2010 Bloggies are now Open

Alternate title: Whoring my blogs and the blogs I adore.

The 2010 bloggies are open and I’m practically squeeing with excitement. Last year I was lucky enough (and proud enough, thrilled enough, over-excited enough) to be named a finalist in the Best New Zealand or Australian Blog, alongside Kelley (who totally should have been on my list) and Tiff. Of course, I didn’t win, but being a finalist = awesome.

So this year, I am hoping to repeat that again, even if I might be hoping a little hard.

Anyway. I wanted to share my nominations with you. I don’t read blogs in all of the categories, so I don’t have nominations for those.

You can nominate up to 3 blogs in numerous categories, more categories than I mention here. If I haven’t mentioned a category, feel free to share your picks for nominations in the comments.

Without further ado!

Best Australian or New Zealand Blog:

This one. Sleepless Nights. Because you love me, right?

Mummytime – Brenda at Mummytime is awesomely funny.

Miscellaneous Mum – Karen is an Author and she was one of the women who inspired me to start my own blog. So you can blame her.

Best African Weblog:

Tertia at So Close – I’ve been reading Tertia for a very long time now. She writes about life in South Africa.

Jeanette Verster Photography – Biased? A little, but her photos are to die for.

Best European Weblog:

Benefit Scrounging Scum – Bendy Girl is funny and bendy and broken and she still makes time to make me feel better.

Everyday Stranger – Shannon is having a delurk day over at her blog. I’m not sure I’m a lurker anymore (more of a fangirl) but I did it anyway. She writes, amazingly.

Best Canadian Weblog:

As a side note, I would have totally nominated Whiskey in my Sippy Cup, but she’s been deported back to America (okay, not deported, but she’s not in Canada anymore. Sniff)

Attack of the Redneck Mommy – I think she is the only Canadian blog I am reading at the moment. How slack is that? Dear Canada, please show me your good bloggers.

Best Photography of a Weblog:

Jeanette Verster Photography – Again. Because have you seen her photos?

Three Ring Circus – Tiff wins awards for her photos. They are that good.

Best Topical Weblog:

Veronica Foale – My other blog, shamelessly linked here. I write about life, about grief, about everything really.

Frogpondsrock – She is pretty eclectic too, but worth reading if you aren’t already.

Fugly Horse of the Day – A one woman blog, highlighting the need for responsible (aka: high class) breeding in the horseworld. She posts about animal neglect, about horses, about rescues. Worth reading if you like horses, or even just animals.

Most Humorous Weblog

Buffoon Blog – I only recently found him, but anyone who can utter a manly squeal makes me crack up laughing.

Blog of Becky: How not to live your life – If you don’t read her, you should.

Magnetoboldtoo – It’s Kelley, we all know Kelley, right? No? Well, get on over there and read her. You won’t be disappointed.

Best Writing of a Weblog:

Veronica Foale – Again. Yes, today I’m shameless.

Ordinary Art – The woman has a gift for words.

Everyday Stranger – Again. Her writing is amazing. Read her, even if you don’t nominate her.


I think that is all I have the effort/energy to link right now. There are a lot (A LOT) of categories and you are allowed to nominate yourself. Nominate your friends, your own blogs or your literary crushes. God knows that’s what I’m doing.

Go forth and nominate! And feel free to leave your choice for nominations in the comments, I am positive I missed a blog or two or ten.

Or twenty.



15 responses to “2010 Bloggies are now Open”

  1. Renee Avatar

    Ok.. So I have voted.. Can someone please remind me when I have to go back to vote on the finalists?!
    Thanks :o)

  2. Martin Avatar

    I fancy being best African blog. I mentioned Mugabe once.

  3. Brenda Avatar

    I luvs you very much. End of comment.

    ps. Have voted for your awesomeness too! Mwahs!

  4. Jenni Avatar

    You got my vote!

    You should check out The Un Mom (www.theunmom.com) and Us & Them (http://richmondzoo.blogspot.com/) – both fantastic Canadian bloggers.

  5. BubbleGirl Avatar

    I’m a Canadian blogger. Not the most fantastically literary Canadian blogger, but I do live in Canada!

  6. Karen (miscmum) Avatar

    Aw, shucks. Thanks 🙂 Award season (sounds like ‘duck season’) always makes me squirmy in the tummy, but your mentioning me has made me very happy!

  7. […] Veronica’s post reminded me this morning, the nominations are now open for the 2010 bloggies. Now, remember […]

  8. Veronica Avatar

    I know that somewhere in there I also nominated Xbox4NappyRash, Softthistle, JoBart (Barbaras blog), AbodeOneThree and a few others. I did the post and then did nominations and realised I had more blogs to nominate!

  9. Kelley @ Magnetoboldtoo Avatar

    isn’t Her Bad Mother Catherine Canadian?

  10. Kelly Burstow Avatar

    I didn’t even know about this. Thanks! I’m a new blogger.

  11. Marylin Avatar

    Nominated! xx

  12. Jeanette Avatar

    Woohoo, thanks for the vote!!

  13. Barbara Avatar

    Crikey, thank you so much. I will head on over there and do some nominating myself. You’ve introduced me to quite a few blogs lately that I can nominate!

  14. Lucy Avatar

    Thanks for promoting some fantastic blogs, I’m loving the Buffoon, so funny!

  15. Her Bad Mother Avatar

    Her Bad Mother is indeed Canadian 😉 (thanks, Kelley, for noticing! *wink*)