Weekly Winners!


As always, thanks to Lotus for hosting this!

Hopefully this wil be the last week I have to try and see everyone amazing photos using dialup. HOPEFULLY by this time next week I will have super fast internet that will mean I don’t spend all my time waiting for things to load.

Now, for the photos.



My messy kitchen. Okay, it wasn’t that messy, just a touch disorganised still.


We could see the smoke from a bushfire the other day. Luckily the firies were able to put it out nice and fast. This photo is from after the smoke had mostly cleared.


You know I love my sky, right?


This is my other cat, Tilly. She lives with Mum and is THE best cat ever. So placid and she adores Amy. Her only fault? She has a tendency to make me laugh so hard because she sits with her tongue out. I had to mark my URL because I am sure funny cat pictures get stolen regularly.


I didn’t know until I was wandering around the other day, but look! I can see an old church.


Tiff, thankyou so much. The booties live underneath my pillow.


See more Weekly Winners here.


31 responses to “Weekly Winners!”

  1. Burgh Baby's Mom Avatar

    You know I love your sky, too, right? And, I LOVE the kitty kitty picture. Our Bulldog sleeps with her tongue out, exactly like that. It cracks me up like you wouldn’t believe.

    Burgh Baby’s Mom’s last blog post..What a Girl Wants

  2. witchypoo Avatar

    You could caption the cat pic: “Tard. Put treet on tung. Kthnx”

    witchypoo’s last blog post..Saturday’s Puzzle

  3. Taz Avatar

    beautiful weekly winners.. 🙂

    very neat..

    Tilly is very cute with her tongue.. lol

    new pic of Maddi up..

    Taz’s last blog post..21 weeks old

  4. Dorothy Stahlnecker Avatar

    Great photos….great subjects.

    Dorothy from grammology
    remember to call gram

    Dorothy Stahlnecker’s last blog post..Divorce Today in the Family How to Cope..

  5. Marylin Avatar

    great pics! The cat is very cute hehe, an I love the first shot 🙂

    Marylin’s last blog post..Photohunt- I Spy

  6. Andie Summerkiss Avatar

    Tilly the cat’s shot is amazing. Great caption with high clarity.

    The kitchen was not messy at all. You need to see my kitchen. 🙂

    Andie Summerkiss’s last blog post..Weekly Winners

  7. Tiffany Avatar

    These are all fantastic photos@! I especially love the second last one 🙂

    Tiffany’s last blog post..Weekly Winners.

  8. Bettina Avatar

    My cat Socks does that with his tongue. Always cracks me up.

    Bettina’s last blog post..Camping Anyone?

  9. Xbox4NappyRash Avatar

    Funky kitchen.

    The wee booties parcel is just so beautiful.

    Xbox4NappyRash’s last blog post..Number Crunching

  10. Trish Avatar

    Dialup sucks big time.
    Glorious skies you captured and I love the first landscape pic,your Tilly and Amy on the angle.
    whoa – better stay off the net and get back in the bedroom now Tiff’s booties have arrived. Good luck and I hope you see those two pink/blue lines very soon.

    Trish’s last blog post..Weekly Winners

  11. Cathy Avatar

    Oh – I hate dialup – I couldn’t imagine looking at the weekly winners with dial up!
    Great pictures – I love the skies!

    Cathy’s last blog post..Weekly Winners Seventh Edition

  12. Ree Avatar

    I love seeing your part of the world (And Amy and the cats, too, of course!)

    Ree’s last blog post..I Don’t Think There Was A Camera

  13. Jenty Avatar

    Oh wow, those sky shots are incredible!! And the view in your part of the world is beautiful, flat, but bueatiful 🙂

    Jenty’s last blog post..Weekly Winners #10

  14. Leslie Avatar

    Love the photos! The kitty is just too funny.

    Here’s hoping your superfast internet comes soon.

    Leslie’s last blog post..Cause They Don’t Know ‘Bout Us, They’ve Never Heard Of Love*

  15. Secret Agent Mama Avatar

    I love what Tiff gave you. So sweet!

    Great pix, Vicky (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA) You know I’m totally joking, eh?

    Secret Agent Mama’s last blog post..Weekly Winners XVIII

  16. Maggie Avatar

    So pretty, and I’m loving the kitty!

    Maggie’s last blog post..Weekly Winners 3/16/08

  17. Scylla Avatar

    I love the colors in your kitchen! They are so vibrant!

    Scylla’s last blog post..Weekly Winners

  18. Rebecca Avatar

    Love the landscapes, especially the one after the fire.

    Rebecca’s last blog post..Weekly Winners: March 9-March 15

  19. Jessica (aka Rose) Avatar

    Love sky shots almost as much as funny kitty shots!
    Yay for saying buh bye to dial-up!

    Jessica (aka Rose)’s last blog post..Weekly winners

  20. SusanB Avatar

    GREAT pics! And it’s so nice to have you back…can’t wait to see more of the house, it looks like a great place to live! =)

    By the way, I’m superimpressed that you’re already getting caught up on your internet reading…I think I’d have just given it up as a lost cause.

    SusanB’s last blog post..Very Funny

  21. Sandy (Momisodes) Avatar

    Haha, yes kitchens have their way of getting disorganized quickly don’t they 🙂

    Those skies are just breathtaking! Seriously, just stunning 🙂

    Sandy (Momisodes)’s last blog post..Weekly Winners

  22. HappyCampers Avatar

    I love your kitchen picture–the red cabinets rock!

    HappyCampers’s last blog post..Easter Egg Hunts: The Good & The Bad

  23. Punk Rock Mom Avatar

    cute cat pictures. And you know funny cat pictures are always the first to get stolen!

    Punk Rock Mom’s last blog post..Weekly Weiners

  24. Anja Avatar

    I am so in love with Tilly.

    Anja’s last blog post..I’m angry.

  25. HRH Avatar

    I loved that first picture. Just great.

    HRH’s last blog post..Play perspective…

  26. Jeanette Avatar

    Great pictures. Love the sky shots! I can see why you love your sky!

  27. Tasina Avatar

    I’m so happy for you that you’re settling into your new home. It looks so peaceful there. Love that kitty face too.

    Tasina’s last blog post..Weekly Winners 03.16.08

  28. lceel Avatar

    Great shots. Hooray for faster Internet!!!

    lceel’s last blog post..art class painting decision

  29. Tara Avatar

    Oh that view! Lovely.

    I love the cat photo, too! I used to have a cat that did that. So funny!

    Tara’s last blog post..Weekly Winners, 16 Mar (#5)

  30. river Avatar

    Amy looks so grown up there! Three at least!
    Heh, your kitchen looks like they couldn’t decide on a colour scheme, so just took a side each and painted their little hearts out.

  31. merrymishaps Avatar

    I love it when I catch my cats with their tongues out. Too funny!

    merrymishaps’s last blog post..list day 18: upcoming travel