I’m Back!

Well hey! I am back and I am using my own computer! Now how is that for pretty good? I also have photos for you guys.

Somehow, I have found myself with not enough time to catch up on everything I have missed. Amy and Nathan seem to have gotten used to me actually talking and cooking and playing and not fiddling on the puter. Given that Amy isn’t going to bed until 8pm, I seem to have less time than ever.

Anyways, the photos.

I do love the house, don’t get me wrong. We knew we were buying a renovators delight when we signed the papers and I love that this house is ours, to do with what we will.


This is the light switch for the dining room. Bear in mind that it sits about a foot over my head and I need to stand on tiptoes to reach it. I wonder what I would have done if I was short? Also, see those screws and nails? They are doing approximately nothing. As soon as we get a chance we will remove them.


The colour scheme is pretty awful. Coupled with the wobbly floors, it *may* be enough to make some people seasick.


I mean honestly? Who thinks that blue, pink and purple (in these particular shades) are nice? Ick! (Also, trust me, the purple is much ickier when it is most all your loungeroom.)

Yes, we do have plans to paint eventually. Probably next summer, because then Amy will be older and able to stay with her Grandparents for the duration. Also, because painting with all the windows and doors shut because it is cold? Not fun and not good for you.

There are some amazing things though, this is the ceiling in half of the loungeroom.


Isn’t it gorgeous? The other half of the ceiling has been painted so that you can’t see the boards, but we will eventually fix that.

Tomorrow I promise I won’t be talking about the house so much (and I have a bunch of photos saved for my Weekly Winners), but for now, here is the puppy.


After we got home that day, we ended up renaming her Seven. Not for any reason, just because it suits her. We rescued her from the dogs home and she is about 8 weeks old. Obviously because we rescued her, we don’t know entirely what breed she is, so we will wait and see what she looks like when she is a bit older. The staff said they thought she was a terrier X daschund, but she doesn’t really have any major characteristics yet.

Except for chewing her way through the PS2 controller cord. Twice. While it was being used. *sigh*

There will be more tomorrow, I promise.

PS. Have I missed anything major at anyones place recently? My reader have 650+ items and my dialup can’t handle it. Mark all as read is looking pretty good actually, but I haven’t been able to bring my self to do it yet.


30 responses to “I’m Back!”

  1. Marylin Avatar

    yaaay you’re back! Looks like you’re gonna have a lot of fun fixing up the place ๐Ÿ˜€

    Seven is sooooo cute – I want one!!

    Marylin’s last blog post..Yawn

  2. witchypoo Avatar

    I’ve missed you! So glad you are back with us, with a new house, a new puppy, and lots of yard for Amy to play in. Mwah!

    witchypoo’s last blog post..Parallel Play

  3. Angela Avatar

    What a cute puppy! ๐Ÿ™‚

    And you definitely have some fun in store for you with the new house, huh?! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Angela’s last blog post..L.A or Bust

  4. Lou Avatar

    It is so nice to have you back. Maybe now I can put the rum away. Bottle’s getting rather low, anyway.
    *Hiccup* Lovely home *Hic* *CCUUUPPP* oops! Later.

    Lou’s last blog post..Work, work, work

  5. frogpondsrock Avatar


    frogpondsrock’s last blog post..Fancy that..

  6. Bettina Avatar

    Yay!! Welcome back. Your home’s colour scheme is a little vomit worthy, but still, it must feel good to actually own it. Cute pup


    Bettina’s last blog post..My Pressies!!

  7. alejna Avatar

    Oh, what a cute puppy. I love her name.

    And wow, that is quite a color scheme. I think it may have been inspired by a Fisher Price dollhouse. It will be fun to see how the house changes as you make it your own.

    alejna’s last blog post..allow me to bore you

  8. Lou Avatar

    I’m so glad you’re back I had to come back and say it again. There. I said it.

    Lou’s last blog post..Work, work, work

  9. jessica Avatar

    i’m glad you’re back! Congrats on getting a house of your own! We have a couple rooms we still need to paint: one that is bright yellow, and one bright purple (think Barney). Whenever people see our house, we say “We promise it was like this when we moved in!”

    jessica’s last blog post..New layout

  10. Burgh Baby's Mom Avatar

    Just hit Mark All as Read. We’ll all be OK.

    Seven is super cute. Congratulations on surviving the move and the new addition!

    Burgh Baby’s Mom’s last blog post..Yes, I Would Like Some Cheese with My Whine

  11. zoe Avatar

    awwww 7 is so cute!!! glad your back!

    zoe’s last blog post..Duh….

  12. badness jones Avatar

    Have fun decorating! Actually, the fun is in the dreaming and planning part of decorating, the actually DOING it part is hard work! But it’s so worth it when it’s your own house!

