Project Support Beauty in Nature


Today was Project Support Beauty in Nature.

I totally want to rename it, Project Make Nathan Come For A Walk With Us By Telling Him That We Are Only Walking To The Mailbox, Then Continue To Walk Further Down The Road, Thus Making Nathan Push The Pram Further While I Pick Up Rubbish.

Too long?

Okay, Project Support Beauty in Nature it is.

Because I am completely slack (and spent the entire morning taking photos of Amy in the garden) the camera’s battery was flat so I didn’t take play by play photos like Lotus does.

However, I did go for a nice long (okay it was short, but my roads are dangerous because we have no footpaths. Plus it was hot. And hello? We have snakes about the place. And the gravel was slippery. And it was 26C. And I was sweating. And the bag was heavy. Okay I will shut up now.) walk, with a plastic bag.

We picked up

One (1) empty long necked bottle of beer.

One (1) empty (and badly deteriorated) ice cream container.

One (1) empty chip packet.

One (1) empty can of Black Douglas and Cola (ICK! Who drinks that stuff?)

One (1) empty Boags Beer can.

One (1) plastic thingy that holds the beer cans together. (I can hear the penguins thanking me. Wait? I don’t have penguins? Okay, fish. No fish either? Dolphins? No? Eels? No? WELL! What was thanking me? Oh the rabbits? The wallabies? The *shudder* possums? Okay, I can deal with that. Maybe the cows even said a moo of thankyou. Those things could get tangled around a cows tail don’t you know! They are nasty those plastic things. Just waiting in the bushes to LEAP out and attack innocent animals.)

Lots (LOTS) of bits of broken glass.


Some clingwrap (WTF?) an empty broken plastic pot plant container thing and some funny looking blue plastic bits that I am not questioning too closely.

Definitely worth the walk.


Even if the picture looks shoddy.


As for green living, baby, I am all about the green. Especially as we don’t really have a choice.

We are on tank water so that means, a front load washing maching. (77 litres of water per full cycle as opposed to 167 litres)(Ooop’s sorry. 19.25 gallons vs 41.75 gallons).

It means shorter showers because we don’t have the water to waste.

It means bucketing water from the bathtub to the garden.

We don’t have roadside rubbish collection, so everything possible gets re-used. Plastic bottles get used as drink bottles or ice blocks. Actually, Amy has a bunch with lentils in that she shakes.

I re-use plastic bags as rubbish bags, freezer bags and covering the food in the fridge bags.

We try to be green. (Or would that be brown because we are in the middle of a drought?)

I want to set a good example for Amy when she grows up. I want her to put rubbish in the bin and food scraps in the compost. I want her to make less of an impact than I do, and her children even less still.

I don’t want much do I!


17 responses to “Project Support Beauty in Nature”

  1. frogpondsrock Avatar

    Yay sweety … great post.. I just put mine up now..

    penguin nets.. thats what those six-pack plastic thingys are called.. eew horrid bastard things they are..

    xxx mum

    frogpondsrock’s last blog post..Clean up and Green up… WooHoo!!!!

  2. Taz Avatar


    for helping keeping this planet beautiful..

    Maddison still isnt sleeping much thru the day..

    boy can she squeal.. :S

  3. Secret Agent Mama Avatar

    You are a good example, not only for Amy but, for all!! Great work, V!

    Secret Agent Mama’s last blog post..Showin’ Off On [Sunday]

  4. Sandy (Momisodes) Avatar

    Wow! You are doing an incredible job, including setting a great example for Amy. I’ve never had to live with a water tank…thank you for sharing that!

    Sandy (Momisodes)’s last blog post..It’s Easy Being Green

  5. Lou Avatar

    So how does your water tank get filled???

    Lou’s last blog post..Greening up

  6. Ree Avatar

    We’re trying to figure out how to get the water from the washing machine to water the garden. And I really need another water barrel.

    Ree’s last blog post..Happy Birthday Dad

  7. MommyTime Avatar

    How great to set such a good example for your daughter. My son points out every bit of trash he sees on the streets or in the grass. He calls it “glitter” instead of “litter.” He mentions it in a very judgmental voice, which does my hear proud. 🙂

    MommyTime’s last blog post..It’s SOOO COLD that…….

  8. Kim Avatar

    WHat a great job!! And you really are setting such a great example for your daughter!!
    I am trying to turn my non-green house into one.

    Kim’s last blog post..I am on Top Momma

  9. Marie Avatar

    I don’t have to go more than five feet out my front door to find enough crap to fill a kitchen-sized trash bag. Trouble is, I can never be sure if it’s something my neighbors want to keep or not. Also if we pick up their stuff I’m not sure it will give them much incentive not to litter in the first place.

    Marie’s last blog post..The Path to Natural Beauty

  10. Sarcastic Mom Avatar

    lmao @ your new name for the project!

    We picked up lots of things that I tried not to think much about, too. And the glass! Agh – not only waste and disgusting, but dangerous!

    Your rock – your picture was not shoddy. Your effort was really great, and I’m totally going to buy that type of washer when our old junker finally kicks.

    Thank you, Veronica! 🙂

    Sarcastic Mom’s last blog post..Carroll Community Cleanup

  11. julie Avatar

    Wow. I would never go out and pick up trash if it was 26C out. I hate hot.

    Great job teaching Amy to be green!

    julie’s last blog post..Project Support Beauty in Nature.

  12. Jenty Avatar

    Well done!! And good job with all the water saving you’re doing with the tank. Is that your only water supply?

    Jenty’s last blog post..Weekly Winners #5

  13. Burgh Baby's Mom Avatar

    You are pretty much always a good example. I feel like a wasteful slob every time you mention that you use the tub water to water the garden/trees. 🙂

    Burgh Baby’s Mom’s last blog post..More Questions Answered

  14. Karen Avatar

    You go, girl! You’re inspiring to all of us. My green water conservation consists of giving the dogs and plants the remainder of what’s in my glass at the end of the day. Small steps.

    Karen’s last blog post..A Whirlwind Weekend and Heroes

  15. river Avatar

    I could never go out picking up other peoples trash, someone here would have a hissy fit, but we have minimised our own trash to the point where our small weekly collection bin only goes out every 2-3 weeks. We water the garden with the stuff we drain out of the portable room air cooler and rinse our coffee mugs then tip the rinse water into a bucket. When the bucket is full the back lawn gets it. My other contribution to greening is to plant a tree in every yard I’ve ever lived in.

  16. Crunchy Domestic Goddess Avatar

    good for you! 🙂
    i need to remember bucketing water from the tub to the garden in the summer. that’s a great idea. thx!

    Crunchy Domestic Goddess’s last blog post..Last-minute Green Valentine’s Day Tips