There are some things I swear I will never do again if I can help it. Most of these are work related but some aren’t.
I will never crumb scallops. Time in the kitchen crumbing 8kg scallops 2 times a week has ruined scallops for me.
I don’t want to work with fillo pastry. I will however, eat it and complement whoever made it, because damn that stuff is fiddly.
I HATE mopping. With a vengance. Nathan mops our house, unless Amy spills something really sticky and it can’t be fixed with a cloth. Yes, that does mean I would rather get down on my hands and knees and scrub the floor with a cloth rather than mop it. I’m difficult like that.
I will never sleep with someone twice my age. EVER. AGAIN.
I will never spend time in a walk in freezer without wearing a jacket. Brrrrr. Also? I hate packing away groceries.
I will never run, slip in oil and land under the dishwasher. Not if I can help it baby, that one hurt!
I will never work until 1am alone. Motherhood is different.
I will never jullienne enough vegetables to fill a 20 litre bucket. Nope, no way, no how.
I will never make mayonaise from scratch by hand. My arm ached for days!
I will never share house.
I will never let anyone smoke cones in my (and my boyfriends) bedroom at 1am. NEVER. EVER. AGAIN.
I will not tolerate kitty litter. Especially uncleaned litter boxes. *shudder* That one is so bad, I don’t want to think about it.
I don’t want to ever have to lock a dog inside for any amount of time. Again? So bad I don’t want to think about it.
I won’t eat mussels cooked in a restaurant.
I won’t drink Woodstock Bourbon and Coke. Even the smell makes me sick now. Or vodka and coke. *shudder*
What things won’t you do ever again?
PS. Any of these things is subject to change as my circumstances do.
31 responses to “No No NO!”
I’m giggling too hard to put any of mine down. Dishwashers must be different where you’re from – here you’d have to be 1/2 inch tall (or a Hot Wheels car) to get under a dishwasher. The mental picture I’m getting is just insane.
Tasina’s last blog post..Weekly Winners 02.17.08
these are giggle worthy … I can’t write many of mine … be careful what you wish for – springs to mind I will agree I hate mopping my DH does it too – it’s my ankles I say
I will never try steak and kidney or any offal again….ewwww.
Babyamore (Trish)’s last blog post..Weekly Winners
Does this mean the new job isn’t working out?
Pity about the scallops. I love me some scallops I does.
witchypoo’s last blog post..Peep of the Week
My goodness, there are some interesting bits there. So .. I get the sleeping with us old farts part (people my age gave up on people your age a long time ago) but what are cones???
lceel’s last blog post..The ‘New’ Rome?
So I guess you won’t be applying for any restaurant jobs anytime soon. 🙂
Burgh Baby’s Mom’s last blog post..About Those Prisoners
I assume you worked in a restaurant at some stage.
Ummm, mine has to be strip searching people. Urrrgh! I had to do that when I worked as a manager in a retail store once.
Jenty’s last blog post..Dancing to the tune
So I’m not the only crazy that would rather slog around on my hands and knees scrubbing the floor than push a mop. Makes me feel better about myself.
As for never – I’ve learned the hard way that I will not use that word. Too many times it’s come around to bite me. Esp. in the baby department. I will say that we’re done, but you will not hear me utter the phrase “we’re never having more children.” That would just be out and out stupidity.
Karen’s last blog post..Listen, My Children, I Have Something To Say
I will never, ever, paint a room three different colors again.
I will never, ever paint a room without priming the walls again.
Ree’s last blog post..Another Birthday. The 39 Year Old.
I will never sleep with someone twice my age ever again either…
maybe someday we can trade stories 😉
LunaNik’s last blog post..LunaNik the Thrifty Chick…
now ya got me thinking..
i will never.. um? work again.. i wish..
Oh those were good Veronica!
I will never peel wallpaper, or strip paint from a 60 year old door again. I am so NOT a do-it-myself type of chickie. Been there, will not again.
And sleeping with someone twice my age … at this point that person would likely have one foot in the grave so, um, no, not into that either 😉
Karen MEG’s last blog post..Monday Me Stuff
I LOVE washing floors, any cleaning with water is great.
I will never iron tea towels again. We use 3 a day, so forget it.
