Amy-isms and Pregnancy Update

by Veronica on June 11, 2008

in Life

Amy today with my hand in hers

Roundey roundey darden
[mumble mumble] teddy bear!
One tep, two tep,
Tickle tickle tickle!


Round and round the graden,
Like a teddy bear,
One step, two step,
Tickle under there! ]


Amy: ‘Mumeeeee!’

Me: ‘What?’

Amy: ‘I tucked!’

Me: ‘Are you stuck?’

Amy: ‘STUCK!’

Me: ‘Okay, I’m coming.’

[She was standing on top of the dryer. Again]

Amy: ‘Mumeeee! Yay! Jump!’

Me: ??? *catches leaping daughter*

Amy: ‘Yay! Tiss?’

Me: ‘Kiss.’

Amy: ‘Okay, go down now.’


[Last night at 1am]


Me: Stumbling to her bedroom. ‘Come here, have a cuddle, do you need a drink?’


Me: ‘Here, have a cuddle and then lay down.’


Amy: ‘Do ‘way! Noweeeee, OUT OUT OUT DET [get] OUT’

Me: Sigh. ‘Lay back down then.’

Amy: Screams. ‘No touchy me! Owwwww hurts! NO YOU DET OUT’

Me: ??? Spends the nect 10 mins patting her back while she screams at me to ‘do ‘way no touch ME’, but screams worse when I leave.

Amy: Sigh, snuffle ahhhhhhh. Falls asleep.

[Repeat every half hour until 4.30am when I gave Nurofen]

Sigh, damn teeth.


‘Mumeeeee, I poooed!’

(I hear the sounds of Amy removing her nappy, sadly I am not fast enough to get to her before her nappy falls off)

‘Ewwwwwww! Pooooooooey!’

I grab the nappy and discover…. a slightly wet nappy with one pea in it. Obviously she dropped a pea down her pants during dinner and thought she had pooped. Not sure whether to be proud, or scared that her first instinct is to remove a poopy nappy herself. She still refuses to sit on her potty though, claiming it ‘hurssss legs!’. Will be buying a new potty sooner rather than later.


So, lots of talking lately and lots of development. She counts to 5 alone and further if I am helping. She finds nursery rhymes [aside from Round the Garden] boring and would prefer to dance to whatever music is on shuffle. She sings to Nirvana and Metallica and can head bang as well, although I have no idea who she learnt that from.

I am 8 weeks pregnant tomorrow and still haven’t been able to get an appointment at the doctors to schedule another ultrasound. Not because the doctor is busy, but because everytime I ring I get an answering machine and then I forget to ring back. Sigh.

The pregnant exhaustion has set in and I find myself feeling like a train wreck most of the time. I am napping when Amy naps and staying in bed later of a morning (thankyou Nathan) but I still feel fucked. And I am still spending alot of time retching.

Ah well, it will pass.


Taz June 11, 2008 at 9:58 pm


the joys of mother hood..

i really hope the morning sickness stops soon hun..

take care ok..

wow Amy seems to of gotten taller..

Tazs last blog very cute.. (two teeth showing too) 🙂

witchypoo June 11, 2008 at 10:31 pm

I would love to know how Amy manages to get on top of the dryer. Is it possible that she is getting even more adorable?

witchypoos last blog post..Ask Witchypoo: Cyber Energy and the Afterlife

tiff June 11, 2008 at 10:33 pm

um, aren’t you supposed to feel f*cked? I mean, isn’t that how you get pregnant???? Am I missing something here.

Sorry. Not funny, you’re right.

Sorry you are feeling so sick but a sick pregnancy is a good pregnancy, as they say…incidently, I bet ‘they’ are male…

Amy is very cute. i think she would get on well with Ivy and Noah.

tiffs last blog post..Another midwifery story.

nikki June 11, 2008 at 10:57 pm

I love listening to kids jumble their words when they start talking. She is such a cutie.

nikkis last blog post..Nip it in the bud

Secret Agent Mama June 11, 2008 at 11:41 pm


Congrats on the pregnancy, Sweetheart!

Secret Agent Mamas last blog post..Wordless Wednesday

Taz June 12, 2008 at 1:56 am


not sure on her baby being a boy Tiff… hehe..

i was very sick when i was pregnant.. and ended up in hospital a few times.. due to not being able to eat and drink.. cos it just wouldnt stay down.. heh..

i had a girl.. lol..

this time i am feeling fighting fit.. so hmm.. possible BOY!!! hahaha..

sorry veronica..

