I feel like the Pied Piper

Inevitably, when I walk out into the big yard, the poultry notice and hoping that I’ll feed them, they follow me around.

It doesn’t matter that I’m going to take photos, I might have FOOD!

Food? Do you have food?

One of the ducks even hops off her eggs to follow and see if the wheat will be forthcoming.

As I get closer to the fenceline, the mother duck notices me and abandoning her ducklings, flies in to land at my feet.

A trail of ducklings follows, running frantically and peeping the whole time. A few overbalance and crash, landing on their beaks and making me laugh.

As I continue away from them, they follow, running around in circles and growling at me when I merely take photos and don’t magically produce wheat.

They all stop to grumble at the lack of wheat and lack of movement on my part. Even the cat has followed me by this point (back left corner).

Of course, my movements as I return to the house makes them all hopeful again as they weave around my feet, worse than a pile of puppies.

This was during the afternoon, they’d already been fed for the day. Of course I, being the soft hearted person that I am went and got a few handfuls of wheat to scatter. And then I spent some time bothering the ducklings by handling them during feed time.

Some mornings, my entrance to the big yard is heralded by a sea of poultry towards me, a moving seething mass, clucking and peeping, hoping that I’ve got wheat.

It’s good fun.


47 responses to “I feel like the Pied Piper”

  1. taz Avatar

    how wonderful..

    those chickens are certainly growing up..

    1. Veronica Avatar

      They are! Another couple of months and the 2 roosters we’ve got are going to make delicious food.

  2. Farmers Wifey Avatar

    My guineas chase me and follow me at dinner time too. They must be related!

    1. Veronica Avatar

      Or they just see us as giant food receptacles. Ha.

  3. Marylin Avatar

    Awww I think I would like that… 🙂
    Hope you’re doing good sweety xxx

    1. Veronica Avatar

      It’s very nice.

      I am, tired lately and with a Very Busy Week coming up (kill me now), but doing well.

  4. Jayne Avatar

    Aspie teens Silkies have been trotting after him, looks funny 🙂

    1. Veronica Avatar

      They’re worse than the bloody dog, I swear!

  5. achelois Avatar

    Veronica – I am so bleep bleep jealous that you have SPACE and chickens, ducklings, etc. I am speechless for once!

    1. Veronica Avatar

      I know, I am so so lucky. I go into the city and look around and can’t fathom how I used to live there. I don’t think I could go back.

  6. Kristy Avatar

    There’s just something I like about dumb chickens. I love them. And ducks too. (Thanks for the follow, by the way.) 🙂

    1. Veronica Avatar

      I adore my ducks, they’re all got personalities and they’re so funny to watch.

  7. Mrs Woog Avatar
    Mrs Woog

    You lucky lucky thing! I would LOVE that in my backyard. xoxo

    1. Veronica Avatar

      I would hate not having it in mine 😛

  8. sharon Avatar

    LOL! What a tease you are 🙂

    1. Veronica Avatar

      Small tease. >—< this big.

  9. Katie Avatar

    Wow, it’s beautiful in your back yard! I love that you have animals (and those ducklings are SO cute – I would bother them during feed time too!).

    1. Veronica Avatar

      The new babies are even cuter, teensy and yellow.

  10. Wanderlust Avatar

    Be glad you don’t have rats following you around. 🙂

    1. Veronica Avatar

      I am ALWAYS glad for that. Or snakes. GOD. *shudder*

  11. Tanya Avatar

    Did anyone else think,

    “Mine, mine, mine, mine, mine, mine, mine, mine, mine!!!’ from Finding Nemo?


    1. Veronica Avatar

      Probably. LOL, I know I do sometimes as they run towards me.

  12. river Avatar

    That’s quite a lot of poultry you’ve got there. You’re fast becoming a real farmer.

    1. Veronica Avatar

      I know! And I have another 9 babies now (FINALLY! I can count the final 2 as ‘going to survive’ rather than ‘I think they’re going to be lucky if they do’) and more ducks to hatch. If I can find an abattoir to kill them for me, we’re going to try and do ‘duck farming’ properly.

    1. Veronica Avatar

      The ducks? Or the food I wasn’t carrying…

      1. Fiona Avatar

        Both I guess! I was pretending I was a duck though!

  13. Jane Avatar

    It looks fabulous!

    1. Veronica Avatar

      It is so much more fun than I would have thought.

  14. Mrs. C Avatar

    Cute! But don’t stray dogs and wildlife pop over and eat your chickens sometimes? Still… they have a great life being able to be outside in the sunshine. 🙂

    1. Veronica Avatar

      We don’t have stray dogs here – the middle of farming country, dogs without owners get shot instantly because of the livestock. We *may* have a problem with foxes in another few years, but at the moment foxes are still incredibly rare in Tassie (although the Naysayers would have us believe they aren’t here at all, I’m sorry, I’ve heard them calling, we have foxes) and we haven’t lost any poultry to them.

