It’s Nathan’s birthday today, he turned 26. We had a small spread for dinner (dip, baguettes, cake) and we will be having his family come up Saturday to celebrate properly with yummy food and company.
Happy Birthday sweetheart, I love you.
Amy’s dummy weaning is going fantastically of a day (she never did have a dummy much of a daytime anyway), sort of okay at bedtime (screaming, crying, wailing, lots of anger) and fucking shithouse over night (3am inconsolable. World is ending for hours on end).
Tomorrow will be better.
I have been feeling faint and dizzy and just generally unwell. I still have morning sickness, but it seems unrelated to that. I haven’t been able to eat anything other than salad lately so I don ‘t think I have been getting enough iron. Anyone know anything about anaemia in pregnancy? I will be asking my doctor about it sometime this week, as well as getting him to run blood tests.
Needless to say it makes standing up for more than 2 minutes at a time very unpleasant.
And the big news. The thing I haven’t been able to blog about yet.
My Nan was diagnosed with Lung Cancer last week, despite never smoking a cigarette in her life. We are still going through the testing phase to find out what type of cancer it is.
She has a biopsy done on Friday and then we will get the results of that biopsy on Wednesday 9th July. Hopefully from there we will know what we are dealing with exactly and what kind of treatment is available.
From what the CT scan seemed to show, she has a primary tumour 2.5cmx3cm in her left lung and then lots of small ‘nodules’ of cancer spread through both lungs. However, the specialist did say that CT scans aren’t the best thing for showing everything possible.
It kind of feels like we have been kicked in the teeth.
So, if I miss a few days posting, or don’t comment on you for a while, this is why. I only have so much energy and some days I need it all to keep myself together and functioning.
I’m trying to keep it together and so is Mum. Head over and see her too okay?
36 responses to “A Mismatched Post and a Confession”
So sorry to hear about your Nan… hope there may be some good news among her coming tests.
Happy birthday to your good man, and look after yourself….
Oh and if it helps any.. it took one of my girls knocking her three front teeth out to finally ditch the dummy, at age four.. the other I had to get tinkerbelle to buy them off her!
katefs last blog post..Big Questions…
i am so with you on the morning sickness..
happy birthday to Nathan..
best of luck with Amy..
thinking of you.. re your Nan..
Tazs last blog post..Weekly Winners..
Happy Birthday Nathan! Hope you have a great day!
Anemia in pregnancy is pretty common, they’ll probably give you some iron tablets to help out.
I’m so sorry about your Nan sweety, (((huge hugs))). I hope the results are, well, as positive as they can be?
Oh I am so sorry about Nan. That sucks. Sending hugs and prayers…
I am going through the whole binky battle too. That sucks as well.
Please try to lay down and get some rest at some point. The not feeling well is only worse when you have so much stress.
Sending more hugs and prayers…
HRHs last blog post..At this pace buying stock in crocs is a sure bet…
Hey there. I’d been thinking of you and wondering what’s up with everyone. Sad as I am for Nan, I’m glad she has family that cares so deeply for her. Imagine going it alone!
Yes, I’ve heard of lung cancer happening without smoking. BTW, maybe now would be the time to test your respective homes for radon. Just in case. I’m not saying that to worry you, just to cover all the bases so to speak. But even then, sometimes stuff just happens. Sigh. I’m sorry.
Mrs. Cs last blog post..Little Bunny Foo-Foo.
I am so sorry about your Nan. I just left your Mum’s site and she is not processing very well right now. I’m sure this is hard for all of you. I am praying.
I’m sorry about your Nan hon. I hope that the official verdict offers some hope.
Bettinas last blog post..Where to start…………
Positive thoughts for your Nan, your mum and yourself.
Happy Birthday Nathan, old bastard.
Xbox4NappyRashs last blog post..Bring a friend
That’s no good you’re not feeling very brilliant 🙁
OMG your Nan. Keep strong for her. I posted stuff on Kims blog, so the same goes for you, too. Take care of you so you can take care of your mum and your Nan
Oh, sweetie, I’m so so sorry to hear about your Nan. My love and good thoughts. Always
Rees last blog post..The Hotlight burned out?
