Belly Shot and Amy

So, a belly shot. 14 weeks and 3 days in.

Hey look! You can even see the stretch marks left by Amy! Thanks Amy, Mummy love you.

And I can smell pee. Seriously, I think Amy may have pee’d on the couch. Where I am sitting.


Yep, definitely pee. Time for the vinegar spray methinks. Better than poo I suppose.

And the damn dog just hid under the TV and vomited. Sigh.

Nathan…. I need you…

Pee and dog vomit. Could this day get any better?

Oh wait yes it could! Because I had my first real craving [seafood extender. You know, that fake chunky crap flavoured stuff that you get in deafood cocktails? Yeah, that. mmmmmm]. Nathan refused to head to the supermarket to fulfil my craving. Hmmmph.

Luckily Mum had some in her freezer and Nathan wasn’t too averse to driving me to Mum’s. Thank goodness.

Amy has been helping in the kitchen alot lately. Isn’t she cute? [You know, if damn Youtube would ever finish letting me upload the file! Still waiting. 30 mins later… Why did no one tell me that Youtube takes ages?]

Ah here it is. A video! My first one ever.

I did have a longer (cuter) video uploading, but SOMEHOW youtube decided to time out my connection just as the damn thing finished uploading. No matter that I had waited for ages and ages for it to just freaking upload already! Was I doing something wrong?

Oh and in pregnancy updates, considering I showed you my bare naked belly, my morning sickness has eased, but the nausea that accompanies my CFS has been rearing it’s ugly head. [I can tell the difference, CFS nausea tends to be in big waves that floor me utterly for about 15 minutes. Morning sickness is different].

I am still tired and completely unable to eat some foods, but overall, I am starting to feel better. Much better.

Touch wood.

See more Weekly Winners here.


35 responses to “Belly Shot and Amy”

  1. maiden53 Avatar

    cute tummy and wonderful video… it was worth the wait, V! I love the “accents” your family speaks. πŸ™‚ Very aussie and cool.

    maiden53s last blog post..Wet Saddle Blanket

  2. merrymishaps Avatar

    Love Amy with the orange!

    merrymishapss last blog post..beach day one

  3. Taz Avatar

    hehe cool..

    glad to hear the morning sickness has eased..

    thinking of you tomorrow..

    cute video..

    Tazs last blog post..Weekly Winners – 5

  4. Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) Avatar

    Look at your cute pregnant tummy! πŸ™‚

    I, too, love Amy with the orange.

    Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba)s last blog post..Weekly Winners: July 20-July 26

  5. Deb Avatar

    Cute belly, cute Amy.

    Debs last blog post..Sunday…Sunday…Sunday!!!!

  6. Marylin Avatar

    What a great pic, and such a sweet lil vid of Amy πŸ™‚

    Marylins last blog post..Weekly Winners #28!

  7. Laura (Oraeley) Avatar

    I love Amy and her orange too. πŸ™‚
    Hey I was thinking about you yesterday and am glad to see you up on Weekly Winners again.
    Congrats on being a second time preggers. I’m totally loving my new little girl–so worth it.

  8. Secret Agent Mama Avatar

    Look at your baby belly! Wow! So big already.

    Great shots. Amy always makes me smile!

  9. Maggie's Mind Avatar

    The shot of Amy with the orange is just precious!

    Maggie’s Minds last blog post..Weekly Winners Sunday 7/27/08

  10. Xbox4NappyRash Avatar

    2 great Amy pictures !

    and she has a wee Aussie accent!

    Xbox4NappyRashs last blog post..And here’s your host…

  11. Mr Lady Avatar

    Oh my lord, you’re so cute I could DIE. Mmmmm, babies.

    Mr Ladys last blog post..Rate the Hate the So Awesome We Need Equipment Edition

  12. Karen Avatar

    The second shot is adorable. What a sweet face!

    Karens last blog post..Sticky Post: Current Blog Giveaway

  13. frogpondsrock Avatar

    Yay for half crushed garlic..

    frogpondsrocks last blog post..Weekly Winners

  14. Ree Avatar

    How absolutely adorable.

