There was a point recently when I realised, I’m not really a blogger anymore. And it’s sad, a little, because I love blogging and I love where blogging has taken me.
But after seven years, I’m tired. I jumped on the PR roundabout and fell off again 18 months later when I realised I didn’t enjoy selling my space to companies looking to make a quick impression and an even quicker dollar. I told stories, and then didn’t again. My children grew up fast, too fast, too fast to share their stories anymore.
It takes a while to readjust. From mummy-blogger to what-am-I-even-now-blogger.
A soap maker, a small business owner, a work from home mother, an entrepreneur, a maker, a creator.
I grew a brand, abandoned it, and now I’m growing another one.
I’m enjoying myself and that’s all that really matters though, isn’t it?
That’s where I went wrong with blogging. I worked too hard at trying to be something, someone. I got bored and drifted away. Now people don’t even know I have a blog. It’s almost comforting.
I made chocolate soap restocks today and my house smells like chocolate and saponification. I’ve got 60 soaps to pack and label once I write this, dinner to cook, children to love on.
Life is full. Life is good.
Bath salts! Oh god, bath salts. YOU GUYS.
Do you know how much fun bath salts are to make? SO MUCH FUN. I’m in love.
Clearly I’ve added bath salts to my shop and they’re awesome. There’s spearmint and eucalyptus for soaking your feet in, margarita scented for awesomeness, and all the usual suspects.
I *may* have spent a full day testing bath salts. It was lovely. They are lovely. Australian sea salt and Epsom salts combined to help sore muscles.
So much fun. And pretty to photograph too.
Everything is coming off the curing shelves in great waves at the moment. I packaged 60 soaps last night, and I’ll do another 60 soon. I think tomorrow there might be another 100 to pack, but I’m trying not to look until I have to design the labels for printing. Preorders are slowly being filled and everything is good.
I think I’m okay with being not just a blogger any more, you know.
5 responses to “On not blogging and bath salts”
Do whatever you need/want to do hon.
If it’s making you happy go for it. No reason you can’t come back to blogging at some point if it feels right and works for you, or not. You’re still a creator, just now it’s in a different medium. xx
Being not a blogger is very strange. I like the look of the bath salts, and I don’t even like baths.
Whether you label it blogging or not, I’ve always enjoyed you sharing your world. Stories about soaps and bath salts, when told by you, are always a good read.
What they^ said. If it’s time to move on, then that’s what you do.
You’re still here telling us about your new products, so we haven’t lost you completely.