The Toddler is back, bigger and louder then before.
However, it is all in a good way lately.
Mummy wants a hug? The Toddler has them in abundance. Daddy needs a snuggle? Yay! Lets snuggle with Daddy for ages.
She walks around the house singing ‘Dad-deee! Mum-mee!’ all day.
I have been packing boxes and pushing them into the sunroom to await our moving day. (Saturday for anyone that is counting) The Toddler? HAS to help me push them. Very very cute when she stands between my arms and waits for me to move the box so she can push with me.
Packing is the Toddlers ideal game. Mummy packs the box, Toddler unpacks it. Mummy packs it? Toddler unpacks it. Luckily I can pack faster than she can unpack. Once we are moved in I am going to let her go for her life with the whole unpacking business. What? She likes being helpful.
The Toddler is full of great ideas. Like lately? She has been wearing a bucket on her head. Unfortunately the bucket comes down to her tummy and she runs around completely unable to see anything except her feet. And oh wait! How did I end up laying down? Did I maybe hit the edge of the table with my taller-than-I-am bucket-hat? Whoops! But hey! it was fun and Mummy and Daddy are laughing. Let’s do it again!
Or the dancing. Man, have I talked about the dancing? She will dance to ANYTHING. Even Nathan and I singing. And trust me, we sing ALOT. Badly, but alot.
The Toddler will also talk constantly. She has a huge vocabulary and loves using it all the time. She gets excited when she can tell me what things are. Most of the time we read her books simply so she can point out the animals.
She loves being outside so that she can show us everything. Watching her discover her environment is magical. Her favourite thing lately are the planes that fly overhead. She gets so excited and cries ‘plane! plane!’ while cricking her neck at the sky and pointing.
The Toddler finds things in the cupboard and brings them to me stating ‘Yum Num!’ and then drags me to the kitchen to prepare whatever she has found. Generally it’s 2 minute noodles because they are the only thing I keep down low in the cupboard! However, we have had a few cases of her bringing me bottles of vinegar and asking to taste them.
The Toddler seizes every opportunity for a hug. If Nathan or I are sitting on the floor or crouched down, she will run over and throw her arms around us. I spent ages today with Amy hugging my back like a koala while I packed boxes.
She laughs and makes me kiss her feet goodnight before she will go to sleep. However, even then she is playing with me because she has been falling asleep much better for Nathan.
She is wonderful and exhausting and funny.
I wouldn’t give it up for the world.
17 responses to “Full of Sunshine and Stuff”
I think she must take after her mother, although I don’t find you in the least exhausting 😉
witchypoo’s last blog post..Teenage Rebellion, ABB style
She’s a one woman circus! I love those moments!
Here in the States, we find images of koala bears to be very endearing. We think they’re cute. But I’m willing to bet Amy is cuter.
Lou’s last blog post..What I could have done
Enjoy these moments. The teen years will come and you’ll wonder if she was EVER happy.
Karen’s last blog post..My Own Personal Photo Shoot at the DMV
Awww…cherish these moments. Even in the madness of moving 🙂
Sandy (Momisodes)’s last blog post..A Big Mac With Cheese
A curious, funny, happy little girl. You’re so blessed to have Amy.
It’s always so lovely to read about Amy’s wonderful ways.
Anja’s last blog post..Who the hell thought of The Mullet?
She’s absolutely adorable!
Jenty’s last blog post..Kiesie-ma-bollie
i love it when they are sweet!
zoe’s last blog post..Love me Love me not
Amy sounds so cute.. 🙂
Taz’s last blog post..18 weeks old
What a sweetie. I love the bucket.
Ree’s last blog post..My Friend Kim…
hehehehe a bucket..with you it was boxes…
cheers Mum
frogpondsrock’s last blog post..Hmmph..I wanted to rule the world… but apparently……
Oh, she’s adorable. Love the bucket hat. It’s perfect when they’re so sweet!!!
Leslie’s last blog post..Fridgie, The Sacrificial Fish: A Story Of Love And Death
Now I want one. Do they come with optional bodily fluids? Cause the stuff that comes out of them aint fun.
Kelley’s last blog post..What do you discuss at a 1 years old’s birthday party?
I wish I could see the bucket thing. I’m giggling just imagining it. Cherish these moments. They go by soooo fast (go see my post today to see what I mean).
Tasina’s last blog post..Bittersweet
I love that stage. Sunshine and happiness and rainbows everywhere. And it continues until they go to school.
Did you let her taste the vinegar?
With my youngestit was a 4 litre ice cream container “hat”. Tried to wear it to bed even. (my baby boy who will be 27 on Sunday, where has the time gone?)
Darcy shouts da-da-da, or ma-ma-ma, which is great…
if she wakes in the night, she likes having her hand kissed, then she sleeps again ,,, such a lady !! till she wakes and farts loudly !! ha
hope the move goes well!
Sounds so cute. Mine is just over 2 and talking 20 miles a minute. She’s also still putting things on her head and walking into stuff – she thinks it’s pretty funny too.
Only just found your blog and am really enjoying it. Thank you.