Am I Allowed To Talk About This?

Remember when we all went ahead and nominated some of our favourite blogs for the bloggie awards? And how you got to opt in to be on the panel? Well, YAY. There I am. A panelist.

First up I was excited!

Yay! I get to have my say! I feel so special! I can use lots of exclamation marks to show how I felt!

Then I had a look at the categories I get to have my say in.

Sport? But I don’t read any sport blogs. Who are the sport bloggers?

Music? I love listening to music, but reading about it? Not so much.

Best Computer and Technology Blog? Oh GOD! Why me?

Have I mentioned that I have dial-up? (yes Veronica, in every other post) and that it takes aaaaaaaaaaages for pages to load? Yes? Okay, I will shut up now then. Anyways, I am at the point in the voting where I am SO OVER IT, but yet, I feel so powerful!

You? No, don’t like your layout and you are hard to read. BEEEEEEP gone.

You? You write well and you are easy to read. DING go ahead.

You see? The supreme powerfulness of my job?

The catch you ask? YES! You are with me. There is a catch and just a small one.



300 blogs on my teensy weensy computer. FUN! (Well, actually it is a whole lot of fun and I am discovering a bunch of new blogs. But shhhhhh)

So. My point you ask? Well, not really any point. Just having a whine.

I haven’t gotten around to the category I am most looking forward to though and that is the best kept secret category. Strange, but I actually know a bunch of blogs on that list. (Am I allowed to say who it is? Amiamiami?)

Anyways, I have until the 18th January to get my nominations in. I foresee either the page being left up forever, or me writing the people I like in each category down.

I don’t get a chance to vote for my own blog *sobs* because the categories I may have been nominated in are absent from my nomination list. Conspiracy? Much.

I so wanted to see who was on the list of teen bloggers too.


21 responses to “Am I Allowed To Talk About This?”

  1. Kelley Avatar

    So can I change the blog addy for the categories that I have been nominated in? Or do I have to suck up to the peeps and get them to change THAT too!!! Oh how I love my new blog but I hate this part!!! Can you check for me?

    Cause I never ever ask you for anything. *snort*

    Loves ya almost as much as chocolate!

    Oh and BTW congrats on the new power. Are you going to start calling Amy mini-me?

    Kelley’s last blog post..The jig is up.

  2. witchypoo Avatar

    So, there is no actual voting by the general blogging populace involved?

    witchypoo’s last blog post..How To Get Your Baby To Sleep, Nova Scotia Style

  3. Burgh Baby's Mom Avatar

    Are you rubbing your hands together and muttering “BEHOLD, my power is enormous!” as you read the blogs? If not, you should be.

    Burgh Baby’s Mom’s last blog post..Zoe is Scary, Y’all

  4. Ree Avatar

    Oooooh, sounds like fun. The dial-up? Not so much. You are very patient, obviously. My head would likely be through my monitor.

    Ree’s last blog post..How Toโ€ฆ

  5. Lou Avatar

    Scary thing … a woman with power!! On the other hand, they all have power. Okay – a woman with more power than most. BTW – I never answered your question – I found you through Sarcastic Mom – I think.

    Lou’s last blog post..Hello, it’s Monday already …

  6. Leslie Avatar

    Oooh, how fun! Although 300 blogs with dial-up? Not so fun. Perhaps you’ll be able to get better internet access at your new house??

    Leslie’s last blog post..Beware: This Cuckooo Is Nesting

  7. Marlee Avatar

    Wow…good luck! (And pass on the “Best Kept Secrets” to us, would you?) ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Marlee’s last blog post..10 Reasons Living with a Four-Year-Old SUCKS!

  8. Dawn Avatar

    I have the teens – and hee hee, I didn’t even know you were there cuz I hadn’t looked that close at it yet.

    Dawn’s last blog post..NaNoWriMonday – 1:9

  9. andi Avatar

    Gah! That sounds like a lot of work. You can just skip it and give the award to me (ha ha – I don’t even think I’m nominated).

    Hey, thanks for popping by my place last week.

    andi’s last blog post..A belated angry letter to the man in red

  10. Jenty Avatar

    Sounds like a massive undertaking! Good luck with the dial-up.
    Sounds very interesting though, I want some of the links to the good sites!!

    Jenty’s last blog post..First day of school

  11. Marylin Avatar

    ooh sounds fun! how do you sign up for these things!? maybe i can have a go next year ๐Ÿ˜‰ as if i don’t have enough on my plate already! lol

    Marylin’s last blog post..Last one I promise!!

  12. Elit Alice Avatar

    funny thing is, that is exactly what im doing right now, and that is exactly how i got to your page! *hinthint*
    it was funny reading this post. ๐Ÿ˜€

    Elit Alice’s last blog post..Early Valentines Day

  13. Taz Avatar


  14. Veronica Avatar

    I am sort of half way through it now. *sigh*

  15. Sandy (Momisodes) Avatar

    OMG! Thats a ton of reading!!! That is quite a powerful position you have my lady ๐Ÿ™‚

    Sandy (Momisodes)’s last blog post..I Am NOT The Dairy Queen!

  16. cookiebitch Avatar

    It truly is amazing how many blogs are out there. I feel for you, girl.
    Happy reading.

    cookiebitch’s last blog post..VIOLENCE ON AISLE 3

  17. kim aka frogpondsrock aka mum Avatar

    Let Natty read the technological blogs for you..

    just a thought.. cheers mum xox

    kim aka frogpondsrock aka mum’s last blog post..Storm in a T-Shirt..

  18. Joh Avatar

    Wow, that’s a major workload, I’m sure you’re up for it! I’m enjoying your blog.

  19. Tiffany Avatar

    Congrats on becoming a woman of great power…maybe I should say a woman of greater power because, of course, you are the boss in the house…just like me !

    Tiffany’s last blog post..Here comes the sunโ€ฆ

  20. Candy Avatar

    May I suggest a trip to the local library, where you could probably pound them out in a couple of hours?

    Candy’s last blog post..Itโ€™s Friday, and that meansโ€ฆ

  21. Sarcastic Mom Avatar

    I think you should take that last part as very good news, dear.

    There’s probably a reason why you didn’t get to vote on that one.

    Also? I have LOTS OF CHOCOLATE. *wink, wink*

    Sarcastic Mom’s last blog post..Get your Wednesday here, on Thursdays!