      In the future, they will all be locked up overnight and let out during the day. No danger of anything much during the day, except for cars.

  15. Stimey Avatar

    I want to live where you live.

    1. Veronica Avatar

      It’s lovely now it’s gone green isn’t it? Normally we’re in the middle of the drought bowl and there is nothing but yellow grass and dust as far as you can see. But we’ve had rain this spring and the grass is loving it.

  16. hanna Avatar

    Hi There! I am your newest follower from the Friday linky!! I love finding new blogs and yours is lovely! You can find me at http://www.bouffeebambini.blogspot.com

    Oh, I have several wonderful handmade giveaways going on right now. Be sure to check them out if you stop by:) Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Veronica Avatar

      Hello! And thankyou!

  17. shygirl Avatar

    hey there, havn’t been on the computer for awhile, but i’m doing this course on language and Isaac popped into my head. It says that if your baby babbles and coos in his first year, then stops, – get his hearing checked. not hearing properly doesn’t give him enough feedback to continue. just a thought. love your duckies, wish i had a farm. thinking of you.

    1. Veronica Avatar

      He still babbles and coos at me, we have loads of ‘talking’ just nothing we can understand. That said, a hearing check is on the cards definitely. We need to rule everything out, (or in, as the case may be).

      And thanks! I love my duckies too.

  18. Lori@RRSAHM Avatar

    Aww that is so cute!!

    1. Veronica Avatar

      I know. Uber cute. You should see the Brand! New! babies that were born recently. They’re even cuter.

  19. Yin Mei Avatar

    Just got onto your site and saw this post. I have only 2 ducks and 2 chooks…aspiring to have a menagerie like yours 🙂 I have problems with mice eating the chook feed though…any advice?

    1. Veronica Avatar

      I have a couple of outside cats that keep the mice down for me. Otherwise, invest in some airtight metal or heavy plastic containers for your feed. Something that the mice can’t nibble through.

      1. Yin Mei Avatar

        I have one cat – but I suppose its a job too big for one…ha! Those damn mice bite through a solid good garbage bin! Anyway its the feed in the tin that turns to powder. Looks like I just have to feed once a day instead of a feed tin in the chook house.

        1. Veronica Avatar

          It probably it. I gave up on a feeder and am feeding once a day instead – that way I can keep the feed close to the house, rather than out in the sheds. I also found my cats caught WAY more mice when I didn’t feed them. Heh. They get fed if I know they haven’t had any mice, or if they’re looking terribly hungry, but otherwise, they get told to catch mice. Of course, they steal the dog’s food, so I’m not worried they’re ever going to starve.

  20. taz Avatar

    are you going to get another Rooster eventually?

    1. Veronica Avatar

      We added another rooster to the mix last week (ish)? The photos were taken before we brought him home though. He’s a ginger and white boy, lovely.

  21. Sarah Avatar

    It’s really a pity that you closed the other blog since all the comments are very one-sided. I’ve been watching from afar. As far as I see it, TAS did not start any of this. Kim (frogpondsrock) was the one that started all this by making a snarky comment in the first place. If you will start something like that, you have to expect people to be able to defend themselves. Even from the conversation you post here (which appears not to be correct) I do not see anything that TAS said that was abusive or wrong in any way. If you do not allow people to defend themselves when they have been put in a bad light, then you are no more than a bully.

    By admitting that “If I missed something, which is possible, then that is because I am human” you are saying that it is possible that the conversation has been wrongly edited. This means that TAS has had all this aggravation very unfairly. I like to stand up for fairness and I do not feel any of the posters have acted fairly. There are many personal and abusive comments which I have not seen TAS make once. They have remained steadfast in making their point but have not turned this into a personal vendetta.

    I also observed that Kim (frogpondsrock), your mother I believe, has obviously stoked this fire by getting you to write the blog but now she is nowhere to be seen. It doesn’t seem like a very nice thing to do to ones own daughter in asking them to do their dirty work and then watching from afar when it all goes wrong.

    I also noticed that each tweet is a separate image which in itself is highly suspicious. It shows that the entire timeline was edited and therefore ‘mistakes’ could easily have been made.

    I may also take a look at the timeline archives for this conversation. They are freely available on the internet. I think it would be very interesting.

    None of the posters have shown any care or consideration towards TAS and the fact that they are the aggrieved party in this. Your followers have behaved like a gang without questioning anything or finding out what the actual truth is. Very unfair indeed.

    The right and decent thing would be to either post an apology because you have caused offense and upset by ‘making a mistake’ or you could simply remove the entire post since none of the opinions now mean a thing. If you ‘have missed something’ then this entire saga is based on a mis-represenation of the actual conversation that took place in any event.

  22. […] this point in time, I have gotten comments on a few of my recent posts, from commenters using different names. However, the IP remains the same IP that was used in […]