Anvers chocolates have long been a love of mine, a luxurious indulgence when I see them in little shops and actually have the money to purchase them. Of course, since children this has been, uh, never. A shocking oversight in my mind, but these are the sacrifices we make.
Anvers are participating in Showcase Tasmania and to that end, they sent me some chocolates to nibble on, as well as a “House Of Anvers Gift Bag” for me to give away to you.
Firstly, their chocolates are to die for delicious. The truffles were amazing and I seriously wish that I hadn’t shared them. They are the kind of deep rich satisfying chocolate that makes bedtime screaming worth it, as you hide in the closet nibbling. With the amazing richness though, they’re not heavy and eating two at a time didn’t make me feel heavy, or ill. Which was fantastic for me, but not so fantastic for my chocolate rationing.
The orange chocolate segments got me through some tough afternoon patches and there is a slight possibility that you could have found me in the bedroom with the door locked, refusing to share.
I also got to try two types of fudge, butterscotch and milk chocolate, both were delicious as well, with Nathan being particularly fond of the butterscotch one.
Now, because I love you guys and Anvers obviously does as well, I have a gift bag to giveaway!
The gift bag contains Truffles 125g, Choc-orange segments 125g, 2x fudge (orange and butterscotch) 85g each.
I’m using a new widget to manage giveaways and it appears to be working for me.
The only mandatory entry is a comment answering the question: What is your special indulgence after a long day?
You MUST check the boxes on the widget to enter – it makes my life much simpler. Let me know if you have any questions!
46 responses to “Showcase Tasmania: Anvers Chocolates + giveaway”
Yummy x 1000000 hehehehe
To answer the question what is my special indulgence after a long day? You really should know that about me by now V lol OK tis Coffee and of course chocolate any !!!!
That evening cuppa is my favourite of the day, especially when I have something sweet to go with it. I made a big batch of macadamia brownies a few months ago and ended up freezing most of them, which kept me in treats for quite a while. Unfortunately it also meant that I put on a few kilos, so I’m doing my best to stick to just the tea!
My indulgence after a long day, or at any time, is of course chocolate…and if I really have the time for pampering…it’s chocolate whilst in a bath with a book….bliss!!
I am going to enter this one because my indulgence at the end of a long day is to sit all by myself and faff about on the internet and eat nice chocolate. I haven’t tried D’Anvers chocolate and If I don’t win I will go out and buy some anyway on the strength of your recommendation. xx
What is my indulgence? I always have said I use the fine wine to combat the boy whine, and the heavenly chocolate to ease the pain of devlish antics.
Endorphins come on down!
P.S. Chocolate and orange, oh lordy, my idea of heaven on a stick. *sigh*
A cat cuddle. Sounds stupid, but has therapeutic qualities π
Definitely a long, hot bath…
Oh Anvers! (licks lips!) Mum’s heading up soon to get some for herself again (she buys in bulk!) so it would be chocolattatastic if I won my own pack π
My indulgence is to eat dark (must be dark good quality) chocolate. I feel it coursing through my veins and then everything feels A-OK π
A hot shower. A cup of tea. A good book.
A cup of coffee accompanied by a luscious treat (Anvers would be just fine!) and a quiet read.
Orange segments ….. droooooool. My special indulgence, if I can possibly make it happen, is to walk along, or perhaps just sit at the beach, listening to the waves, be they gently swishing in or slamming into the sand. I don’t do it anywhere near enough.
My indulgence at the end of the day is to snuggle up on the couch after everyone has gone to bed and have a huge mug of hot chocolate. None of this powdered rubbish. Good quality dark chocolate melted in hot milk, where you have that little layer of thick melted chocolate that settles on the bottom like a surprise gift at the end. Bliss.
Hmm my indulgence? easy. chocolate! of any variety but anvers is especially delish (hmm orange segments *drool*)
Oh, in an ideal world it would be a long hot bath with a good book, but I rarely get a chance to indulge. And chocolate is lovely but as I’m fighting the Boombah I rarely have it in the house. So my close third is an early night, catching up with blogs and twitter and watching crap telly …preferably with a pet or three by my side. I actually do allow myself good quality chocolate though, because I find that I can have a few squares of that and be totally satisfied. I’ve never tried Anvers before, clearly I’ve been missing out!
I love a hot chocolate with a vanilla marshmallow at the end of the day π
Earl grey tea, electric blanket, friends dvd box set and Tim tams.
