Australian Blogging Conference

The website is live and launched and from 9am, you’ll be able to buy tickets to the Conference! Early bird rates only last for a fortnight, so get in early, okay?

Montage by the ever lovely Kate at Picklebums.

I am so looking forward to this, especially getting to meet some of my very favourite bloggers.

Come along and not only will we stuff your head full of information and stories about blogging, but we’ll feed you and invite you to our (optional) dinner and dance afterwards. I’m sure none of the photos will get used for blackmail though, right?

AND you’ll get to meet me, as I flit around with my other partners in crime Brenda, Nic, Tina and Karen, making sure everything goes well!


14 responses to “Australian Blogging Conference”

  1. Marylin Avatar

    Damn I soooo wish I lived in Australia! I want to give you a real proper (gentle!) hug. *sigh*

  2. Fiona Avatar

    Can’t think that far ahead right now! Butgood luck with it.

  3. Other Fiona Avatar
    Other Fiona

    Well done getting that off the ground! Love the program, even suits people like me who read lots of blogs but don’t necessarily blog much myself. Will get my ticket before the end of the sale!

    hehe…very happy that the venue is also really close to my house 🙂

  4. Brenda Avatar

    I couldn’t sleep last night! So freaking excitement!! Hehe.

  5. kayK Avatar

    that’s pretty cool although it’s a bit far away for me (in time and space)
    i think the montage is really neat, and i am happy to see that after not even 2 months of blogging (and reading) as an (honorary) Aussie mom, I already ‘know’ some of the faces !
    🙂 i hope the conference will be a great success !

  6. Good Golly Miss Holly! Avatar

    I’m excited, Big Kev I’m excited!

  7. Arienette Avatar

    Is it a little bit pathetic that I’m super-awesome-excited about this, even though I’m not in Australia and won’t be attending?

    It’s just, if it goes down well, I’m REALLY hoping I can attend the next one in 2012 (although we may be cutting it fine with moving, in which case I hope to attend the NEXT one, in 2013!)

    I’ll be eagerly awaiting news and updates and photo’s!

  8. Kathy Avatar

    So disappointed that it’s to be Sydney rather than Melbourne 🙁
    I shan’t be there but I hope a wonderful time is had by all and I’ll look forward to reading the wrap-ups on many blogs afterwards!

  9. river Avatar

    I’m frantically trying to rearrange my budget. Since I’m currently not working, I have to be careful where the pennies go. I really do want to get there if I can. I’ll let you know. Does the cost include accomodation? Or do I have to save extra for that? I really need to know before I decide.

  10. Veronica Avatar

    River – unfortunately, it doesn’t include accomodation.

  11. river Avatar

    Never mind, I clicked the link and saw the accomodation details.

  12. Kristy Avatar

    Good job, Picklebums! Love that pic!

  13. katef Avatar

    Thanks so much you guys for organising this I am VERY excited!
    And hope you don’t mind that I made you Tassie… it seemed all too perfect!