon and that you have a good insurance policy…????

  16. Megan Avatar

    Any way you can send that rain over to Texas we really need it and even though it has been raining it’s not enough to make up for the three year we have had without rain. Though hope you and your house can stay as dry as possible.

  17. Barbara Avatar

    Bugger. Have you got an inflatable dinghy? Looks like you’re going to need one.

    I will send you warm drying thoughts but one’s that will retain as much moisture as you’ll need!

  18. achelois Avatar

    Good grief that is wet. I can only echo everyone else and say – seriously seriously beautiful landscape though. I’ll send you a photo if I can upload one of my daughter I am sure EDS people all look alike. The photo of you is great.

    The time differences seem to mean I am answering your mail as everyone else has moved on to the next post, its like a weird time warp. Thinking about it its probably got more to do with the fact that I am blogasphering when I should really be asleep!

    Hoping the water recedes asap for all your sakes.

  19. Hyphen Mama Avatar

    Yowza! Do you hate hearing how green and gorgeous it looks? Okay, I won’t say it.

    The first few years in our house, we realized the grade outside our house was all WRONG, funneling water right into our foundation and flooding our basement over and over. It took many, many days of shoveling to dig and create trenches to carry water away from our house. Oh, and some sand and rock, too. Good luck!