How the hell did it get this late without me actually getting hardly anything done? Dude, I need an extra few hours in my day. You know, those ones that don’t actually count towards anything.

Now I could have a whine about my dialup and how it keeps dropping out on me. With no warning, just BOOM! Please reconnect!

And then? Once I have redialled to connect? My ISP’s computer thingy won’t connect to me.

Dodgy bloody thing. Ah well, what can I expect for nothing.

We got the very final bits of paperwork for the house in today.

10 days people, 10 days!

Then! We can move!

And we can get a puppy!

And put in a vegie garden!

Anyway, would you like to see what I have been doing all evening?



20 responses to “WTH?”

  1. Dawn Avatar

    lookit you go!

    Dawn’s last blog post..Where I make fun of an 80s song

  2. witchypoo Avatar

    I saw a header that said food, but was expecting a picture. Is that right?

    witchypoo’s last blog post..Bus driver, once more round the block

  3. Nicole Avatar

    Grin, just followed Lou’s link, because Tasmania sounds very intriguing 😀

    Yeah, if you find someone that sells extra hours, I take some. 😉
    And hey, I have a so called broadband connection which acts up the same way like your dial up.
    I swear, our dial-up in Hungary is faster from time to time 😉

    Now I go looking if I can find where you’ll be moving to 🙂

  4. Lou Avatar

    I saw that FOOD!! I know you have a rule about sleeping with people twice your age, etc., but if you ever want to get married, I’m your man!

    Lou’s last blog post..The ‘New’ Rome?

  5. Burgh Baby's Mom Avatar

    You go girl! Cooking for yourself and writing recipes is way more fun that cooking in some stinky restaurant.

    Burgh Baby’s Mom’s last blog post..A Little of This, A Little of That

  6. Jenty Avatar

    Ooh yum at that scone recipe!! Now you’ve made me hungry again

    Jenty’s last blog post..A small moan

  7. Marylin Avatar

    woot!!! 10 days… that’s awsome 😀

    Marylin’s last blog post..Ten on Tuesday #9

  8. Marylin Avatar

    hmm I got cut off mid-comment there! I also said….
    I totally hear ya about the needing extra hours. I specify that I need extra hours of the night for the boys to be SLEEPING in tho 😉

    Marylin’s last blog post..Ten on Tuesday #9

  9. Taz Avatar

    yay yay to the ten days.. 🙂

    a puppy so so cool..

  10. Anja Avatar

    You do pavlova from scratch?

    Egads woman, you’re amazing.

    I’m so not a domestic goddess.

    I can screw up 2 minute noodles.

    Anja’s last blog post..People give me pretties for talking out my ass.

  11. Xbox4NappyRash Avatar

    Not totally unrelated but I can’t even look at pavlova since last November since I was force fed one the size of my own head.

    Xbox4NappyRash’s last blog post..Tit-less Monday

  12. lou Avatar

    hope you washed your stinking hands after using all those vibrators. yuck.lol

  13. lceel Avatar

    I have noticed that, for some reason or other, your CommentLuv plugin seems to pick up ‘old’ posts, or at least not the most current one. Ihave made two more posts since “The NEW Rome”, either one of which I would prefer you to have read – given that I think I was a little crazed when I wrote the ‘Rome’ post.

    lceel’s last blog post..new painting – new update

  14. Domestic Diva Avatar

    I never have enough hours in my day.

  15. river Avatar

    Love your new little side blog, pictures and everything. Are you going to keep it going with more recipes?

  16. Taz Avatar

    MMM.. FOOD..


  17. Sarcastic Mom Avatar

    That’s why I missed it – I missed your last couple posts. Doh!

    Your food dealie is loveliness.

    That’s what you were trying to get me off my ass to do with Braden’s page, isn’t it? Ugh @ my lazy self. It’s great that it’s added right on to your homepage. You rock!

    Sarcastic Mom’s last blog post..Apparently, it comes apart.

  18. Leslie Avatar

    I LOVE the food blog! Brilliant!

    Leslie’s last blog post..When I Cannot Sing My Heart I Can Only Speak My Mind, Julia*