It’s that time again! Welcome to my weekly winners
Amy, hamming it up for the camera.
Vegemite on toast. Amy loves it, but I can’t stand the stuff!
Amy’s cat loves her.
I know a few people asked about about my water tank. Here it is, 5000 gallons worth of water tank. It’s probably only a quarter full at the moment.
The apples are getting bigger. I’m starting to wonder if maybe will get to eat them before we move out!
Blue skies today. Thankyou for all the condolances Friday and Saturday, I truly do appreciate it. Today was a much better day. Amy was funny and happy and I have felt more together. I *heart* you all.
33 responses to “Sunny Day”
That first picture is so cute – so is the kitty picture. I’m glad you were able to have some sunshine and smiles…you deserve it! 🙂
Tasina’s last blog post..Weekly Winners 02.10.08
Aw, so cute. I love your pictures this week and every week.
Maggie’s last blog post..Weekly Winners Sunday 2/10/08
Great pics!
Kat’s last blog post..Weekly Winners
These are all lovely. I do love the last one though. Very very Australian.
Hang in there.
tiff’s last blog post..Weekly Winners.
beautiful pics.. 🙂
glad to hear ya feeling better..
gorgeous pics 🙂 I’m glad you had a good time with Amy today. ((hugs))
Marylin’s last blog post..Weekly Winners #7
I’m sorry I missed the post about your Pop, but I’d like to extend my sympathies and condolences.
Your little girl is growing right before our very eyes; it’s remarkable!
Best wishes and baby dust sprinkles.. Soon, I’m sure.. Your Pop will ensure it.
Secret Agent Mama’s last blog post..Weekly Winners XIII
The apples look very tasty.
Solomon Broad’s last blog post..*2* Week Giveaway
gorgeous shots Veronica – those apples are looking mighty fine.
Amy has a totally adorable grin.
Babyamore (Trish)’s last blog post..Weekly Winners
lovely pics! Am very glad you have had a better day. 🙂
Bettina’s last blog post..I iz funky!
Love the sky shot! Yum, apples! Great shots!
Smoochiefrog’s last blog post..Weekly Winners 2/10/08
My favorites are the last two… Glad your day has been better.
Rebecca’s last blog post..Weekly Winners: February 3-February 9
I know that kitty head-butting pose -oh- so well. Cute!
Burgh Baby’s Mom’s last blog post..More Answers to Your Questions
So cute. I love the shot of the countryside…so beautiful!
HRH’s last blog post..Looking through rose (and other) colored glass…
Great ones indeed.
Best wishes
Maddy’s last blog post..Bloggers of the world Award
Yea apples! I love your apple pics 🙂
HappyCampers’s last blog post..Weekly Winner: Happy Edition
She has so much hair!!! I can’t believe she’s had so many haircuts already. That is amazing.
I love that last shot. Such beauty!
Sarcastic Mom’s last blog post..Weekly Winners F3-F9
Amy has an amazingly wonderful and expressive face. Thanks for sharing these photos with us!
Nancy’s last blog post..back in the swing
You deserve a sunny day! Glad things are looking up a bit.
janethesane’s last blog post..When I was abducted, part one
We (*heart*) you too. So glad that today is a better day.
lceel’s last blog post..And now for something completely different
I absolutely love that last photo with the dead tree.
Hope you get rain, and lot of it, soon.
Jenty’s last blog post..Weekly Winners #5
Amy is just so adorable! That smile for the camera is too cute 🙂 What a gorgeous picture of the blue skies! Glad to sun is shining brighter for you today 🙂
Sandy (Momisodes)’s last blog post..Weekly Winners
love the photos. that last one is very striking.
and as for amy? she’s adorable
janet’s last blog post..Weekly Winners: Feb. 3-9
Dude, what are you feeding that kid? Does Veggimite have Miracle Grow in it or something? She’s HUGE!
BTW: You look smoking hot over at your mom’s site 🙂
Mr Lady’s last blog post..The thrill of victory, the agony of 57 wasted dollars.
The shot of Amy and the cat is so precious – I love it!
Annie’s last blog post..Weekly Winners, 2/10/08
Amy is getting so big! Great WW Veronica!
Karen MEG’s last blog post..Weekly Winners Ed. #11
These photos are great! The blue sky in that last one? Oh! Has me aching for sunny weather. And Amy and her cat – that’s just about the most precious thing I’ve ever seen. Adorable!!!
Leslie’s last blog post..Buck The Monkey
I am glad you’re doing better. I hope you have many happy memories that make you smile during this difficult time.
Momo Fali’s last blog post..Why My Best Friend Is Green With Envy
Love the kitty photo!
merrymishaps’s last blog post..same cat time, same cat channel
Amy is such a cheeky little ham. Do you have a water tank at your new house? My daughter’s new house has a double grafted apple with golden delicius and granny smith on the one tree.
I am sorry about your yesterday post and I am just partly catching up here but I LOVE your view….. and Amy looks cute with her kitty.
Just a mom’s last blog post..MY GRAND BABY CAN YA SEE IT??????
Even if the world is changing with the Brits becoming yanks or septics as Kim says and the Germans getting more liberal by the day its good to see that vegemite is still being consummed doon under, stinking stuff to be sure.
Old Knudsen’s last blog post..Pimple Faced Vampire Werewolf On The Prowl
Amazing pics as always sorry it took me so long to drop by this week its been nutso around here you should come check out some of my pics!
Mackenzie’s Momma’s last blog post..Just a smattering of Pics