I was standing in the bathtub wearing nothing but a bra and track pants when Nathan got home from work this afternoon. Bear in mind that I am about ready to pop, so it can’t have been the sexiest thing he has ever seen.
But I suppose you need some back story.
Dinner tonight was going to be a throw together meal of chicken boccocini. I tend to boil the chicken first so that when I cook it the second time it isn’t A) overtly fatty and B) likely to end up raw in the middle. I have a tendency to poke things while they are cooking, which sausages? Fine. A pot of boiling chicken with bright orange fat floating on the surface? Not so fine. Being the clumsy pregnant woman that I am, I managed to splash myself with bright orange fat.
Not such a big deal, say, if I was wearing one of Nathan’s t-shirts. Instead I was in one of my only (fitting) maternity tops and so I freaked out a little and ran to the bathroom to rub it with soaker and get it in the washing machine.
Trust me, I am not that anal on any other given day.
I rinsed the top in Amy’s bathwater and then realised just how grubby the bath tub was.
And being approximately eleventy months pregnant, I decided that I just couldn’t live with a grotty bathtub for a moment more.
Up until that point, I always thought that the idea of a pregnant woman scrubbing her bathtub by hand was a sort of myth. Not true apparently, because dude, you should have seen me.
I will just remind you I was wearing nothing but a bra and track pants at this point. Perfect bathtub cleaning garments.
I started off just scrubbing with a face washer and Amy’s soapy water. I quickly realised that it was useless (unless I had of wanted to scrape the crud off with my fingernails and honestly, I just wasn’t that committed) and moved on to the big guns.
Bicarbonate Soda.
The BEST cleaning product ever.
And I just happened to have bought 2 bags the other day at the supermarket. Prophetic? Probably.
I grabbed a scrubber, threw some bi-carb in the now empty bath and went to town.
45 minutes later, the bath tub was cleaner than I had ever seen it. I was just rinsing all the bi-carby bits down the drain (Bi-carb. Also good for unblocking drains) when Nathan walked in the door and caught me in all my glory.
After his ‘What on earth ARE you doing?’ question, he laughed. And then spent the next 10 minutes snickering at me.
All I can say? Let’s hope that the whole myth of NEEDING to scrub the bath right before you go into labour is not actually a myth. I could definitely handle having this baby out where I can hug and hold him already.
Because if he decides to hang around in there much longer, not only will I need a helluva lot more chocolate in order to cope, but I might decide the bathtub needs cleaning again.
And I’m not sure I could handle that.
36 responses to “All Shiny Clean Now”
For the love of all that is holy DO NOT scrub the friggin bath, girl! Your pelvis. I’m such a hypocrite. The day I went into labour with my 4th I cleaned windows and the tops of my kitchen cupboards. A clean bath is very satisfying.
Alis last blog post..Mmmmmm, you smell flame-grilled
I cleaned the bathtub too….and the insides of all the cupboards. And I carried a dresser down to the basement by myself because it had to be done RIGHT NOW.
badness joness last blog post..Silver Linings
Oh that dangerous moment – when you know darn it you need rest now more than ever but are overwhelmed by the desire for everything to be just right.
jeanies last blog post..Predictababble
oh, yes…that baby is on the way… the overwhelming need to clean is a SURE sign!!
Good luck, holding thumbs for you
Pias last blog post..Happy Happy Happy
good luck..
might get to my bath tub tomorrow.. π
Tazs last blog post..63 Weeks Old and 5 Weeks Old
I didn’t get a chance to nest before I went into labor – I DID, however, come home from the hospital and immediately (even with all of the stitches holding my insides in…and no, I didn’t have a C-section), and vacuum every bit of our house.
Unfortunately, we didn’t have a real vacuum cleaner. It was more of a canister vac with a hose and no handle. Just the hose.
Picture me crawling around on the floors, with a vacuum hose dragging the canister behind me.
Cute, eh?
Much like you must have been.
Rees last blog post..Mute Monday – W
Goodness, the nesting sure is strong with you! I wonder if you’d have walked to the shops to get some bicarb if you hadn’t had any (and yes, I know they’re all miles away). I bet you would have considered it!
Barbaras last blog post..4/365 – Close Up
Push, PUSH!!
lceels last blog post..Habituated
Well, if all this is true. Me being pregnant will be the best thing that ever happened to my house. Because I am a lazy pile of bones at the moment.
I hope to hear labor news soon. π
Let the nesting begin!
Bobbis last blog post..Hangover Helper
Hmmm chicken….
Xbox4NappyRashs last blog post..Bear in mind…
Oh LOL! I can just imagine. But thanks for the tip on bi-carb, I think I’ll try that one on the kids bath!
Jeanettes last blog post..Fun at the Lion Park
Could you please come over and do that to my tub
Suzies last blog post..Catch Up
That must be my problem…not pregnant = not caring about the icky soap scummy bathtub.
Here’s hoping you explode with gestational fluids IMMEDIATELY!
