I’m working on the shop website today after realising last night May is almost over.

Where did the time go? I DON’T KNOW BUT SEPTEMBER IS GETTING CLOSER hold me.

Part of getting the website ready is doing bits and pieces each week so that once September is here and the final paperwork is finalised, I don’t have to spend a week adding all the products, their descriptions and details.

This means, product shots!

And because it’s Sunday and I haven’t yet managed a proper breakfast or cup of tea yet (Eve is quite unwell and has gifted Amy and I with the plague), I thought I’d share the photos here first.

You guys like soap photos, right?


Above: Lemonade soap. Sweet and sharp, this fragrance smells exactly like lemonade in summer.

Below: Lemon hand soap – “Potter’s Soap” designed for ceramicists who constantly have their hands in and out of water, and covered with drying clay. Also good for anyone who has issues with soap drying their skin. Scented with a tart lemon smell.

Lemon Hand Soap

Lavender Hand Soap

Above: Luxurious Lavender Hand Soap – another “Potter’s Soap”

Below: Hunter’s Night soap.  This fragrance is described as “Very sexy masculine scent, with notes of exotic woods, musk, oakmoss and hints of lime and cyclamen ” – I just think it’s delicious. My whole house smells like this one. You can see the discolouration on the edges, over the next fortnight the soap should turn a glossy brown.

Hunter's Night

Wild Wild West

Above: Wild Wild West. I probably need to rename this. The fragrance: “Top notes of Tumble Weeds, Basil Leaves, and Tonka Beans; followed by middle notes of Brushed Suede, Earthy Patchouli, and Amber Stone; all sitting on manly base notes of Aged Saddle Leather, Red Cedar, and Full Musk.”

I can’t promise I can smell all those scents, but it smells smoky and sexy, with an undernote of saddles and horses.

Below: Dragon’s Blood.

I held off on buying this fragrance, worried it would be too hippy. However, I can see why it’s such a best seller for people who make soap.

Warm, woody and earthy scent, with notes of amber, vanilla, sandalwood, patchouli & light tones of powdery musks and hints of asian florals to bring out subtle spice undertones.

Dragon Blood

Unscented with beeswax

Above: An unscented soap with beeswax. There is a very faint smell of beeswax and honey in this soap still, but nothing artificial to bother people with sensitive skin.

Below: Spearmint and Eucalyptus.

Originally I thought I’d use these smells to make a scrubby foot soap, but it’s so nice I made regular bath soap with it too.

Spearmint Eucalyptus

Edited to add:

If you’re interested in being notified by email when the soap shop is about to launch, you can sign up for my email list right here. HANDY DANDY.

Veronica Foale Essentials Launch

Email Format


14 responses to “ALL THE SOAPS”

  1. zelda Avatar

    Ok you need to send me a sample of wild Wild West… i want to test it on the cowboy (real cowboy, not metaphorical) who lives next door.

  2. Kakka Avatar

    I love the name Wild Wild West, and your description certainly suits the name. I am so excited by your lemon soaps I would love to order them right now, but patience is a virtue so I will wait patiently until the official online store opens. I signed up to your newsletter.

    I wish you well with this new endeavour that brings you joy.

    Hope you all get over the lurgy soon xxx

  3. Beth Avatar

    Love this! Well done, you!

  4. BB Avatar

    I can’t wait until you have some of these for sale. They sound amazing. This is all so exciting to hear about and such a great opportunity for you to do something you enjoy and hopefully generate some income from while you’re at it. Awesome.

  5. Louisa Avatar

    they look AMAZING V!! Well done! xx

  6. Fiona Avatar

    I want the Lemonade one!!

  7. Bandwidth Bandito Avatar
    Bandwidth Bandito

    Now there’s the problem with home made soaps… they look TOO good to wash with, they are like works of art and I feel bad each time I wash a little of them down the plug hole. However this is also a valid comment on art and some works of art are specifically designed to not last forever so I guess I can take some solace in my post modernist approach to art and soap. Almost makes you want to go and get dirty….I just leave that there.

    1. Beth Avatar

      I keep my handmade soaps in my knicker drawer. Much better than a sachet!

  8. river Avatar

    They look very nice, I think the potter’s soaps would be ideal for my hands which are so very dry all the time. The lemonade one sounds great too.

  9. Anne Avatar

    They all look so pretty and I bet they smell great too 🙂

    Hope you’re all feeling better soon too xhugx

  10. Marita Avatar

    I *need* that unscented beeswax soap.

    1. Veronica Avatar

      It is weird I actually made it with you in mind?

      1. Marita Avatar

        Not weird, awesome.

  11. Krista Petrauskas Avatar
    Krista Petrauskas

    I wish you well this – and hope it grows steadily and is a success .
    The description of scents and fragrances is pleasantly *heady* and enticing – The photos are great.