An Incredibly Busy Day.

Today was Mum’s birthday. Go on, head over there and wish her Happy Birthday. She will appreciate it, I promise.

It was a big and busy day. I promise to update more tomorrow, but at the moment it is 10.15pm and Amy has only been asleep for 30 mins. I am stuffed! She was full tilt all day. Cross fingers she sleeps all night for me. K?

It was a fantastic day, full of good food and great company.

To make it even better? When I finally got home this evening, I discovered that I had made the list of Top 100 Aussie Women Bloggers. I am so proud of myself.

Actually, for a fantastic birthday present, I just noticed Mum has made it there as well. Aren’t we clever? Head on over too Leigh’s page and check out the list if you want. Or just love on me with comments.


Anyway, I am off to bed.

Night peeps.



16 responses to “An Incredibly Busy Day.”

  1. Babyamore (Trish) Avatar

    congratulations Girl – you have done well !
    The lights are still off over at your Mum’s blog – thanks for reminding us.
    Hope Amy and all the little revolutionaries (including my twins) sleep all night. I thought you had written full t i t all day – till I blinked and read it again.

    Babyamore (Trish)’s last blog post..52 blessings to be grateful for on Friday

  2. Kelley Avatar

    congrats on the 100 top women bloggers babe.

    You are in great company.

    Namely me…..

    Bwaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa!

    (managed to find the bottom of a Baileys bottle tonight. Now staggering off to bed)

    Kelley’s last blog post..This post brought to you from the rocking corner.

  3. Bettina Avatar

    congrats! You beat me though so I have to hate you for a moment. Ok all done. lol

    Bettina’s last blog post..Old Man?

  4. witchypoo Avatar

    Excellent! Must go give Mom her birthday wishes and also her top 100 props.

    witchypoo’s last blog post..LOL kitteh loads fast

  5. zoe Avatar

    congrats. my hubbie said on the show Manswers..that aussie women are most likely to have 3 somes….true?

    zoe’s last blog post..Every Parent’s Worst Nightmare

  6. Jenty Avatar

    That’s fantastic! Well done!

    Jenty’s last blog post..What about my body?

  7. Burgh Baby's Mom Avatar

    *loving on you*


    Burgh Baby’s Mom’s last blog post..A Drenched Rat Has Been Spotted in Newark

  8. Taz Avatar

    congrats hun..

    i hope you had a fun day..

  9. badness jones Avatar

    Congratulations! To you and Kim!

    badness jones’s last blog post..Your average evening at the House of Bad

  10. lceel Avatar

    I hope you had a GREAT day. And I hope there are more coming, soon. Like MOVING DAY!!

    lceel’s last blog post..Almost done

  11. amanda Avatar


    amanda’s last blog post..Scrolling Saturday: Oodles of Caboodles

  12. Tiffany Avatar

    CONGRATULATIONS! Well deserved.

    Tiffany’s last blog post..Weekly Winners.

  13. river Avatar

    In the top 100? Woo-hoo! I knew you’d get there. Did I mention woo? and hoo?

  14. Ree Avatar

    How wonderful for you and your Mum. Now, when will Amy have her own blog? 😉

    I’m waiting….

    Ree’s last blog post..To the Non-Canadian and Non-Mexican North Americans

  15. Leslie Avatar

    Congratulations on the top 100! Wow! You deserve it, Veronica. You’re a fabulous blogger.

    And Happy Birthday to your Mum!

    Leslie’s last blog post..The Haiku Buckaroo Contest, Take Two!