Cats last blog post..How Not to Take Control of Your Life
Ooh, goody goody….signs of an imminent labor approaching! Of course, “imminent” being in the eye of the beholder, or rather, the fledgling infant, I’ve got my fingers and toes crossed for you in hopes that the child decides to make an appearance ASAP. For your sake and for the sake of your household appliances, which might otherwise be feeling your wrath in the interim. Happy Birthing! =)
I’ve had this urge lately to nest, but am not pregnant. I wonder if it’s because the last time my house was really clean was 2.5 years ago when I WAS pregnant. Just think how long the clean bathtub will last!
Hyphen Mamas last blog post..Poor, Poor Cinderella
I so know where you are coming from! Did the same thing with all my kids – when the second came 2 weeks early, I was in denial. Kept saying “but i have two more weeks, look at all the stuff I still have to clean! I CAN’T have the baby NOW.” Then my hubby reminded me how ready I was to sleep without the belly, and I was good to go. lol.
Hehehe omg Veronica, I totally love you – you’ve totally brightened up my day with this story!
I really hope the wee dude shows himself soon – for your bath’s sake if nothing else!
[note to self – buy bicarb to clean the bath!]
Marylins last blog post..Weekly Winners #1 (for 2009)
When I was nesting with Bear, I cleaned the KNOBS ON THE OVEN. Yes – that bad. And I moved all the furniture around – TWICE. You are well on your way babe!
Tonis last blog post..Still living…
You could always scrub the floors next. Hands-and-knees position is very good for labor π We need some new photos, too!
Taras last blog post..Bowl me over!
I am just about to clean my bathtub, but only because we have visitors coming. I can still reach it all easily as belly doesnt get in the way too much. Judging from your photos of your massive baby bump (I am still thinking, ‘Will I really get that big? Wow……..’ ) you would have looked really funny! So I have bathtub cleaning to look forward to! I have a spotless house today just so I can enjoy it for awhile….maybe I should take some photos….
You’ve got to be getting close now then to be scrubbing the bathtub! lol
Mistress Bs last blog post..Welcome to our new home!
Have you done the cleaning the grout between the tiles with an old toothbrush yet? Or, if Nathan is still laughing at you, use his toothbrush! I tried everything when I was at the supposed end of my pregnancies although it didn’t work. We did have the cleanest house ever on both occasions though π He will come out to play when he’s ready – or when the Dr at the hospital gives him a bit of encouragement. Enjoy these last days with Amy as a singleton, as you won’t get another chance. Take photos with the new camera, make cakes with the super-duper mixer – I’m very jealous of that one – and try to relax.
Beware the sudden spurt of energy, followed by quiet moments of introspection. At full term, this often means a baby in a couple of days. Get that bag packed.
You are surely nesting my love, yay soon I will be a Great Grand Mother again….maybe tomorrow????
If cleaning your own bath doesn’t make you pop, I have a bath and a few other things that could do with a scrub while you’re at it! Now mix a tablespoon of bicarb with 30ml of orange juice and 30ml of castor oil, and swig it quickly (its not all that tasty) and see if that won’t bring on your labour!
PS The witches brew occasionally does work and we would give the recipe to all the overdue women at the birth centre I used to work in. Being your not yet overdue don’t blame me if it doesn’t work π
M & Bs last blog post..Resigning to the fact…
Tub scrubbing? Oh, he’s coming, alright.
Jennis last blog post..On Our Own
I know how the urge to clean the grime can overtake you. Just the other day while in the shower I had to scrub the tub also… Used baking soda and a sponge while the shower was running.
I love a sparkly clean tub!
Talinas last blog post..I am 4 months pregnant and trying to eat better, it is hard!
Before you pop, how about you just saunter over to my house and put a little of that scrubby scrubby action to work on my tub? No? Darn.
Burgh Babys last blog post..Not Exactly What I Would Call "Layering"
I hope the Bicarb scrub has worked and that you are having a baby as I am typing this.
Next time you are pregnant, how about I house you for the last four weeks, then you can go to twon on my bathroom…
C’mon, that’s not a bad idea, I’ll offer my midwifery services up for your cleaning frenzy.
tiffs last blog post..A fairy funny breakfast.
it is in fact a fact that you can not have a baby and come home to a dirty tub.
OH MAN I HOPE YOU GO SOON,,,or you could come do MY tubs.
Just a moms last blog post..1,775th POST SO YOUR HEAD IS GUNNA FEEL LIKE MINE NOW,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
You are definitely *nesting*. I never felt the need to clean, but all of my friends have. Trust me, you’re having that baby SOON. Hooray! I hope everything goes smoothly and easily.
Joyce-Annes last blog post..PTA and all that goes with it
Oh yeah, that baby’s coming. Maybe he’s already here? Since you haven’t posted since Monday, I’m wondering…
Leslies last blog post..So You Were Born Today. La-Di-Da. Stinkerhead.
Bicarbonate Soda. Thanks for that. I guess it beats baking soda and hot water π
Enduring Wanderlusts last blog post..Recycled Masterpiece: Chandigarhβs Rock Garden
Love this story. It’s that classic case of one thing leading to another. I just hope you didn’t do anything to cause problems with teh pregnancy, however from your latest post I have a funny feeling something might have gone POP by now. Hope all is well, looking forward to the latest news…
Tonys last blog post..Where Is Your Username Registered?