I’m having a little trouble with the fact that it is SUNDAY already, which effectively means that I have only thirteen days until our wedding. Time slips away, like water, it feels.
This was my photo for the ABC Open 11.11.11 11.11 project. I was a little short on snapping time, but there you go.
Spitfire caterpillars.
Lady bird sex!
Tasmanian Sunset
And finally, this from Google that I screenshotted yesterday. It appears the Internet truly DOES know everything about me. Thanks Google, it made me smile.
15 responses to “Sunday. Holy crap, it’s Sunday?!”
Beautiful scenery and I love the sunset. Capturing ladybird sex seems to run in the family! And I, like so many people love them.
Have a wonderful wedding day (and, of course, the rest of your life).
If I think too hard about what Google knows about me, it makes me want to wear a tin foil hat!
I love that sunset photo, Tasmania must have the best sunsets in the world 🙂 x
LOVE!! All the images. I can’t pick a favourite. 🙂
Wow, Miss 5 is a Google obsessive and asks me what it is doing EVERY DAY. She would love that one 🙂
Beautiful photos! And, while sweet, I’m a little creeped out by that Google screenshot. 🙂 Hope your birthday was wonderful!
Oh the caterpillar one… just… WOWOWOW!!!
13 days to go… sqweeeee! 😀 xx
You are a clever girl V. and I second Rah’s comment.
i totally missed 11.11.11. 11.11 …. and i had even set a reminder! that google one has freaked me out a little too.
All beautiful photos V, and I’m a little jealous of your google happy birthday.
I like the moss growing around the nailhead.
I love the landscape in the first pic
I also took one for ABC open and posted it in today’s offerings.
That is a brilliant sunset. I hate how we are hemmed in by houses & powerlines and never get any uncluttered sunset shots. One day I keep telling myself I’m going to go to the top of a hill at sunset time!
Ladybird sex isa great capture. That’s something I’ve never seen!
Great shots. Love the caterpillars. Gorgeous sunset and view. And a belated Happy Birthday to you.
Also, I hope you sorted out the toilet facilities for the wedding? So your mom can sleep again? 😉 Hope you have a wonderful wedding day, with lots of lovely people and smiles and sunshine.
My goodness didnt know Google was that clever!
Hahaha love Google!
I lurve the caterpillar one, all fuzzy and furry.
Sorry I missed your birthday, belated many happy returns and I hope you had a lovely day 🙂
Reading this on Monday means you’re down to 12 days til your wedding now….
Nice pics, specially the sunset pic. And that Caterpillar also good, nice focus.