BlogHer consolation prize. Also, fussy baby is fussy

I’d planned to go to BlogHer this year. When all of my friends were talking about seeking sponsorship, I was carefully looking at my budget and my contacts.

Then I got pregnant, due a few weeks after BlogHer finished. My New York imaginings were quickly replaced by the reality of having another baby. I wasn’t upset – the emotions weren’t that strong and after all, having a baby is very exciting. Getting to fall in love again, vs seeing New York? I won’t say I didn’t want both, but I will say that New York will still be there when my children are older.

I joked that my baby was going to be my BlogHer consolation prize, a few weeks later. Imagine my surprise when she was born the same weekend that my friends were flying out of the country.

Having a preemie baby and spending all my time traipsing backwards and forwards to Special Care, I didn’t get a chance to follow the BlogHer hashtag like I normally would. Instead, I got to breastfeed my daughter and hold her close.

Somehow, I think I ended up with a pretty great deal anyway. Not to mention, every time I look at her I am inordinately grateful that I am not still pregnant. Health is an amazing thing.


At almost three weeks old, Evelyn is starting to spend more time awake (not that you can tell from my photos). Unfortunately she’s still day/night confused and I’m not a fan of playing at 3am when I’ve got an alarm due to go off before 7am.

A side effect of this is that I’m spending a fair amount of time with a grumbling baby on my chest.

I still can’t call this a bad deal. She’s tiny, she’s snuggly and she’s my last baby.

Life is pretty great right now.



15 responses to “BlogHer consolation prize. Also, fussy baby is fussy”

  1. Glowless Avatar

    Ugh the night/day confusion is not fun. I’ve only experienced with one child so I could nap during the day and it didn’t matter… having two other kids with that must be hard x

    1. Veronica Avatar

      It’s not so bad, because Amy is at school and Nat is about, I can usually snare a nap if I need to.

  2. Jessiebean AKA Thrifty Mama Avatar

    “Somehow, I think I ended up with a pretty great deal anyway. Not to mention, every time I look at her I am inordinately grateful that I am not still pregnant. Health is an amazing thing.” and of this I am envious! She is so lovely and things become easier too!

    1. Veronica Avatar

      You’ll be unpregnant soon enough!

  3. Zoey @ Good Googs Avatar

    I loved reading this. I know how difficult the pregnancy was. But I also know how much she was wanted. You are so right. New York will always be there and babies don’t keep.

    1. Veronica Avatar

      That’s it exactly. Eventually I will get to New York. One day.

      1. Zoey @ Good Googs Avatar

        And before I went I thought that it would have been not fun to take kids to. How wrong I was! Everywhere I turned I saw things that Riley would have gone absolutely crazy for.

        1. Veronica Avatar

          I might end up waiting 10 years and we’ll all go as a family. Surely my blog will have made MILLIONS by then? (Can you hear the laughter?)

  4. kelley @ magnetoboldtoo Avatar

    Life is pretty great right now.

    I love this. LOVE.

    Promise me that next time you come to Melbourne you will bring Little Miss with you so I can nuzzle her neck. Yes?

    1. Veronica Avatar

      Absolutely. I reckon I’ll probably try and get to Melbourne in the next few months, “just because”.

  5. Cat@jugglingact Avatar

    Oh gosh, she is gorgeous

  6. river Avatar

    Evelyn is worth a dozen BlogHers!!
    You’ll get to New York eventually.

  7. Enid Bite'Em Avatar

    Same-same! I’d just played my first bout in the Tasmanian Roller Derby Championships (which my league went on to win, were invited to The Great Southern Slam and ended up being ranked 11th!! in Australia) when I had to give it up four days later because of being pregnant with Joe … I didn’t even think about it until someone said, the weekend of The Great Southern Slam (that I watched online – maybe they should do that for Blogher next time!) “gee, you could’ve been there and played in the winning team” … I think creating a whole new human being is just as good, if not better 🙂

  8. Sharon A. Avatar

    Aw, she’s just a pot of gold, isn’t she?

  9. Marylin Avatar

    She is *gorgeous*! <3