Sorry to hear your sad news,my thoughts are with you all 🙁
Jaynes last blog post..Food
I am sorry, too, to hear about your Nan. I hope that the tests have better news and that the treatment goes well… love
maiden53s last blog post..Le Duck Chateux
My mom was diagnosed a couple years ago, and she’s never touched a cigarette either. And every source of information she’s looked at just tells her to quit smoking.
As for the dizzyness and such, it sounds to me like you have blood sugar issues. That used to be a HUGE problem for me and has recently become a problem again. When you feel like that try eating a handful of nuts or a boiled egg. If that helps, it’s definitely a blood sugar thing. It’s a real pain when I’m out with friends and I tell them I need to eat something and they say “okay, let’s head over to a lunch place after we’re done here. And I’m like “No, I need to eat RIGHT NOW or I’m going to FAINT!” And I will. So I have to carry packets of nuts with me at all times.
Memarie Lanes last blog post..Like, Verily!
BTW it’s emphysema my mom was diagnosed with, not cancer. Just realized I left that bit out.
Memarie Lanes last blog post..Like, Verily!
I’m so sorry to hear about your Nan. I will send all the good thoughts I possibly can her way.
Kellys last blog post..Magazine Photo Shoot–by Stryder
Happy Birthday Nathan (late June is a very fine time to be born, speaking from one who knows) I hope you had a lovely time.
I am so sorry to hear about your Nan. I will be thinking about you all. *hugs*
So very sorry to hear about your Nan.
As for anemia, I had a mild case of it during my pregnancy. If it was mild, I don’t want to know a full-blown case. Basically I felt like my heart would flutter when I tried to exert myself at all – like walk from the car and stand in the grocery store shopping. It also seriously inhibited my ability to exercise (as you can imagine) and that was hard, and led to more weight gain. Nip it in the bud if you can!
They’ll tell you iron supplements, but I know lean red meat is the best source for iron. And the body absorbs animal iron sources better than that derived from vegetables, like kale.
Good luck with everything.
Amys last blog post..June Days :: 30
Gosh, sorry about your Nan… I hope you get some positive news on the 9th.
Are you taking vitamins young lady? You could try drinking ensure or something similar- it supplies in liquid form all the calories and minerals you need when you are unable to eat. Just a though…
Sorry to hear about your Nan.
I have iron anemia as well and have to take iron pills. Definately have your doctor run a blood test to check. If you are taking prenatal vitamins they should have iron in them as well.
i hope you feel better soon and get better news about your Nan. Good luck with the weaning. we are planning on doing that soon with our daughter.
Leighs last blog post..catch up
AORRy to hear about your nan 🙁
kaylees last blog post..Wonderful Birthday
I am SO so sorry to hear about your Nan. I’m keeping you all in my thoughts. I’ll head over to your mom’s.
Stay strong with the dummy removal. It’ll work out very soon.
Hyphen Mamas last blog post..Award Worthy?
Sorry to hear about your Nan. Hope your man has a nice birthday and you start feeling better soon!
(((HUGS))) I’m so sorry about your Nan.
Happy birthday to Nathan.
Jentys last blog post..Inside a Pink Lily
Oh V, I’m so sorry to hear about your Nan. My thoughts and prayers are with her and your family. Please take care of yourself too.
Hope Nathan has a lovely Birthday.
Happy Birthday, Nathan.
The weaning – a few friends told us it would take three days of not sleeping well, but it took a full 10 days. I just reminded him every time he woke up that he was a big boy now. He hated me for a while there. But it does come to an end.
The iron – I was low on iron when I was pregnant. Found a good supplement to take and that helped a LOT.
Your Nan – so sorry to hear it. I don’t know what else to say. Thinking about you all.
