Tomorrow I will be 21 weeks pregnant. Also tomorrow, I have my anatomy scan which should *hopefully* let us know what sex the baby is.
Once we know the sex, then Nat and I can start discussing fun things like names. Sorry about the quality of the photo, the mirror is covered with dust and dirty finger prints. A perfect example of my entire house actually.
This pregnancy makes me nervous actually. Knowing that at the end of this all I should (hopefully) have a second child at home who needs me right! now! mummy! along with Amy.
I know that I shouldn’t worry, because hell, things will work out eventually – I might not shower, or eat anything that doesn’t come with instructions to stick in the oven and heat, or use the toilet, but things will work out.
I am worried about things like; how am I going to manage breastfeeding in public? I have NO qualms about breastfeeding in public (and I refuse to cover the baby’s head, would you eat in an airless tent? No, me either), but I am nervous about how to go about breastfeeding in public with Amy about.
Amy gets bored very easily and I can’t see her wanting to sit still for 30 minutes while I feed her sibling.
So, my other option would be to invest in a sling that I can breastfeed in. Only, because I didn’t use a sling with Amy (yes, you can call me stupid, I wished for one ALOT) I have no idea what works with newborn babies.
Advice? Sling recommendations? Anything?
Anyway, feel free to tell me what sex you think the baby is. I will be back tomorrow evening to let you all know what the scan said.
34 responses to “21 Weeks”
looking gorgeous my girl.. just gorgeous!
For breastfeeding a ring sling is probably the easiest to manage… but really it depends on how perky your boobs are as to how easy it is to actually do. When my girls were little I made a ring sling from stretch cotton lycra which was great for breastfeeding.. the stretch held them tight enough and the ring made it adjustable to get it in just the right spot… sadly my nipples are now a tad lower than they were so it never worked with Muski…
I never had a sling………… well that’s not entirely true. I did have something that was like a back pack on your chest type sling. But it was crap. Put too much pressue on my upper back so I didn’t use it.
I’m crap at guessing the sex of babies too, so you’d better ask someone else…. like….. anyone! lol
Bettinas last blog post..Ahhhh Spring!
You should def get a sling. My youngest (12 wks) lives in hers and I would get nothing done without it as she insists on being on me 24/7 and with 3 others…. We use the wrap kind, I bought one for this bub that is made of stretchy fabric. It’s called a moby. There are a few others about but this is essentially just a really long length of high quality stretchy knit fabric which is tapered on each end and overlocked – pretty easy to make if one was so inclined or knew someone who was – otherwise about 60 bucks online.
Wow, look at that gorgeous bump!!!
Mine hated his sling, so we ended up with a baby bjorn, which he loved, but you can’t nurse in it. If I can find that sling (I may have sold it or given it away when we moved?), I’ll put it in the package… with your NEW SHIRT. I can’t keep it a secret. Its so cool. =)
KATs last blog post..Ivy Update
Love you baby bump!
Can’t wait to find out the gender. 🙂
I’ve heard that slings make breastfeeding really comfie in public.
Sarcastic Moms last blog post..Welcome home, stranger!
I don’t know anything about slings except they look comfy, keep your hands free, and I wish I’d had one.
I still say you’re having a boy.
Ivy and Noah lived in slings for ohhh the first 18 months.
I have one, you can have.
I’m with River, I think it’s a boy.
tiffs last blog post..Approved!
i am very undecided atm..
originally i thought girl now i am not so sure.. :S..
i will go and have a sit.. and come to back to it i think.. hehe
Tazs last blog post..45 Weeks Old
sorry hun..
had to go..
will let ya know later what i think..
Tazs last blog post..45 Weeks Old
Hello.This is first time for me to visit your site.
It is exciting thing to know the gender of the baby. Do you know which it is now?
I’m happy if you link to my site.It is written in Japanese(some of the words are English) but show pictures.
I say boy. As for the sling, I never used one. I have huge boobs (not saying this proudly), and I would have suffocated my poor babies had I tried. You look so way cute pregnant!!!!!
Debs last blog post..Cough drops, gum, candy, and ass cream
Slings are great!! I had them for my babies. I also loved the back carrier I had when they got older!
You look fabulous!! I originally thought you were having a boy, but now … I’m not so sure.
I can’t wait to find out though!!
Jenn FLs last blog post..Ike and the Rain Bands
i am going to go with BOY!!
but i am not a 100% on it..
good luck tomoz.. 🙂
Tazs last blog post..45 Weeks Old
I love that picture. You can see that your belly button is popping out. That is so cute!! Healthy. I am praying for healthy. Boy, girl or otherwise – just healthy.
lceels last blog post..An Award and The Aging Man
I can’t make reco’s on a sling, only that I wished that I had one when the girlie was a baby. Would have made things easier too, mind you my boy was a little older.
