This post sponsored by The Mother Media
When my daughter was born and we were living in the suburbs, I used to see a lot of mothers with jogger prams, running. Running was never my thing and I used to trudge from Dynnyrne, all the way down into Hobart with Amy in the pram, once a week at least.
I imagine if we’d stayed living in the suburbs, we would have kept walking all over the country side.
However, we moved out into the rural areas of Tasmania, where I spent hours every day, walking to the corner of the sealed road, along my gravel road, wishing for Amy to fall asleep. Kilometres of walking, designed to stop her screaming and give me some peace.
I was rather fit.
A few years on and we’re living even further out in the rural areas, with land and lots of poultry. Our roads are unsuitable for walking; a 110kmph highway runs along my front fence and there is no real verge for walking on.
Because we’ve got pasture and a giant flat area for Amy to play in, for this Christmas, we bought her a bike. She doesn’t know it yet, obviously, but part of the reason her father has been whipper snipping for hours each day, is so that the grass is short enough for learning to ride. He’s leaving some long parts and we’re going to create ‘bike tracks’ for the kids.
With Amy getting a bike, we needed something equally fun for Isaac and a trike was what we decided on. I hadn’t gotten around to buying one yet, luckily, because the opportunity to review one came up.
The Smart-Trike 4-in-1 has some pretty amazing specs. It adjusts for a baby as young as 6 months to ride and recline (oh the sleeping possibilities! do you know how much I would have loved one of these when Amy was a baby?) all the way up to a 24+ month old to ride alone. Having a clutch means that Isaac can pedal as much as he likes and yet, we only move at my speed.
Best. Idea. Ever.
I’ve not let Isaac ride it yet, in fact, neither child knows about it. But that doesn’t matter, because this tricycle? It’s AWESOME. I wish I’d had it for him 12 months ago when he decided that he absolutely NO WAY was NOT letting me put him in a pram.
This has caused some issues, as you can imagine.
Supermarketing is a pain in the arse and he bolts at the slightest chance of freedom.
I think this tricycle is going to change all that.
We Β don’t have footpaths, so when we’re at home I’ll take the handle off and let him ride around, like an older child.
But you can bet your socks that I’ll be putting the handle back on and letting him ride around the shops, while he’s strapped in, so he can’t bolt.
I figure it’s only fair, that he’s given a chance to run over all the adults who spend their time glaring at his screaming meltdowns, or pushing past him.
The Smart-Trike. Giving toddlers back some power.
Well, some power that doesn’t involve screaming tantrums.
28 responses to “Giving toddlers back some power.”
Are you kidding??!! You are sooo blessed! I’m so excited for you! It looks like the perfect trike for Isaac. Thanks, Smart-Trike! π
I know! It worked out so beautifully for us.
It actually is a very clever concept. I was able to steer it around the house using only one hand which I thought was good. As usually these things are rather unwieldy. This was very light. There is also a bag thing for Mum’s to put their purse and car keys etc as well as a cup holder. I was wondering if it had been designed by a parent because it is well designed.
Oh excellent! I’ll be interested to see how it drives when he is strapped in.
This looks pretty cool! xxx
It does, doesn’t it? I can’t wait to see what he thinks of it Xmas morning.
What did he think?
He LOVES it. So much. He spends a lot of time just sitting on it – he’s not great with the pedalling yet.
WOW! that looks REALLY well-designed. Wish I’d had one when my kids were littler, and I REALLY hope Isaac loves it.
I hope he does too! It *should* be great.
Now that is one awesome piece of equipment! And I do not use that word lightly.
It is going to be so much fun to use!
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Veronica Foale, babytrader. babytrader said: Giving toddlers back some power. via @SleeplessNights […]
Wow – I am going to sound ancient sounding this, but it is amazing how they keep coming up with new ideas to improve old favourites!
Wow – I am going to sound ancient saying this, but it is amazing how they keep coming up with new ideas to improve old favourites!
Bah – I had hoped to catch that first typo before it published!!
Hehe, I do that ALL the time. It never works. WordPress is annoying like that.
I wonder who is going to love these bikes more, you or the kids? How will you manage in the supermarket? Will you push Isaac with one hand and a trolley with the other? Or does Nathan help you shop?
Nathan helps me shop – my shoulders do really badly with a trolley.
We heart The Smart-Trike. That is all.=)
It’s pretty cool!
I love the fact that they get so much more worn out after a walk in this bike/pram thingy;)
Do they? Now that IS cool!
Yep. Grins:P
Ohhh that looks AWESOME! I want one for Max! >_<
I think Max would love it actually, especially once he got used to it.
I love that it’s a big kid’s bike but Mum still has control π
Me too!