
I was going to write a post all about sleep and lack of it.

Then disaster struck! AND…

My blog flooded.

It had fish and everything. Tell me, how did fish get into my blog?

Then the flooding got worse.

Now, I might be super-speedy mouse catching woman, BUT I am not a big fan of deep water and somehow leaving my blog to dry out was better than having to use scuba gear to write in.

(Shuddup about how I am writing this. I can hold my breath or something like that)


Tomorrow we get the results from Nan’s biopsy. Think good thoughts for us.

And don’t drown as you leave a comment, okay? Drowning is bad.

Flood via Netdiaster.com


24 responses to “Flooded”

  1. Bettina Avatar

    *holds breath*

    how on earth does a blog get flooded?

    Bettinas last blog post..Screw Up Tuesday

  2. nikki Avatar

    Good luck on the biopsy.

    Psst! I’m a good swimmer.No worries about drowning.

  3. witchypoo Avatar

    You,my dear, have a most inventive, clever mind.

    witchypoos last blog post..Camping

  4. Xbox4NappyRash Avatar

    I won’t stay as I can’t swim.

    Good luck tomorrow.

    Xbox4NappyRashs last blog post..Did I roast a kitten on a spit?

  5. katef Avatar

    oh a nice relaxing blog bath… ahhh…. but would you mind telling the fish not to nibble my bum please!
    Fingers and toes crossed for good news tomorrow

    katefs last blog post..Feeding the Seagulls

  6. Suzie Avatar

    How strange. I have a screen saver that does that but on its own… creepy!

    Suzies last blog post..Little Mr. Manners

  7. Taz Avatar

    good luck..

    i think Maddi and Amy have been talking :/

    down at 22:30 up at 2:30am..

    what the?

    Tazs last blog post..How Cute..

  8. Jenn Avatar

    That’s cool ! Hope all goes well with Nan.

  9. lceel Avatar

    Fingers crossed for Nan. Prayers being said. Legs are crossed, too. No, wait, I gotta go pee.

    lceels last blog post..Summer in the City

  10. Sandy (Momisodes) Avatar

    Thoughts, prayers and fingers crossed for Nan.

    Sandy (Momisodes)s last blog post..Let’s Get It On…FAB!!!

  11. Barbara Avatar

    I’ve been thinking good thoughts all week for her, I hope it’s ok. I hope your mum is ok too – I’m just about to go and see her too.

    Drat to those stupid boys. Pop Amy in a box and send her over here, the boy isn’t sleeping too well so I might as well have two to entertain!

    So, who disasterized you? Who’s website do I have to go and disaster right back? Does it tell you or is it a cowardly anonymous thing?

    Barbaras last blog post..190/366 – The Eyes Have It

  12. Barbara Avatar

    Doh! Stupid me. Wrote my comment then checked out the website. Off to unleash dinosaurs on my site – good fun!

    Barbaras last blog post..190/366 – The Eyes Have It

  13. Hyphen Mama Avatar

    Mind if I do a little skinny dipping while I blog? Too late.

    Fingers crossed for your Nan.

    Hyphen Mamas last blog post..Two For Flinching

  14. Tanya Avatar

    lol, thats cool

    good luck 4 your nan. Waiting is horrible.

  15. Maddy Avatar

    Don’t tell me! You were fiddling with your template. Nothing good ever comes from fiddling with templates!
    Yours the cowardly one

    Maddys last blog post..Bolting [ England is evil 4]

  16. frogpondsrock Avatar

    Fish ‘YAY’

    frogpondsrocks last blog post..a foggy day to match my foggy brain

  17. Anja Avatar

    *holds breath while typing*

    Sending positive vibes for the test results.

    Anjas last blog post..Screw Up Tuesday.

  18. Dorothy Stahlnecker Avatar

    Is there a lifeguard on duty?

    My best,
    Dorothy from grammology
    remember to hug your gram

    Dorothy Stahlneckers last blog post..How’s your life doing?

  19. Jayne Avatar

    Fingers crossed and thinking of you (((hugs)))

    *blurp blurp gag cough blurp splash blurp….*

    Jaynes last blog post..Trivial History July 9

  20. tiff Avatar

    Hoping that today is ok.
    Thinking of all of you.

    tiffs last blog post..School holidays just got a whole lot harder.

  21. Kat Avatar

    YOU are funny.
    I’m holding my breath.. wait… going up for air…
    ok I’m back. You’ve ruined my house, but Colin really wanted to go swimming today, so he thanks you… running out of air, bye……….

    Kats last blog post..Kat for President!

  22. Ree Avatar

    …using Shortman’s snorkel…

    You KNOW I’m all about the good thoughts for your Nan. XXOO

    Rees last blog post..Sigh.

  23. Sarcastic Mom Avatar

    Very cute. 🙂

    Saying prayers for Nan and the whole family.

    Sarcastic Moms last blog post..Second time’s a charm?

  24. river Avatar

    Something fishy going on over at Veronica’s, where’s the snorkel and swim fins? I want to read the whole thing without thrashing to the surface every 5 seconds.
    Hey, it’s nice under here, all blue and shimmery, oooh, the fish are tickling me…….better go now, can’t laugh underwater.
    Thinking happy thoughts for your Nan.