Kats last blog post..Weekly Winners
First off – Happy Birthday Nathan. 🙂
Iron tablets are a must, especially when you have experienced such prolonged morning sickness. Ask your doctor about iron tablets that don’t give you constipation. That’s the last thing you need.
Yay for the dummy weaning.
(hugs) about your Nan. That is rough, especially as she hasn’t smoked. I hope it’s not as serious as it sounds.
Anjas last blog post..You can’t keep a bad bitch down.
Happy Birthday Nathan, Hang in there Amy and I said a prayer for your nan. The good always comes with the bad.
Just get some rest. (If possible)
Happy birthday Nathan !!!!
Hope tonight is better for you with Amy.
Hope you get to the bottom of your unwellness.
Prayers for your Nan.
Widdle Shamrocks last blog post..The Mystery of the missing shoe
Thanks guys for all the support, I really appreciate it. It’s a shitty shitty thing.
Nathan had a good birthday (I think). He still had to go to work though, poor boy!
I tried to get a doctors appointment for this week, but the doctor was booked out entirely. Do you think everyone else may possibly have been a touch annoyed at how things were when he was gone too? Heh.
And the dummy weaning, ugh. It is the middle of winter and bitterly cold here so I am not loving having to get out of bed numerous times a night. Rest assured though she will not be having a dummy ever again. I might have to wean her off sleeping with me, but she won’t have a dummy.
Hi Veronica,
Happy Birthday Nathan.
Good luck with tonight’s bedtime battle, been there and it ain’t much fun! Get your blood pressure checked (sooner rather than later) as that can cause dizzyness. Could also be a viral infection as your resistance is low at the moment.
So sorry about your Nan, I lost my Dad to Mesothelioma and my younger sister to Breast Cancer. I am doing well after my second primary breast cancer, so, hopefully there will be some treatment for your Nan that will help. Multiple shit usually happens when you are least prepared to deal with it. Hang in there, you are going to get through all of this.
Firstly, Veronica. I am so sorry. There is not alot else to say. I am thinking of you and you Mum and your Nan.
happy birthday to Nathan,
With the dizziness. Your BP is probably low too. Even though you can’t eat much, you should try to keep up your fluids. That will help to keep your blood pressure up and help with the dizziness too.
Can you take iron? I know some women get to a point in their anaemia when the iron makes them sick as well. If you can, try FGF with a couple of vitamin C chasers (it helps with absorbtion and stops constipation).
If you can’t stomach the tablets, most health stores stock a liquid iron (I can’t remember the name, will have to get back to on that one)you can get. It is flora based, so easily ingested and doesn’t taste too foul.
tiffs last blog post..Weekly Winners – hospital, hometime and birthdays, Oh my!
Oh, sweetie. You know I <3 you and your family is in my prayers. Take care of yourself.
Sarcastic Moms last blog post..So cute, you’ll vomit.
So sad about your Nan. It’s possible your not feeling well could also be related to the stress you’re feeling over Nan. Here’s a list of iron rich foods, try to include some of them in your salads maybe? Bananas, sesame seeds, (I eat these daily in my porridge)eggs, walnuts, apricots, peaches, raisins, prunes, sunflower seeds, parsley, onions and spinach. Meat, of course, which everyone knows, but also poultry, fish and oysters. Liver and kidneys are excellent if you like that type of thing. For energy levels try a teaspoonful of Malt Extract daily. It has most of the B vitamins in it.
A couple of things I forgot. A serve of red meat doesn’t have to be a huge steak or a plate full of chops. A tablespoon sized piece a day (maybe a LITTLE larger) is easier to get through and would probably be enough.
Happy Birthday Nathan.
Happy Birthday to Nathan and big smootchy hugs to you and your mum.
Kelleys last blog post..Of twits and twats Tuesday
fucking cancer. it sucks balls. sweaty hairy ones.
my dad smoked for the better part of 50 years. no cancer in his lungs, his was elsewhere.
Dawns last blog post..Red Tent Alert