    Rees last blog post..Track Meet(ing)

  15. Annie Avatar

    You look wonderful! Amy is adorable with her orange!

  16. tiff Avatar

    Awww Amy is so sweet.
    Look at your belly!

    tiffs last blog post..Weekly Winners

  17. Cathy Avatar

    Oh – cute tummy shot!

    Cathys last blog post..Weekly Winners: Vacation Edition

  18. Jayne Avatar

    Bi carb of soda for the smell of wee and spew.
    Soda water for nausea.
    Plenty of rest for CFS.
    And pass some of that seafood extender this way πŸ˜›

  19. Bettina Avatar

    Glad things are on the up and up despite the vomit and pee.

    cute video! πŸ™‚

    Bettinas last blog post..For something different……..

  20. Suzanne Says... Avatar

    Great belly shot! Glad you’re feeling better.

  21. Hyphen Mama Avatar

    MORE VIDEOS, please!!!! OMG too cute.

    Great belly photo.

    Can CFS be controlled or cured? Is it life-long or pregnancy induced?

    Hyphen Mamas last blog post..Tidbits and Where I’ll Be Until Next Week

  22. Sharon Avatar

    That’s some bump Veronica, I was only that big at 25 weeks! Are they sure there isn’t another one hiding in there? πŸ™‚

    Love to see you have started Amy on kitchen duties already. I used to get mine to wash the vegetables, don’t think
    I could have trusted them with that pestle and mortar though….

  23. Mommy Lingers Avatar
    Mommy Lingers

    wow amy is so cute – gets it off her father !!

  24. river Avatar

    I haven’t watched the video yet, I’ll get to it after I finish eating. Because eating and laughing together can lead to choking. The other pictures are great. Your tummy is HUGE.

  25. river Avatar

    That is SO cute! I watched it twice. Nathan has a nice voice.

  26. lceel Avatar

    I see that cute little face and say to myself, “SHE is going to give her mommy fits, that one is.” Good luck, Darlin’. Glad you are feeling some better. Hang in there.

    lceels last blog post..Old and slow vs young and quick

  27. Angela Avatar

    Cute belly shot! And I love the pic with Amy’s face covered with food!

    Vinegar spray, huh? Homemade – what’s in it? One of my dogs vomited on the couch and I am still trying to get the stench out! Gag!

  28. Burgh Baby Avatar

    I seriously cannot believe how much you are showing already. Rock on, Buddha Belly!

    Amy? is the cute. The end.

    Burgh Babys last blog post..Go Ahead, Tell Daddy

  29. Kat Avatar

    That was fun! Loved the video, with accents… bummer about youtube – it is slow sometimes, but should work eventually, so hope we’ll get to see another one. Bellybaby cuteness too. Very glad you are feeling better.

    Kats last blog post..Better Babies

  30. em.s Avatar

    wow. that’s a pregnancy belly – why isnt mine that big?? i eat ice cream and not enough fibre – surely i should be popping out by now (i kinda look like i might have swallowed three big mac meals, but thats it!) *Sigh* you look great BTW! last blog post..the good and the bad.

  31. DirtyLaundryDiva Avatar

    Yep, looks didoish to me!

  32. DirtyLaundryDiva Avatar

    Yep, looks didoish to me and good belly shot, sorry about the peedon couch.

  33. Mrs. C Avatar

    Oh, wow, that is a short video. And that took you half an hour to load?

    It was cute, though. Little Amy seems quite the chef!

    Mrs. Cs last blog post..Do You Understand Television?

  34. Leslie Avatar

    Oooh, that belly! I just love. I’m so, so happy for you.

    Also, the photos of Amy are adorable. And the video? LOVE it. Especially the way y’all say garlic.

    Leslies last blog post..The Skinny On Dave’s Subcutaneous Tissue

  35. Tara Avatar

    Please post more videos. Please post more videos of N’s sexy voice and sexier accent. What is it with bland Americans – we all talk the same…

    Your belly is growing. You need to post a photo of you at the end of your pregnancy with Amy – my husband would call it a toothpick that swallowed an olive LOL

    Taras last blog post..Wordless Wednesday: Hockey for Breakfast