These are intolerable working conditions.

[Video: Now with captions]

Internet, I give you the baby birds that are screeching above my desk. BECAUSE I WANT YOU TO SUFFER WITH ME.

These working conditions are intolerable. I’ve tried complaining to the groundskeeper and maintenance man (Nathan) but he tells me his hands are tied and I need to discuss the issue with pest control (The Cats).

Either way, nothing is getting done and my ears are hurting.


31 responses to “These are intolerable working conditions.”

  1. Jody Avatar

    Far OUT that’s annoying!

    1. Veronica Avatar

      YES! And, even with the volume down on the computer, that is as loud as they are IRL. We have to turn the TV up to hear over them!

  2. frogpondsrock Avatar

    They are VERY LOUD!

    1. Veronica Avatar

      And VERY annoying.

  3. Deb Avatar

    And I bet you thought the eggs were cute.

    I currently have chickens complaining out my window because I’m trying to get them to lay somewhere that I can actually find the eggs and have them locked in an enclosure. It’s a very palatial enclosure, but they’re pacing up and down the fence trying to get back to wherever the hell their nests are out in the long grass.

    At least mine is self-inflicted, you haven’t earnt yours!

    1. Veronica Avatar

      I didn’t know there were eggs, or I would have removed them. The birds are actually inside the roof cavity, which is a giant PITA.

  4. Linda from OEKE Avatar

    Oh no. That is SO loud and SO annoying.
    Can’t you bang it with a broom and shoo them buggers away??

    I’m also with you on the bra shopping. Hate it.
    And good luck with the wedding plans (and the actual wedding).
    Hope it’s a great day.

    Think I’ve covered everything.
    Good luck with the birds (-:

    1. Veronica Avatar

      I have been bashing on the roof regularly. Luckily they stop and start (luckily, hahahaaaa) and I get a five minute break from it, before it starts again.

  5. pixie Avatar

    OMG! you poor thing………….that would drive me bonkers.

    Last year we had a cuckoo next right outside out front door which of course leads to the lounge room.It squarked and squarked and the poor mumma bird whose nest it got put in.she was exhausted coz it was bigger than HER……….and drove us nuts………………so I feel for you.

    ummmmm a shotgun???

    1. Veronica Avatar

      It has been – I didn’t realise how stressed they were making me until they fell asleep!

  6. Kathy Avatar

    Make. It. Stop.
    (Oh, it did … I just turned off my speaker 🙂

    Seriously sympathetic to you right now.

    1. Veronica Avatar

      The worst bit was when I was editing the video and I had screeching through the speakers and screeching from above. Argh.

  7. katepickle Avatar

    Oh I feel your pain!!!
    We have them in corners of our old roof (as opposed to our lovely new bit of roof which just has birds everywhere because the walls are not done yet LOL) and our bedroom is in a corner of the house and oh man being woken at first light by those darn birds! Mind you I reckon yours are louder!
    My DH recommends expandi foam in all the holes/cracks, but he is too much of a softy to remove the nests when there are birds in them, despite the fact that ours are pest species!

    1. Veronica Avatar

      If we could remove ours, I would do it myself, cackling gleefully the whole time. (Probably) (I may be thinking that I’m tougher than I really am)

  8. FMIDK Avatar

    Shit stirring mad does not suit you. Have you thought of baking? 😉

  9. river Avatar

    I didn’t listen because I hear enough birds already in the trees here and all over the lawn when the zombie upstairs throws bread out for them.
    Can you move your desk until the birds grow and leave?
    Then next year when the nest is being constructed just keep destroying it until the parents decide to construct somewhere else.

    1. Veronica Avatar

      My desk is in just about the only decent spot in the room – plus, the screeching can be heard through the entire house. Sigh.

    2. frogpondsrock Avatar

      You have a bird feeding zombie living above you River? We need photos.

  10. Liz Avatar

    Man. You need to fire your cats if they’re not picking up on that shit!

    1. Veronica Avatar

      One cat is – but short of bodily throwing herself at the ceiling (she almost tried it earlier), she hasn’t worked out how to get into the roof to eat them.

      The other two cats ignore them, knowing damn well that we’ve done thing before.

  11. louisa Avatar

    No! That’s horrendous!!

    1. Veronica Avatar

      Isn’t it just? I didn’t realise how stressed they were making me until they shut up for the night. Even with two minutes screeching and five minutes silence.

  12. Marylin Avatar

    Definitely time to get the damn cats up in the loft. Just shut them up there till they do their job! x

  13. Chantel Avatar

    That is a horrible noise!!! My husband is screaming at me from the tv room to turn of that incessant noise! Cant believe you have to put up with that!!!!

  14. Marita Avatar

    Dear god that is annoying! Heidi fled from the room with her hands over her ears because she found the sound so distressing.

  15. mums the word Avatar

    that is so annoying.. we had them last year above our bedroom, almost went insane with the noise.. threw a fake snake up there and it seemed to put them off.. they’re not there this year.. sympathies x

  16. taz Avatar

    i hope its all sorted out soon.

    3 kitties now?

  17. KariC Avatar

    My Lola is laying next to me, when she heard the screeching she jumped up trying to figure out how/where the birds were. Then at the end the dogs barked….she was completely riled up!! If I could, I would loan my crazy cat to you to show yours….what is up! I could not tolerate that and I am calling bullshit along with you!!! Good luck.

  18. Sharon @ Hear Mum Roar Avatar

    Totally feel your pain as we have a whole flock of pigeons in our bathroom roof which is driving us batty. We had a goshawk nearby which was slaughtering some, but now the goshawk is gone. Which is sad, because he/she was so efficient and cleaned up the mess after a good slaughter