Tazs last blog very cute.. (two teeth showing too) 🙂

Dirty Laundry Diva June 12, 2008 at 4:14 am

How on earth does she get on top of the dryer? You must video this for us!

Dirty Laundry Divas last blog post..Mr. NewscasterHottie and Guest

Marylin June 12, 2008 at 4:19 am

Ahh it’s so much fun being a pregnant mother to a toddler… not. Amy must be the same age Zack was when I was first pregnant – not too bad actually once the 2nd trimester ‘glow’ (otherwise known as so fucking happy I’m not being sick nymore face) kicks in.

It will end, then you’ll have a lovely little newborn to keep you up as well as Amy! 😛

Marylins last blog post..Ah gotz mah kitteh!

lceel June 12, 2008 at 4:37 am

You know, I was going to say the same thing but Tiff beat me to it. Of COURSE you feel fucked. DUH!

lceels last blog post..I found fatboy

Xbox4NappyRash June 12, 2008 at 6:12 am

‘They’ are not male.

‘It’ is female….

Xbox4NappyRashs last blog post..It’s definitely number four officer

Sandy (Momisodes) June 12, 2008 at 7:03 am

Ugh, so sorry to hear she woke up every hour 🙁

Hope the sickness subsides soon. Glad to hear you’re resting up when you can!

Sandy (Momisodes)s last blog post..Adaptation

Jenn June 12, 2008 at 8:37 am

I hope she sleeps better tonight for you, and I hope you start feeling better soon !

SusanB June 12, 2008 at 9:52 am

This period is just SO much fun for listening to the hilarious and adorable things they say! Thanks for sharing Amy’s, supercute. 😉

Oh, except for the whole middle of the night wailing thing…not so fun…

Hope that part goes more smoothly in the future! Sorry if my comment is sort of lackluster. Something to do with being up in the night with my almost-2-year-old…

SusanBs last blog post..The problem is…

Hyphen Mama June 12, 2008 at 12:28 pm

Seriously, can she be any cuter? I mean, how can you not love a kid who’s on top of the dryer AND has great conversations AND can count! Who could possibly tell her ‘no’? Well, not me, which is why my kids rule the roost around here.

Hyphen Mamas last blog post..Dear Mother Nature

Bettina June 12, 2008 at 3:46 pm

Yes, it will pass. Eventually. 😛 😉

I’m full of comfort for you today aren’t I?


Bettinas last blog post..Doubt much?

river June 12, 2008 at 4:44 pm

She’s talking so well now.
My kids also thought nursey rhymes were boring and preferred radio and tv music to dance to.

Sharon June 12, 2008 at 7:56 pm

This is such a magic age and it passes oh so quickly! Enjoy. She is a real cutie Veronica.

Only another 7 months or so to go and then it will end lol! Of course you’ll have TWO little cherubs to get up to after that Motherhood is a wonderful thing.

Mrs. C June 12, 2008 at 9:02 pm

That’s great she can do all those things! What a smartie!

Kelley June 12, 2008 at 9:36 pm

from my experience you should be done with the puking in about 4 weeks… and then come the haemorrhoids…. pregnancy sucks!

Kelleys last blog post..So what is His url?

Robyn June 13, 2008 at 4:18 am

Your life sounds like mine right now…with the boy taking off diapers…falling downs steps, and me still fighting morning sickness at 21 weeks….

Your little girl sounds like a character…LOL!

Robyns last blog post..

FYI June 13, 2008 at 6:29 am

Great blog! My children do some of the same things… Lovable little critters…

FYIs last blog post..Fit Women Are At Higher Risk Of Stress Incontinence – But Help Is Available

Mr Lady June 13, 2008 at 3:51 pm

I was just fine. I was following you perfectly, giggling, sighing, all that and them BAM. The picture. I just threw up a little.

Um, dude, someone stole your baby and replaced her with a larger replica.

Seriously, she’s SO BIG and SO CUTE. AHHHHHH!

Mr Ladys last blog post..T Minus 5 and Counting

Sarra Alexander December 18, 2009 at 10:40 am

Very informative article. I’m learning more about how to potty train my toddler from reading the info on your blog, then I’ve ever did from the advice given to me by my own grandma. Hope it’s ok that I share this post on Facebook?

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