Here we are, on the 26th of November. My wedding day.
We’re slowly pulling together the last of the details and food prep and I expect I’ve got a very busy morning ahead of me. The nice weather predicted came a little early and today is grey with a good chance of rain, but honestly I’m not too bothered.
I promised you a live-stream and here it is. I’m hoping to run a test for it at 10am AEST, before the wedding proper at 12.30pm AEST.
You are absolutely more than welcome to watch!
28 responses to “I’m getting married! TODAY.”
I wish you all the very best for today! Congrats!
So do I! all the best.. hope I might get a peep at some stage at ya 🙂
– tork
I hope everything flows, everyone enjoys themselves, and you keep precious memories.
Congrats! Rain stay away.
Sending you both the happiest of thoughts and much love from myself and the GOFA. Hoping to be able to watch the live-stream. X
Congratulations on your wedding day! Hope you have a wonderful time on this special day.
Have a wonderful, wonderful wedding day. Hoping all the stress and hard work makes for a fantastic day. I will ask all the rain to come thisaway today so you are rain-free. Best wishes (-:
YAY! Big prayers it all goes smoothly! 🙂
I woke up and thought of you right away today. Congratulations and all my love for a wonderful day. I hope it is relaxed, beautiful and everything you’re hoping for. I’m hoping for a tiny little duck sighting.
xxxx Will be honoured to watch. xxxx
How exciting! May you have a wonderful day, full of love and friendship and may you be relaxed and happy all day 🙂
Hope today is perfect for you ~ all the things you want and special memories to keep forever. Congrats in advance. Cazxx
All the best for a truly beautiful and special day, regardless of what the weather decides to do!
Wishing such a wonderful wonderful day and a very sleepless night, for all the right reasons. 🙂 xx
i wish i could watch but we’re going to be out 🙁 i hope you plan to post loads of pics for those who are unable to attend both in the real world and also in the virtual one?
remember to breath today, some things will probably go wrong, it happens – the universe hears wedding and likes to stuff things around a bit but don’t let them worry you, breath and enjoy your day cause YOU’RE GETTING MARRIED!!!!
Have a fantastic day and try not to stress. Remember all that matters at the end of the day is that you, your soon to be husband, a couple of witnesses and someone to officiate your marriage are there so you can get on with what really matters – getting married! If all the other bits & pieces preceding & following that part turn out well then that’s the icing on the cake :o)
Oh Veronica, wishing you only the best for today, Sweetheart. I am looking at that thick cloud cover and crossing everything crossable that the weather holds out for you! J x
rain means fertility, ya know… 🙂
12:46am in the UK still awake terrified I may miss it all but not really because you know me with my glass half full attitude. Promise me Veronica you will not tweet mid vows lol
Wishing Nathan & You, All the happiness in the whole wide world on this fantastically wonderfully romantic special day.
Oh & a Big shout out to the mother of the bride & her very very wonderful behind the scenes husband.
I am so excited by the way……
We’ll be watching and SO MANY CONGRATULATIONS from all of us to all of you!
Watching and waiting! MWAH xxxxxx
I see the livestream is not going ahead due to rain…well, we’ll just wait for all the photos 😀
Have a wonderful, wonderful day ~ cherish this time and the memories to come. xo
Trying to tune in and not seeing. Will try in a bit. HAPPY WEDDING!!
Oh no rain called off play. Nevertheless hope you have a brilliant time and will make do with photos. Looked at weather forcast and it mentioned cloudy with a little rain just hoped that was to be true. Anyway, I sat here and thought about you in the middle of the night and stared at the screen willing it to jump into wedding mode. Just thought perhaps I should have checked Twitter so will go there and see if it was said ages ago! Trust me not to think of that if it was lol
Happy Wedding.
Happy Wedding Day Veronica!! Bugger the weather! And congratulations!
Congrats, V. They say rain is good luck. Not that you need it. xx
Happy wedding . Looking forward to see the photos !
Congratulations! Have a wonderful day. Look forward to seeing photos xx
I hope you had a wonderful day to remember x