Just wanted to comment on what a wonderful person you are, and I just LOVE your baby bump … so cute. You’re looking gorgeous.
PS: I’m guessing it’s a boy as from this angle it looks like you’re carrying very forward and low.
Karen MEGs last blog post..Wordless Wednesday – Firsts
I’ve absolutely no input for your questions, but I just want to point out that I think you may very well be pregnant.
Ignore Mad Karen MEG, it’s a girl, we all know it.
Xbox4NappyRashs last blog post..The bushel and the camel’s back
First, you look gorgeous.
Second, I think it’s a boy. Your belly is very pointy, like mine was with Oscar.
Third, I heard the Moby wrap sling is ESSENTIAL with the second, particularly if you have a toddler, but I don’t know how it works for breastfeeding.
Can’t wait to hear the news!
Jennis last blog post..Wordless Wednesday #3: Oscar’s Beach Photo Shoot (Oh, Yes, I Did)
Awww. What a pretty little baby belly!
I’m guessing boy. Since I have three boys I assume everyone has boys. 😉
Kathryns last blog post..Let’s Make A Deal
I was never able to find a sling or carrier that worked for me with either child. It was actually easier to nurse the second one in public for some reason. Max worked as something of a distraction so I didn’t feel like all eyes were on me..
I’m going to try a sling this time, although I have no clue what kind to get.
FYI- just got my first real kick today!
nikkis last blog post..I am so cool by association
I think its a gril. I used the ero it worked wonders
Suzies last blog post..Wordless Wednesday
I think, another girl 😛
I’ve never used a sling, just didn’t have the money for one, just google away – there are so many options!
Amy will be a little older than Zack was when the little one is born, you’ll be surprised how quickly she’ll figure out how things ‘go’ once bub is born. 🙂
Love the baby bump!
Marylins last blog post..Milestones! (Zack edition)
I used a sling a lot. I breastfed in public a lot. But I can’t remember if I used the sling while breastfeeding. I guess I did. I’m so dumb though. I almost turned around to my now seven-year-old son to ask him if I did or not. Yeah, like he’d remember.
I agree that it would be hard to breastfeed while also having to take care of a toddler. I guess it’s done though……
I do remember walking while breastfeeding. Maybe that’s something you can do. Walk around with Amy and breastfeed the baby at the same time.
Dinas last blog post..I Found Something in Which We Disagree
I’m betting on a boy. 😉
Rees last blog post..Addictions? Me?
I bet it is a boy.
Megans last blog post..Cookie and a Condom
Almost everyone thinks boy. But I think it’s a girl. Just a feeling. I hope I win the prize (there is a prize right??) 🙂
Tonis last blog post..Where have I been?
I have a feeling its a girl but I think a boy would be a nice change for you and special for Amy. I still love my brother to bits!
I can’t wait to find out the baby’s sex! I couldn’t wait with either of my children, either!!
A pouch is user friendly, but I never found it good for nursing. I could nurse pretty well in a ring sling, but they have a learning curve (not that you couldn’t do it – just that they have a learning curve). I also found it pretty OK to nurse in a mei tai. I’m pretty short, so I don’t have a lot of space between my droopy boob and waist; a taller, more “petite” and smaller-breasted person would probably find nursing in a mei tai much easier. You will need a couple of nursing tops with the half-layer top OR (what I used) some good cross-over tops that allow you to pull out your boob. That worked pretty well for me – although I also had some nursing tops in the brand BOOB style.
There might be a Tassie babywearing group – you should look. I couldn’t have lived without my many MANY carriers!
Taras last blog post..Important things to know…
wow!! 21 weeks already!! that’s awesome! I’m going to guess boy. hope the scan goes perfectly!
leighs last blog post..catch up. and lots of first!
Your tummy is gorgeous.
Well now, Looks like the boys have it
I had a similar situation. Wynnie was 3, so a bit more behaved. I breastfed in the car, a LOT. Not because I was afraid to bf in public, but because I could feed Mack in the front seat and Wynnie could play with toys in the back seat and I wouldn’t have to think about running after her or begging her to sit nicely on a bench or seat.
I’d bet a sling would be awesome. Mack hated slings, so I didn’t use them very often, but I bet other babies would love it.
Hyphen Mamas last blog post..Such Good News!
That baby bump is so cute!
I use a Moby wrap. It has been absolutely fabulous.