Um, I will never get married again… 🙂
Widdle Shamrock’s last blog post..Angel Shamrock
I will never let myself get so sunburnt again. I had 3rd degree burns and had to stay in bed for a week. Going to the toilet was agony. Yuk.
I will never fall through a deck again.
I will never drink vodka and punch and beam and beer and then eat roast chicken again. I had to clean my drunken mess off carpet at a hotel. Yuk.
I will never wear high heels in winter again especially when it is raining.
I will never have a puppy living on our verandah. They now have a pen where they can chew flat out anything they find.
And I will never be jobless again. Ever. Until I am rich.
Egads! The many, many reasons you don’t let anyone smoke cones in your bedroom.
* You can never get the stench of spilled bongwater out of your bed.
* People end up crashing on your bed.
And assorted others that are too lurid to mention.
The one thing I will NEVER do again is get smashed on red bull and vodka and do a nudie run through a pub that I was blissfully unaware was the favourite drinking hole of a lot of hairy guys that ride Harley Davidsons
Anja’s last blog post..Living in Wonderland.
I would like never to have sex again, but there’s that husband person that’s always there…
I tried making mayonnaise once, it was so gross!
Marie’s last blog post..Shortest Blog Ever
I will never ever say I will never ever to something… because as soon as I say I will never ever ever do something.. I end up having to do it..
cheers kim..
frogpondsrock’s last blog post..I went looking for snakes today….
I will never answer to ‘nursey’ again.
I will never listen to anyone who says i look like the side of a house ever again.
I will never collect another sputum sample as long as I live. I do not do sputum!
I will never tell people that I could easily cope with a second set of twins! LOL!!!
I will never tell hospital ghost stories on night shift, just after I have dressed a body post cardiac arrest. EVER!
tiff’s last blog post..Pay it forward, bloggy bling and a few other things…
If I linky love you, can I steal your idea?
tiff’s last blog post..Pay it forward, bloggy bling and a few other things…
lol! I will never get married again either. Oh there are so many things….I may need to save it for another post!
badness jones’s last blog post..Peanut butter, Chocolate and Banana
Too funny! I will never date a gay guy for 4 years, or believe him when he claims he is not gay and stay with him… good times!
talina’s last blog post..I can’t wait for spring! Need to garden, bad!
Love the new layout by the way!
talina’s last blog post..I can’t wait for spring! Need to garden, bad!
I will NEVER again commit to blogging EVERY DAY for a year! Ha ha!
LOVE the new look! 🙂
marlee’s last blog post..The World According to Snacks, part 5
Dawn’s last blog post..NaNoWriMonday Chapter Three
What about sleeping with someone 5 times yer age? I have to ask as I probably don’t have much time left and you’d feel guilty if you didn’t.
Old Knudsen’s last blog post..Scientists Experiment With Lemurs
I will never vacuum again, while I do love the look of freshly vacuumed carpet, my back was not happy after the last attempt.
I will never again get married. I am currently married, but if anything should happen to change that, I’m staying single forever and ever, amen.
I will never eat a pie floater.
I will never eat beetroot.
I will never learn German. It’s the language of my birth but I’ve no interest in learning something that sounds so harsh to my ears.
I will never grow cactus of any description.
I will never again take a job that I had previously promised myself I would never do. (It was a temporay solution but 5 years later, I’m still doing it).
I will never again pretend to like something or someone just to be accepted or included.
P.S. I LOVE putting away groceries! I’ve been known to stand back and smile foolishly at my newly stocked shelves. I’ve even gone into the kitchen and rearranged the cupboards just because I like to. Colour me weird………
I will never drink cidar again !!
i will never jig darcy up and down after eating a whole pot of food, + 7 onze of milk !! never !!
I will never again have sex for an audience.
Don’t care how much I’ve had to drink.
warriorwoman’s last blog post..was a murder committed?
Ugh… kitty litter… *shudder*
Sarcastic Mom’s last blog post..Apparently, it comes apart.
I’m too scared to say “never.” Something about that word seems to taunt fate and make me a liar.
Loved this post, though.
Leslie’s last blog post..When I Cannot Sing My Heart I Can Only Speak My Mind, Julia*
I will never eat sushi and then go rollerblading in 25C weather again… That was bad.
I will never chew my nails again… It took me 20 years to break that habit.