    And that is one cute puppy! I’m so glad my dog isn’t a puppy anymore…you think a PS2 controller is bad? We lost a sofa, an ottoman, a vintage teak chair, a fire extinguisher, numerous books, as well as all Hubs dress socks and some dirty laundry to our little chewer when she was a puppy. I love her, but I don’t know why….

    badness jones’s last blog post..The diamond that’s this girl’s best friend

  13. Sarcastic Mom Avatar

    Welcome back, Beautiful!

    “They are doing approximately nothing.” HAHAHA, I’d have to say that’s an accurate statement, from what I can tell.

    That doggie is ADORABLE!

    AND please please forgive that you have not gotten your package yet. Things are HELL here right now, and you may not get it until we get past this Freak Show of trying to find a new place, moving, and raising hell with the current place. But it’s sitting on our kitchen table with goodies in it just for you! The suspense should be fun for you for some time, right? ๐Ÿ˜‰


    Sarcastic Mom’s last blog post..(Breast)feeding Carnival

  14. Jenty Avatar

    Glad you’re back. And that puppy is so cute!
    I’m sure it won’t take you guys long to get the house more comfortable, if not perfect.

    Jenty’s last blog post..Count the nuggets

  15. amanda Avatar

    Glad you are getting settled in. That puppy is sooo adorable!

    amanda’s last blog post..First-Ever Contest: Embarrass Yourself for $100.

  16. Barbara Avatar

    Crikey – that colour scheme is interesting! Good luck with the decorating. Your pup is beautiful – she looks like she’s got terrier but not sure about daschund – is she low slung!?

    Barbara’s last blog post..71/366 – Whatโ€™s in a Title?

  17. tiff Avatar

    Welcome back! Missed you.

    tiff’s last blog post..On sickness, not going away and breaking pointโ€ฆ

  18. Tasina Avatar

    My friend’s basset hound just had puppies from a daschund dad (do not ask me how this even happened) and the puppies look almost exactly like your puppy picture.

    Tasina’s last blog post..Scrolling Saturday 03.08.08

  19. Dawn Avatar

    I loved “approximately nothing” too!

    Dawn’s last blog post..Talkinโ€™ About My Boobies!

  20. Widdle Shamrock Avatar

    Welcome back !!!!!!!!

    My first home was a do’er up’er. FUN!!!!

    Tag, I have tagged you for a meme when you have time.

    Widdle Shamrock’s last blog post..HAPPY BIRTHDAY KELLEY !!!!

  21. river Avatar

    Yay! You’re back!!
    I love those colurs, especially the purple, but not all together like that,4 walls of the purple is just too much. I’m thinking right now of how I would paint that door, but I won’t tell you because it’s YOUR house and I want to see what you come up with.
    Seven looks like she has a bit of Jack Russell in her.

  22. the fruitfemme Avatar

    Mark it all as read, already! Then, quick!, start painting over that blue, pink & purple. And watch out about posting those pictures of Amy & the puppy. . . you’re making me want to get one for Khubz!

  23. Ree Avatar

    Yea, don’t worry, I didn’t, like, suddenly declare I was pregnant or anything so just mark the darned things read. ๐Ÿ˜‰ We’re a forgiving sort.

    How cool is it that you can make all of the decisions about your house by yourself?!?

    Ree’s last blog post..Stray Stuff

  24. Marie Avatar

    I think someone watches a little too much HGTV.

    Marie’s last blog post..WTF Wednesday

  25. Anja Avatar

    Oooo, you’re back! So glad you’ve settled in to your new house (odd colour scheme) And I’m sorry I haven’t checked in sooner, oops.

    Lovin’ that pup! What a face! And a pound rescue – you’re legends. She’s the sweetest thing.

    Anja’s last blog post..Meme: 7 weird things about me.

  26. Taz Avatar

    yay.. yay..

    your back..

    what a cute pup?

    do ya still have the cats?

    new pic of Maddi up.. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Taz’s last blog post..20 weeks old

  27. Nicole Avatar

    Grin, what a sweet poochie face.
    And the house looks like I would like it too ๐Ÿ˜€
    (Well, except for the colours ๐Ÿ˜‰ )

  28. Leslie Avatar

    One of the best things about a new house is making it yours! It’ll be so much fun to paint and change things to suit you – because it’s yours!

    Seven is adorable!

    Leslie’s last blog post..Cause They Donโ€™t Know โ€˜Bout Us, Theyโ€™ve Never Heard Of Love*

  29. Puppy Websites Avatar

    All you lost is a PS2 controller? If that’s all, I’d take Seven any day of the week. Cute puppy ๐Ÿ™‚