Walking, oh my god, someone hold me please because WALKING

Two nights ago, Evelyn took her first unassisted steps, walking two steps between the coffee table and couch. She looked incredibly proud of herself and while, two days later, she’s not running around the house, she is moving easily between furniture that requires only a step or two to reach.

She’s 14 months old, and taking her first steps months ahead of schedule.

I am so proud.

Yes, we still have challenges, but she walked, you guys. She WALKED. By herself! Without help! SHE WALKED.

Yeah. I’m pretty thrilled.


14 responses to “Walking, oh my god, someone hold me please because WALKING”

  1. river Avatar

    I’m pretty thrilled too. Walking!!

  2. katepickle Avatar

    After a long and tedious day here… this has made me smile! Look out world… here she comes!

  3. Lindie Avatar

    I have not been reading my favorite blogs lately so was pleasantly surprised but such a good one. It made me smile.

  4. Marylin Avatar

    When I read this on facebook I jumped up and down, literally “sqweeing”!! SO happy for you both! x

  5. Caroline Avatar

    *Squeee* this is brilliant news. so happy for ur family 😀

  6. Alison Avatar

    Go Evie! Go Evie! Go Evie!

    My eyes filled up with tears. Must be old age 🙂

  7. Jaimie Avatar

    Wow, fantastic news!!

  8. Jaimie Avatar

    Wow, fantastic news!!

  9. Jaimie Avatar

    Wow, fantastic news!!

  10. Marita Avatar

    How awesome! Walking is fun, exhausting and fun 😀

  11. Multiblogging Mum Avatar

    yay way to go Miss Evelyn!!

  12. Anne Avatar

    Well done Evelyn! 🙂

  13. Amy R Avatar
    Amy R

    Yay Evie!