Sunday. Holy crap, it’s Sunday?!

I’m having a little trouble with the fact that it is SUNDAY already, which effectively means that I have only thirteen days until our wedding. Time slips away, like water, it feels.

This was my photo for the ABC Open 11.11.11 11.11 project. I was a little short on snapping time, but there you go.

Spitfire caterpillars.

Lady bird sex!

Tasmanian Sunset

And finally, this from Google that I screenshotted yesterday. It appears the Internet truly DOES know everything about me. Thanks Google, it made me smile.

More photos at Frogpondsrock.



15 responses to “Sunday. Holy crap, it’s Sunday?!”

  1. Elephant's Child Avatar

    Beautiful scenery and I love the sunset. Capturing ladybird sex seems to run in the family! And I, like so many people love them.
    Have a wonderful wedding day (and, of course, the rest of your life).

  2. Rah Avatar

    If I think too hard about what Google knows about me, it makes me want to wear a tin foil hat!

    I love that sunset photo, Tasmania must have the best sunsets in the world 🙂 x

  3. amandab Avatar

    LOVE!! All the images. I can’t pick a favourite. 🙂

    Wow, Miss 5 is a Google obsessive and asks me what it is doing EVERY DAY. She would love that one 🙂

  4. Stimey Avatar

    Beautiful photos! And, while sweet, I’m a little creeped out by that Google screenshot. 🙂 Hope your birthday was wonderful!

  5. Marylin Avatar

    Oh the caterpillar one… just… WOWOWOW!!!
    13 days to go… sqweeeee! 😀 xx

  6. frogpondsrock Avatar

    You are a clever girl V. and I second Rah’s comment.

  7. LearnCreateDo Avatar

    i totally missed 11.11.11. 11.11 …. and i had even set a reminder! that google one has freaked me out a little too.

  8. river Avatar

    All beautiful photos V, and I’m a little jealous of your google happy birthday.
    I like the moss growing around the nailhead.

  9. Amanda Avatar

    I love the landscape in the first pic
    I also took one for ABC open and posted it in today’s offerings.

  10. sleepydwarf Avatar

    That is a brilliant sunset. I hate how we are hemmed in by houses & powerlines and never get any uncluttered sunset shots. One day I keep telling myself I’m going to go to the top of a hill at sunset time!
    Ladybird sex isa great capture. That’s something I’ve never seen!

  11. carolina Avatar

    Great shots. Love the caterpillars. Gorgeous sunset and view. And a belated Happy Birthday to you.
    Also, I hope you sorted out the toilet facilities for the wedding? So your mom can sleep again? 😉 Hope you have a wonderful wedding day, with lots of lovely people and smiles and sunshine.

  12. Donna @ NappyDaze Avatar

    My goodness didnt know Google was that clever!

  13. Bec S Avatar
    Bec S

    Hahaha love Google!

  14. Jayne Avatar

    I lurve the caterpillar one, all fuzzy and furry.
    Sorry I missed your birthday, belated many happy returns and I hope you had a lovely day 🙂
    Reading this on Monday means you’re down to 12 days til your wedding now….

  15. Ab Azam Avatar

    Nice pics, specially the sunset pic. And that Caterpillar also good, nice focus.