I was doing OK till I saw the fudge! now having a major crave.
My great indulgence at the end of the day is either some gametime on the Playstation or curling up in bed with a cup of tea, a snack and a good book.
If I don’t have fudge, that is.
(I wonder if there are any shops open at this time of night?)
hmmm, my indulgence is a walk down to the cafe once a week and a quiet time to read and sip a mocha .
Whenever I go to the chemist to get my happy pill prescription filled out I shout myself a Caramel Snow Bar from the Darrell Lea stand. Then I eat it on the way home.
Uninterrupted magazine time. (I once told my yoga teacher that I’m wasn’t doing yoga more often was because it got in the way of my magazine time. He was unimpressed. Disappointing a yoga teacher is, I suppose, is what makes it an indulgence.)
Time to sit in the quiet of the evening and have to do nothing is the ideal way to indulge at the end of a long day. Unfortunately that is stuff dreams are made of so instead I get up early to go for a run as the sun rises and enjoy the quiet then.
For an ordinary long, hard day, I LOVE to get a Caramel Frap (and bonus points if it’s the time of the year I can get a Pumpkin Spice Frap!) and read a fantastic book in the hottest bath ever. But…if it’s been a really, really long, hard day, I still get the Frap, bath, and book…but a stronger drink is added to this equation pre-bath. π
Having someone else clean the house before the frap/bath/book extravaganza bounces this scenario to just this side of domestic nirvana, BUT…that someone is usually me, so, you know…
my indulgence is apple cake smothered in caramel with whipped cream on top π
I am a chocoholic and it is always my indulgence of choice. If chocolate were a religion I would be it’s most faithful worshipper π
Either a nice glass of wine or a hot Milo…. I’m a simple gal…
It used to be chocolate but my stomach and I are no longer friends. So now after the girls are asleep my husband and I go out and have a spa on our back deck, looking up at all the beautiful stars the poor city people can’t see.
A few pieces of any choc and a hot cup of tea while I tap tap away on my computer in the silence of the late night.
looking up at all the beautiful stars the poor city people canβt see.I shout myself a Caramel Snow Bar from the Darrell Lea stand. Then I eat it on the way home.
my BEST indulgence is red wine and a cheese platter! A bit of chocolate to accompany this would be perfect! x
When the kids are finally in bed I love a hot chocolate with 4 marshmellows!
I tend to indulge on whatever is left from the kids. Ultimately though it would be a home made treat, brownie, cookie, biscuit, slice of cake otherwise its potato chips.
I love indulging in a rich dessert, like ice cream or chocolate π
Chai lattes! Or chocolate covered Oreos. I have a mouth full of sweet teeth….
lets see today Annie fell out of a 3m tree she had climbed to the tippy top of because someone dared her, a basketball hoop under the tree broke her fall but shredded the skin on her back and she had to have 7 stitches. Better than broken bones or brain injury though, I just have to watch for concussion and her blood not clotting (as she has a blood clotting disorder).
Fucking joy.
Now I’m hiding with MMs and McCoffee.
Cadburys. Always cadburys! But I’d love to try something new π
It’s Anvers all the way for me! The butterscotch fudge is delish! I guess I’m super lucky living only five minutes away from The House of Anvers at Latrobe!! π
My special indulgence after a long day is to get a (((( Hug )))) & XXXX Kisses XXXX of hubby then to curl up with a Bourbon and coke, a good book & some to die for chocolate.
Definitely getting comfy straight away on the couch with half a block of Lindt 85% and my laptop to watch something a bit silly like The Vampire Diaries π
A long day for me is after a 16 hour day where 12 hours of that is work. This morphs into a long week as I do this for 8 days. When the long week ends, I hop a 1500km flight home and drive 20min to get home for a dram of whisky while I soak in a hot bubble bath.
how did I miss this???
my indulgence is chokkie and a hot shower……..
Coffee and cookies and cream chocolate… NOM!
Without doubt, a soak in the claw foot bath, lots of bubbles, pack of dark choc Tim tams, red wine and phantom of the opera playing… Bliss
Kids in bed, house quiet, just me and a block of chocolate.
ooh I love Anvers chocolates and their truffles are to die for, especially after a long day. Indulgence indeed!
Definitely chocolate and a cup of coffee.
I am beyond excited to win this…..thank you so much. The aroma of the dark chocolate and orange as I opened the parcel was divine. I have not opened the box of chocolates -incredible restraint I know. π