Dave – ‘Hey Ronni! What are these?’
Veronica – ‘Condoms. Duh!’
D – ‘There are heaps here.’
V – ‘I know, we never used them.’
D – ‘They are studded! Dude!’
V – ‘You can have them if you like’ (although god knows what he will use them for. Water balloons? God, I hope so.)
D – ‘Awesome! Thanks Ronni.’
V – ‘You’re welcome.’
D – ‘I think flavoured condoms would be better for you guys anyway.’
V – ‘Uh, flavoured condoms taste like crap. Plastic crap.’ *shudder*
D – ‘No! These ones taste nice.’
[Oh god, how does he know that? Had he been trying them himself? DUUUUDE!]
V – ‘Dave, I think it is impossible for condoms to taste nice.’
D – ‘No, these ones really do…’
V – ‘Dave, if I wanted Nat to taste like something, I have a perfectly good bottle of chocolate sauce in the cupboard.’
D – ‘Dude! I didn’t need to know that!’
[David has gone green and shaky looking]
V – ‘You forget, we are trying to GET pregnant, not PREVENT pregnancy.’
D – ‘Uh…um…uh…’
V – ‘That was so worth it to see your face. Keep the condoms.’
D – ‘Uh, thanks.’
V – ‘You’re welcome.’
Disclaimer. I promise tomorrow I will be back to talking about regular fluffy (ie: not sex) stuff. No wait, actually I can’t make that promise. You know, something might come up that needs sharing.
19 responses to “A Conversation With My Brother”
Tell your mom that Dave needs to go home.
witchypoo’s last blog post..The Drive to Crazy? Not a Long One
the joys of siblings lol..
Taz’s last blog post..i just couldnt help myself..
LOL – the joys of teenage boys – I have a vague sense of de ja vu that I dreamed someone was giving my son condoms ( the youth centre – where a friend who is also amother of 1 yr old twins) does … I hope he doesn’t need them for a long time nor Dave.
Trish’s last blog post..A favour for Tiff
LMAO! I can just imagine the look on his face š
Jenty’s last blog post..Going to work is so hard some days
LOL you so have to keep these blog posts to embarrass him with when he’s older! š
Marylin’s last blog post..Ooooh!
You gotta watch out for the whole choclate staining thing. Now he’ll really know for sure.
Suzie’s last blog post..Feel Free To Hum Along
hahahahah. It does serve him right.
Ree’s last blog post..Calm and Serene
Really, how the hell does he know what they taste like?
Burgh Baby’s Mom’s last blog post..This Can’t Be Good
zomg! What is it with you guys and blow jobs anyway? You definitely can’t get pregnant that way. Unless you spit it out and then…
I’m stopping now.
Memarie Lane’s last blog post..Parts is Parts
[…] I giggled like a maniac over Veronica’s conversation with her brother. […]
here goes… WTF is a STUDDED condom?
like a Dolly Parton blouse or something?
Xbox4NappyRash’s last blog post..Being a prick (part one)
How old is your brother? And why, really, does he know what flavored condoms taste like? And what are studded condoms? Are the studs copper or steel? Do Hell’s Angels use that kind?
Kat’s last blog post..Sigh…
get a condom and put some toothpaste in it and there you have chewing gum. I’m so smart sometimes .
Old Knudsen’s last blog post..The Pooka Made Me Do It
He shouldn’t have asked the questions if he didn’t want to know the answers…. lol
Widdle Shamrock’s last blog post..Smiley Saturday
Bahahaha… yep, another LMFAO moment.
Studded… DON’T USE THEM!!!
They hurt like all get out. And irritate the ‘area’
I would so loved to have seen the look on the little brother’s face. Priceless, m’dear. You’ve done it again. Champagne humour at its finest!
Anja’s last blog post..Fridays are just dumb ass.
wateva von it wasnt like that, biatch!!
ur lil brother’s last blog post..Favourite photo Friday (on Saturday)
LOL, that was funny!
Tiffany’s last blog post..Home.
My son took a box of condoms to school once to participate in sex-ed question and answer time. He was 11. The teacher only used one to demonstrate (on a plastic model, god knows where he got that from), the rest were used in a water balloon fight at lunchtime.
lmao!! Well done. well done!!
Bettina’s last blog post..Iām so stupid