And Sleep Is Important Because?

by Veronica on January 2, 2008

in Life

Ah sleep, that ever elusive thing.

Just what the hell makes it so hard for babies to sleep? Who on earth coined the term ‘sleeping like a baby’?

Because last time I checked babies don’t sleep that well.

‘Sleeping like a teenager’ now THAT I could understand. THAT makes sense. Babies? Sleep? Don’t make me laugh.

Someone once told me that babies start sleeping through the night magically at around 15mths. Unfortunately Amy is 16 months in 3 days time and her sleeping is actually regressing. She had started falling asleep by herself (read: not grasping at my nipple like a starved animal) but now she has stopped.

She has also stopped falling asleep at a decent time of night.

Amy, sweetheart, I know it is Summer and warm, but 7.30 is a good bedtime. Not 10pm. Okay? Mummy loves you, now sleep before I die already.

Maybe 17 months?

Maybe by the time she is 2?

Maybe when I give up breastfeeding?

Maybe someday.

Jenty January 2, 2008 at 11:42 pm

Uhm, try 3! That’s when most of my friends’ children started sleeping later and better. Sorry to burst that bubble 🙂

Jenty’s last blog post..I can now get on with my life

Marylin January 3, 2008 at 2:05 am

aww hon, i really hope Amy starts sleeping better soon. I had to be a right cow when Zack was about 17 months to get him to sleep through. I hated the controlled crying but after a week or so of hell he was sleeping through. Consistency is the key, but I know how hard that is when you’re sleep deprived 🙁

((((huge cyber hugs))))

Marylin’s last blog post..What do you prefer?

Badness Jones January 3, 2008 at 2:37 am

Big hugs. I feel for you. Bad is just as…bad. This morning I was trying to put him down for a nap and he bit my nipple. Hubs laughed as I yelled, “That’s it mister! You can consider yourself weaned! Maybe you’ll sleep through the night now too!!” I don’t know what the solution is, but if you get any of those moms saying “well you’re doing this wrong, or do this, because MY baby slept through at 6 weeks…” just ignore them. That has almost nothing to do with the mom, and everything to do with the baby. The Princess was (and is) an excellent sleeper. Bad is just wired differently…he’ll sleep one day, and so will Amy…and then we will too.

Badness Jones’s last blog post..….but it’s not a resolution….

Xbox4NappyRash January 3, 2008 at 3:01 am

stupid man question coming up now, how long does she sleep for, overall per day?

what is normal/needed?

Xbox4NappyRash’s last blog post..It gets better

Mr Lady January 3, 2008 at 4:46 am

Champagne. Also, Benadryl.

Nah, they don’t ever sleep.

Mr Lady’s last blog post..Obligatory New Years Post

Melanie January 3, 2008 at 7:18 am

Oh, wow. I could have totally written this post. Mine will be 15 months next week and I’m pretty sure that short of a miracle, she won’t be sleeping all night at that point. Everyone tells me I am going to have to break down and make her cry it out. I’m just not able to do that though.

(I love your blog!)

Melanie’s last blog post..The Times Were Fun

Taz January 3, 2008 at 8:23 am


i really thought Amy was getting better..

Susan January 3, 2008 at 1:55 pm

Hi…found your blog from my friend Tara’s and when I saw the url I thought…YES! When will we sleep? Someone PLEASE bring me to “someday” because I am dying of sleeplessness NOW!
So I thought I’d share. Because I don’t know about you, but it makes me feel just a teensy bit better to know that, if I have to suffer like this, at least I’m in good company. 😉
Of course, a night or two when my son goes to bed on time, doesn’t wake up wanting to play in the middle of the night, AND doesn’t wake up at 5 a.m. raring to go would be even better. But for now, I’m just glad to know it’s fairly…normal that we’re having so much trouble.
Here’s to better sleep in 2008!

Susan’s last blog post..A New Year, and finally a New Post

kim January 3, 2008 at 9:24 pm

hehehe I love all your comments ronni-pie.. these people all live in the ‘real world’ yay

xxx cheers kimxxx

kim’s last blog post..Update.. Help ‘B’ Get to Japan..

Tara January 4, 2008 at 12:38 pm

In my house, DD stopped nursing in the night and started sleeping better around age 2 1/2. It went to hell around age two, but after two it got better until 2.5, when it got great! I’m holding out hope #2 follows the same curve, or I’m going to either kill someone or end up in an institution! I’ve crossed over the 3 years, no decent sleep line, so we’re in dangerous territory now!

Hey – I’m going to keep posting DD’s sleep story, so pop on by for Part Deux.

Tara’s last blog post..Wordless Wednesday – Because there are no words to describe…

river January 4, 2008 at 4:49 pm

Can’t help you at all here, all of mine were great night time sleepers, day time naps were good up until about 10-12 months, after that it was just quiet time while I put my feet up for an hour. The exception was no.1 son (no.2 child) who didn’t nap after 3 months but just rolled happily around the floor all day. I really don’t know what sleepless nights are, but I do feel sorry for all of you who are experiencing them.

Kelley January 4, 2008 at 7:25 pm

um, when she hits puberty? LOL

Hugs babe.

Kelley’s last blog post..Bugs, Injuries and Doctors Appointments

Nan January 4, 2008 at 8:06 pm

It must make you feel sooo much better that you are not alone in the Sleepless Stakes

mountainmama January 5, 2008 at 12:23 pm

Yep, bad news from me, too (and grrrrr, to everyone who told me the same urban myths!). The wee man has only just started sleeping through the night in the last few months (he’ll be 4 in August), and we only gave up “teta” (spanish for boob) to sleep on Christmas Eve.

But, girl, I got to tell you, it’s worth waiting for! ‘Cos then you really appreciate a good night’s sleep!!

mountainmama’s last blog post..What next? Fire? Famine?

Sarcastic Mom January 6, 2008 at 1:13 pm

Braden’s been playing at night screaming and sleep refusal again.


Sarcastic Mom’s last blog post..You know you want to nibble him.

Leslie January 7, 2008 at 2:27 pm

Julia was a great sleeper from the get go, but only because we co-slept. She breastfed through the night for quite some time, but the getting up wasn’t a big deal – she was there, I was there and sleep wasn’t interrupted much. By the time she was two and a half, she was putting herself to bed and sleeping all night long with no breastfeeding. So, never fear! It WILL happen. Someday.

Leslie’s last blog post..It’s What I’m Into

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