So what happens when you have a third child and need to tote third childy things everywhere? You get a new car. Which is what we did, twelve months ago. A bigger car. More seats, more room, more trouble if the amount I’ve spent at the mechanic lately is anything to go by.
A third child brings a lot more into a house.
A lot more love. A lot more chaos. A lot more time needed to keep things running.
And it’s the little things that are hard, like financing a new (second-hand) car. Not the fact I can never shower alone anymore, or naptimes are filled with all the things I can’t do with an almost 2yo in tow.
I wrote about loans this week for Money Circle. Which is mostly about how loans are complicated and frustrating and probably not as good as being able to pay for things outright.
This is the point of starting the soaping business, so one day I hopefully don’t have to pinch pennies and count costs quite so closely. So I can be debt free.
Yeah. Feel free to laugh.
Pipe dream, baby.
2 responses to “Adding a third child was expensive. But good.”
Good choices . Third children . Soap. All of it .
You ,dear lady, are a marvel x
I’m debt free and it’s wonderful. I’m also broke which is not so wonderful, but at least I don’t have unpaid bills hanging over me. My small income covers my needs and that’s all I need.